Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1161: : Beat Gu Song!

Venerable Yinlong didn't know what to say.

This is not crazy, but stupid!

I really don’t know, Dean Golden Lion, how could he let him focus on this kind of person?

"I said, what can you do?" Lin Hao said.

"you wanna die!"

Gu Song was so angry that he couldn't bear it.

He immediately rushed up, and everyone only felt a black wind blowing, like a black light flashing.

Immediately, the stern sharp edge had already reached Lin Hao.

"Long Ying instant kill? I will let you see what is the real body technique!"

In an instant, the wind and thunder flickered under Lin Hao's feet, and the two different laws were combined, almost teleporting, out of a thousand miles away.

In the sky, infinite afterimages appeared, I don't know which one is true or which is false!


Gu Song shot down and looked towards the sky, and his heart was shocked.

"Did it?"

Exclaimed from the audience.

At this moment, Lin Hao turned into thousands in the sky, shocking everyone.

This trick seems to be more subtle than the Yinlong Venerable Dragon Shadow Instant Kill!

"This move... how does it resemble that of Zhenjun Fenglei back then?"

Venerable Yinlong's eyes condensed, and he suddenly thought of the scene that year.

Feng Lei Zhenjun, relying on his speed to evade the chase of the Hedao Realm during the Tribulation Period, so many big sects are resistant to him!

"Pretend to be a fool!"

Gu Song stared at the thousands of afterimages in the sky, and rushed into the sky again, centered on him, and pierced out in all directions with a stern sharp edge. The scope was too large to match!

With just a breath, the thousands of afterimages that appeared in Lin Hao disappeared, Lin Hao collided with a sharp edge, and immediately retreated countless steps before landing on the ground, and a big hole was formed under his feet.

It seems that the difference in cultivation level is still a bit obvious.

Moreover, the opponent can be admitted to the inner courtyard, and he is also a leader in the triple heaven of the Hedao realm, and is stronger than the elders of the outer courtyard at the same level!

"Unbearable! I see how you died!"

Gu Song stared at the target, yet another shot of Long Ying's instant kill, and he rushed forward.

"It's just right!"

In Lin Hao's palm, the terrifying Divine Annihilation Thunder condensed into one point, and his palm turned into a substantive gray lightning, becoming more and more vigorous!

At this moment, Lin Hao consumed more than 80% of the Dao Zezhen Yuan in his body, just to strengthen the Annihilation of the Divine Thunder, and it was bound to hit a heavy blow!

He moved towards the void on the left and slapped it down.

Gu Song didn't pay much attention to it, and cut directly on the face.


The sound of thunder passed by, followed by a scream.

Under everyone's shocked gaze, Gu Song's right arm, completely turned into nothingness, retreated in horror and fell into the distance.

"What kind of trick is this?"

Gu Song said in horror.

Lin Hao gained power and did not forgive anyone. He got up and hit Gu Song's chest with a punch.

The terrifying power of the dragon broke out completely at this moment, and the void was smashed into a hollow by him, bombarding his chest with endless power.

Gu Song's chest was immediately pierced, his ribs broke, and his back protruded.


A lot of blood spilled out, and Gu Song was repelled several kilometers away, and fell to the distance.

Everyone was stunned, and the thinking couldn't keep up with the brain.

Gu Song was beaten by Lin Hao?

At this vantage point, Lin Hao showed no signs of relaxation. At this moment, he burned his blood and was completely red, rushing up like a fire man, leaving countless afterimages!

His whole body was covered with dark golden scales, and in the burning of blood, a red glow was released.

Lin Hao knew that the opponent's cultivation base was much better than him!

If he knows himself and his opponent, he may not be able to win!

The reason why he had the advantage was completely because the opponent didn't know the characteristics of Divine Annihilation Thunder, and fought against him, and was seriously injured before being crushed by him!

Therefore, he would take advantage of the opportunity to beat down the dog!

Otherwise, wait until the opponent reacts and fight again, it will be too late!

Lin Hao, who was burning essence and blood, rose again in speed and strength, like a flaming meteor, bombarding Gu Song's body.


The screams resounded through the world again.

Gu Song, who was already badly injured, couldn't even get his breath back, so he was hit again!

Gu Song's face was pale, the breath in his body gradually became uncontrollable, and the blood completely wetted his clothes.

Lin Hao punched it again, not giving a chance!


Gu Song was hit into the sky and then plunged into the ground, like a sandbag, being beaten back and forth, breaking his bones.

Punch after punch, Gu Song was screamed, and there was no chance to fight back!

In the end, even the screams were gone.

Venerable Yinlong was completely dumbfounded.

His disciple was hanged and beaten by a freshman in the outer courtyard. Is there any mistake? ?

Everyone fell silent and fell silent.

Only the sound of Lin Hao's fist hitting the flesh continued to resound.


Venerable Yinlong reacted, volleyed, and separated Lin Hao and Gu Song.

The badly injured Gu Song was sucked back by the Yinlong Venerable.

At this moment Gu Song has no good place all over his body, his bones are broken, and his right arm is completely lost! A big hole was also broken in his chest, and various meridians were blown up!

He was dying and seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't say a word.

In the end, his head tilted and he passed out.

Lin Hao condensed his breath, the scales on his body surface disappeared, and the boiling blood returned to stability.

At this moment, his face was extremely pale, and the Tao in his body was completely consumed!

Although it seemed to be a one-sided crush, the price he paid was a lot!

He knew that once Gu Song seized the opportunity, it would be difficult to comeback. Therefore, he took advantage of Gu Song to fall into the wind, burning his blood, and blasting it out!

Lin Hao knew what kind of combat method he would adopt to face any enemy!

When it comes to combat experience, even if Gu Song is no weaker than him, he can only fail miserably!

Venerable Yinlong looked at Lin Hao, his eyes were startled, and he was not calm for a long time.

Only then did he know why Dean Golden Lion said he should focus on taking care of this person.

This is a peerless genius!

Maybe, it is the hope of Wan Yao Academy!

He looked around, and shouted at all the monsters in the surrounding area, "No one can disclose what happened today, understand?"


Numerous monsters nodded again and again, not daring to defy.

On the surface, they all thought that Venerable Yinlong was afraid of making fools! His disciple was beaten up by the students of the outer courtyard, and he looked very shameless!

In fact, Venerable Yinlong is to protect Lin Hao!

If Lin Hao's talent is spread out, it will be regarded as a thorn in the eyes of some people with impure motives!

Venerable Yinlong took a few deep breaths, calmed down the excitement in his heart, and said loudly: "What happened just now, just as it did not happen, the lesson continues!"

(End of this chapter)

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