Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1132: : The devil awakens!

The Feilong Palace took Mai Yi elders around, and now he flew straight to the Yanluo River.

All these routes were followed by Lin Hao's instructions, and Lin Canghai only obeyed, not asking why.

"This is going around in a circle. Sooner or later, the people from Youhai Dragon Palace will come, so it's dead!" Long You gritted his teeth.

At this moment, the Feilong Palace had returned to the Yanluo River, where Lin Hao was put down at that time.

"No, someone has appeared in front of you!" Xiaoyue exclaimed.

At the end of the line of sight ahead, an elderly man with a white beard suddenly appeared, soaring through the clouds and driving the fog, with a strong breath far exceeding the three elders of Mai.

"Stop it for me!"

The old man white beard yelled, and slapped it out with a palm volley. A thousand miles away, he slapped a palm on the wall of Feilong Palace.

Just as soon as he found the other party, thousands of miles away, there was no time to escape, the Feilong Palace was shot.


With a violent shock, a deep handprint appeared on the indestructible wall, the wall was sunken, and a spider-web-like crack emerged.

The Flying Dragon Palace was beaten down and fell on a plain near the Yanluo River.


It knocked down several mountains along the way, and finally stopped and stood in the plain.

At this moment, Feilong Palace stopped.

I saw a figure in the front, left and right, each of the three directions, completely locked their route.

The three people who appeared here were all extremely strong auras, far surpassing the three elders of Mai, and the law and power of the three each occupied a piece of sky.

The moment they appeared, the water of the Yanluo River was all evaporated, and the river dried up and became a dry place.

Looking at the back, the three elders of Mai, who had chased them all the way before, also arrived.

The atmosphere fell into a dead silence.

"Escape! Why didn't you escape?" Elder Mai sneered.

The other three, each with a playful look, looked up and down the Feilong Palace, like a cat playing with a mouse.

"Yes, it is indeed a flying palace spirit treasure! This kind of spirit treasure, our entire Sea Dragon Palace, there is only one, and only the Sect Master and the Young Master can use it."

"If you can bring this palace back, the lord will surely be rewarded!"

The two of them talked with joy on their faces.

"Hehe, don't mention the Flying Palace, the hidden treasures in this palace are all great treasures!"

The last white-bearded old man laughed loudly.

He has heard about the situation here, a small period of tribulation, can break common sense, and kill the realm!

It's worth it! It is totally unimaginable!

They had only heard that in the history of the Sky Continent, there had been such a genius, but now, the strongest genius is no better than the Hedao Realm, and they have never heard of one that can kill the Hedao Realm!

As long as they take away their chances, wouldn't they be able to create such a peerless evildoer?

"The people inside, behave well, don't force me to be rough!" The white-bearded old man said coldly.

They can punch through the wall and pull out the people inside.

However, repairing a wall is more troublesome, and they don't want to destroy the palace.

"Huh! Looking for death!"

One of the red robe men landed, behind him, the soul power gathered together, and three phantom bells appeared.

"Let them taste it, old man's crazy bell!"

The man in the red robe gave a low voice and pushed his palms forward.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!"

Three crisp sounds, invisible sound waves swept out and rushed into the Flying Dragon Hall.

This kind of soul attack, even though Feilong Palace can offset part of it, still part of it rushed into the palace.



Everyone in the Feilong Palace immediately turned pale, spurting blood, and their faces were extremely pale.

"Hahaha! The second elder is a good method, this soul attack, the flying palace's resistance is very limited, and it will definitely make the little hairy thief inside be dying!" The third elder Mai Yi said with a smile.

"Hehe, come again!"

The red robe second elder pushed his palms again, and the bell rang again.


The people inside were injured again.

Lin Canghai took out a talisman, broke it, and a light mask appeared, covering everyone in it.


The soul shock hit again, and the mask became shaky.

"What to do? We can't last long for this kind of soul attack!" Gongsun Yu said anxiously.

"Don't talk nonsense! Wait!"

Lin Canghai's lips appeared bloodshot.


Under the ground, deep in the cave.

Lin Hao sat quietly in front of the Demon Sealing Monument, motionless, no matter what happened outside, his breath remained steady as usual.

It's like an old pine, rooted here!

His state of mind is so strong that he doesn't seem to be a small character at all, making Jiuyou Demon Venerable completely invisible!

In fact, Lin Hao knew very well in his heart that every second he waited, the danger for others increased.

He didn't know what methods the people sent from Youhailong Palace would have!

But he can only wait!

In front of Jiuyou Demon Sovereign, if he shows the slightest irritability, he will be grabbed by the opponent and become a handle!

This is a silent contest between the top powerhouses of the two sky continents!

The consciousness of Jiuyou Demon Venerable was always on Lin Hao's body.

"Interesting, interesting! If it weren't for his weak cultivation, I would even suspect that he is a strong person at the same level as me."

Jiuyou Demon Sovereign thought secretly.

He looked at the soul-attached puppet, and of course he was very excited. This was an opportunity for him to see the sun again.

After being suppressed for so many years, who doesn't want to go out and see?

Moreover, separated a remnant soul, and it would not be discovered by Chu Xinghe.

It is nothing more than losing a strand of remnant soul. For him, this is a steady profit and no loss of business, and the only thing that may be paid is face.

Seeing time came to the last moment.

Lin Hao had made up his mind in his heart. If he didn't agree, Lin Hao could only use his assassin--tell him his identity!

"Okay! I agree!"

Suddenly, a response came from the Sealing Demon Monument.

After Lin Hao heard the words, he let out a long sigh of relief.

at last!

He won the bet!

This time, yes!

"I will unlock a part of the seal for you and let you release your soul power!"

Lin Hao waved his hand, and a force of power was applied to the Feng Demon Sword.


The Sealing Demon Sword on the Sealing Demon Monument was pulled out an inch!


In an instant, a cosmic soul power surged out of it, separated a part, and rushed into the soul-attached puppet.

At this moment, Lin Hao stabbed Feng Demon Sword back again.

This was arranged by Chu Xinghe and must be left intact, otherwise, it might be noticed.

At this moment, a remnant soul of Jiuyou Demon Venerable rushed into the soul-attached puppet.

In just an instant, it merged with the puppet.

After a few minutes--

The soul-attached puppet stood up, opened his eyes, and a demon flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the monstrous demon energy was released from his body, like a volcanic eruption, soaring to the sky, and reaching the sky. The cave collapsed in an instant, like a disaster that destroyed the sky and the earth.

"Hahahaha! My Jiuyou Demon Lord, I am back!"

Accompanied by frantic laughter, echoed in this world, making all beings tremble!

The big demon who has been asleep for a long time, at this moment, wakes up!

(End of this chapter)

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