Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1160: : Never seen such crazy

The blue-clothed youth who appeared suddenly, sitting quietly above the clouds, his eyes were very sharp and forceful, making people afraid to look directly.

This is the legendary inner court disciple! Existence that countless people look up to!

"Inner courtyard disciple?" Lin Hao raised his eyebrows.

Venerable Yinlong glanced at the sky and frowned, "Gu Song, why did you come out?"

Gu Song clasped his fist and said: "The disciples heard that Master wants to come out to teach this group of waste, so come and see if you can share the work for Master!"

"Unexpectedly, everyone is listening carefully, but this person is sleeping below!"

Gu Song stared at Lin Hao with a hint of anger.

Gu Song was the disciple of the Yinlong Venerable in the inner courtyard. In his opinion, it was their great honor for the Yinlong Venerable to point out the trash.

In the end, Lin Hao did well. Instead of studying seriously, he practiced on his own. This simply did not put his master in the eyes!

"Lin Hao?"

At this moment, all the freshmen looked at Lin Hao and cast a smirking smile.

They had heard about Lin Hao's temperament a long time ago. They were so arrogant that they beat the old man violently and regained Dao Ze Ling Ye!

Now, Gu Song, a disciple from the inner courtyard, is staring at him, fearing that there will be a good show.

For this group of people, it was natural to be happy to see that Lin Hao, the number one freshman, was repaired.

Venerable Yinlong frowned slightly.

With his cultivation base, of course he discovered Lin Hao's attitude in the past two days, but Lin Hao was the person who had been ordered by the Golden Lion to take care of him.

He just ignored it!

Otherwise, if someone dared to do this in his class, he would have slapped him away.

Venerable Yinlong groaned slightly, and did not say much.

Lin Hao looked towards the sky and said coldly: "So, what do you want?"

"how is it?"

Gu Song's eyes were cold, and the fierce aura in his body instantly crushed.

Gu Song's aura is different from that of Yinlong Venerable!

His aura is not heavy, but he is sharp and sharp!

Thousands of miles away, the sharp energy was released, and countless slender cracks suddenly appeared on the earth, as if countless invisible blades were cut out, cutting the ground thousands of times!


In an instant, the ground became riddled with holes.

I only saw that on the surface of Lin Hao's body, dark golden dragon scales emerged, amidst the sharp aura, making a "choking choking" metal collision sound, sparks splashing everywhere.

After a while, he was unscathed.


Gu Song narrowed his eyes.

He did not expect that this person's physical strength is quite strong! Can resist the oppression of his momentum!

If it is a general freshman, I am afraid that his hands and feet will be cut off and his body will be scarred.

"Hehe, I have some skill, no wonder I dare to be mad!"

Gu Song stood up and said indifferently: "Boy, within three breaths of you, kowtow to my master, and I will save you from death."

"Should I die?"

Lin Hao stood up immediately and sneered: "Meaning, if I don't kowtow, you will kill me?"

"It can be understood this way!" Gu Song admitted without hesitation.

Although as a disciple of the inner court, you have to be punished if you kill, but if you kill a new student in the outer court, you will only be confined.

If his master came forward to intercede, maybe the confinement would be avoided.

Lin Hao was immediately happy, and smiled: "When I first came to the Ten Thousand Demons Academy, the dean seemed to say that life and death fights are forbidden in the academy! If you want to determine life and death, you can only go to the stage of life and death!"


Gu Song laughed suddenly when he heard it.

The monsters nearby also shook their heads silently, as if mocking Lin Hao's ignorance.

"That's the rules of the outer courtyard, but it's not such rules in my inner courtyard!" Gu Song sneered.

"Meaning, you can kill the disciples of the outer court at will?" Lin Hao squinted.

Gu Song smiled, his eyes suddenly cold.


The next moment, Gu Song's shadow disappeared instantly, rushing down from the clouds, turning into a black phantom, shaped like a black wind, and hit Lin Hao's door.


The light breeze has blown, the sword light has arrived!

This move is exactly the shadow dragon's instant kill that the Yinlong Venerable just pointed out!

At this moment, Gu Song personally demonstrated! Use it against Lin Hao!

Whether it is speed or lethality, it is not something new students can expect!

Lin Hao really didn't expect that a disciple in the inner courtyard would make a move when he said it! Treat him as nothing!

But it is the middle stage of the triple heaven of a He Dao realm, he may not be afraid anymore!

When Lin Hao was about to shoot!


Suddenly, Venerable Yinlong shouted, and his horror rushed out.

Gu Song's sword light instantly burst into nothingness.

Venerable Yinlong shook his hand in the air and grabbed Gu Song from Lin Hao.

After being captured, Gu Song stepped back and looked at Venerable Yinlong in surprise.

"Master, what are you..." he asked suspiciously.

"If you don't want to be confined, just stay honestly!" Venerable Yinlong scolded.

Gu Song was completely stunned.

Although there are regulations that can't kill each other at the same door, even if the students in the inner courtyard kill the disciples of the outer courtyard, the punishment is very limited, and most of them are locked up!

If there is a teacher of the venerable, come forward to plead ~ ~ Metropolis will be released within a few days.

In addition, it was Lin Hao's disrespect first that he dared to take a shot and kill Lin Hao, and he could take this opportunity to please the Yinlong Venerable.

After all, there is more than one disciple of Venerable Yinlong!

"Master, he is just a disciple of the outer courtyard, why bother..." Gu Song hesitated.

"As a tutor in the inner courtyard, I naturally have to abide by the rules of the academy! If you want to kill him, you can go to the life and death stage, you can go outside the courtyard, but not under my nose! Everything is in accordance with the rules, do you understand?" Tao.

"Yes!" Gu Song clasped his fist.

Although I don't understand why his master has these scruples, it is none of his business.

He just needs to know that everything is going according to the rules.


Gu Song looked at Lin Hao and coldly shouted, "Are there any guts to go to life and death with me?"

Before Lin Hao could speak, he continued: "I know that you will refuse, but if you refuse and I run into you outside the courtyard, you will die!"

Gu Song's eyes were threatening.

Lin Hao felt like he wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh.

People nowadays are so confident?

"There is no need for the life and death stage, if you want to do it, it doesn't hurt to be here!" Lin Hao smiled.

Gu Song's eyes lit up when he heard this, and said, "Is this true?"

"So many people have heard it, so naturally take it seriously! Because you are not qualified to go to life and death with me!" Lin Hao said solemnly.


As soon as this remark came out, there was an air-conditioning sound from the sidelines.

They have seen someone crazy, they have never seen such a crazy one! Gu Song is not qualified to go to life and death with him!

Gu Song was also flushed with anger, and smirked: "Hahaha! I have never seen such a crazy newcomer, Master, you heard it! He said it himself!"

(End of this chapter)

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