Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1194: : Lin Hao shot

"Look, our inner courtyard disciple is here."

On the side of Wan Yao Academy, someone shouted.

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Hao and the four landed on the edge of the island.

"I have seen Venerable Jinmu!" Ape Tai Xu respectfully said.

"I have seen Venerable Jinmu!" Lin Hao and others also said.

Venerable Jinmu stood up and said with a smile: "Exemption of gifts and gifts, since it is here, I will introduce you to the situation."

Then, Venerable Jinmu recounted about this place.

To put it simply, it was Venerable Jinmu and Venerable Thunder from the Sky Academy, they both discovered this island at the same time.

But for the distribution of the islands, the two had a dispute.

Therefore, they wanted to determine the ownership of the island through the duel of the inner court disciples.

Neither of them had explored this island before, and they didn't know what was inside. They just felt full of aura and there might be many rare medicinal materials.

The Ten Thousand Demons Academy and the Sky Vault Academy have been standing since ancient times, and the rules of the two sides have always been the same, passed down from ancient times to the present.

Unless it is an extremely precious treasure, the venerables of both sides will take action. Under normal circumstances, it is the disciples in the courtyard to solve it!

"Venerable Thunder, our inner courtyard disciples have arrived, there are four people in total, how about yours?" Venerable Jinmu stepped forward.

"Hehe, our people have already come." Venerable Thunder said with a smile.

At this time, there was a thunder of lightning in the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw a long shuttle, purely condensed by thunder and lightning, coming from a distance.

On the long shuttle, there are two figures standing with long hair, a man and a woman, bathed in thunder, wherever they go, the space is blue and purple, which is very frightening.

Just looking at it from a distance makes the scalp numb. This is definitely a real genius.

"It turned out to be Xu Ao and Xu Shuang!" Yuan Taixu's eyes condensed, and he clearly recognized the two.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

The two landed on the surface.

The cultivation bases of these two people were the middle stage of the Hedao Realm and the early stage of the Hedao Realm of the Fourth Heaven!

"You only have two?" Venerable Jinmu frowned.

"The two of us are enough!"

The thunder and lightning youth took a step forward, and a muffled sound like thunder blasted out of his body. The thunder on the ground spread out, and the soil appeared charred black.

"Yes, Xu Ao and Xu Shuang, it's enough for the four of you!" Venerable Thunder said with a smile.

Lin Hao felt that the moves of these two people were vaguely familiar.

"Ape too Xu, who are these two people?" Yingquan asked.

"Xu Ao and Xu Shuang, known as the Thunder Twins, are well-known in the Sky Academy and they are not easy to deal with!" Ape Tai Xu solemnly said.

Thunder Gemini, good at Thunder, both of them broke through to the fifth level of the Thunder Rule, which is very difficult! There is almost no opponent at the same level!

"Thunder Twins!"

Golden Retriever had also heard of this title, and there was a dignified look in his eyes.

Venerable Jinmu said: "Since they are Thunder Twins, it's fair to fall two to four!"

"So, one by one, or together?"

"Haha!" Xu Ao laughed: "It's too much trouble to come one by one, you four, let's go together!"

Xu Ao's words made the Ten Thousand Demons Academy immediately gritted his teeth.

"This person is too crazy! I really think our inner courtyard disciples are so bully!"

"The Thunder Twins do have crazy capital, but I don't know how strong the disciples sent by our Ten Thousand Demons Academy are!"

"Watch the show, don't talk too much."

The elders of the Foreign Court who were watching behind whispered.

"Go together?"

Ape Taixu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Even he didn't have full confidence in dealing with Xu Ao. He had just broken through, with the same cultivation level, and the odds of winning were less than 30%.

Yingquan has just broken through, and his chances of winning against Xu Shuang are even slimmer.

One-on-one wheel battles, they will lose!

If we go together, there is still a glimmer of hope!

"Since the two sides have no opinion, it is decided that which side wins, this island will belong to whom!" Venerable Thunder said with a smile.

"Okay! One word is final!" Venerable Jinmu nodded.

The onlookers from both sides withdrew later, and the two venerables waved their hands and imposed a layer of formation, shrouded in the field as a battlefield.

Xu Ao and Xu Shuang stood on one side, and Lin Hao and the four stood on the other side.

Yuan Taixu said, "I will deal with Xu Ao, Yingquan will deal with Xu Shuang, and Jin Mao will assist us."

"Good!" Yingquan nodded.

"What about Lin Hao?" Jin Mao hesitated.

"Lin Hao is standing at the back, don't act rashly! If you lose a small thing, it will be troublesome if you are affected by death!" Ape Taixu ordered.

"It's okay, Lin Hao has the lowest level of repair and can't help much." Jin Mao nodded.

Lin Hao shook his head speechlessly, when does he need to stand at the back?

"Long-winded, no matter how you allocate it, there is only one way to lose!"

Xu Ao sneered.

"Brother, let me go first!"

There was a flash of thunder under Xu Shuang's feet, and in a short time he moved to Yingquan, and everyone was too late to react.

"Lei Ying escaped?" Lin Hao narrowed his eyes.

This move turned out to be a move created by him in his previous life, Lei Ying escape!

Lin Hao was a disciple of the Tianqi Academy in his previous life, and he left a lot of martial arts secrets, but after he left the academy, he didn't pay attention!

It seems that his moves have been widely used!

In a hurry, Yingquan immediately displayed the strongest defense, covered with metal feathers, turning it into a metal ball.

"Thunderstorm ghost!"

Xu Shuang held Shen Lei in his hand, slapped it with a palm, and hit the surface of Yingquan's body.


With a thunderous palm, Yingquan stepped back hundreds of steps, and Xu Shuang stepped forward again.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jin Mao hurried up to support, shot at the same time with Yingquan, and confronted Xu Shuang.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Both of them flew out, their bodies scorched and their limbs numb, and they fell into the wind with one blow.

Just after Xu Shuang shot, Xu Ao also moved.

With the same trick, Lei Ying escaped and came to Yuan Taixu.

Ape Taixu's pupils contracted, but his reaction was faster, a stick came out of his hand, and a stick fell.

"court death!"

Xu Aolei cut out the blade, and hit the stick together, making a crisp crashing sound.

But at the same time, Xu Ao stepped on the ground, shook the arc of mines with one move, soaring into the sky from below!


Ape Taixu's feet were wounded, and his body was blown out directly into the sky.

Yuan Taixu yelled badly in his heart, he didn't expect that the other party could still use Dark Thunder!

"Give me defeat!"

Xu Ao was so powerful and not with a loud shout, and once again he instantly reached the top of Ape Taixu's head, the thunder blade was raised, and it was about to be cut with a knife.

Suddenly, Xu Ao felt a numb scalp.

With a subconscious flash, he saw a gray thunder light flying out of his eyes.

The lightning blade in Xu Ao's hand was affected by the gray lightning and disappeared.


Xu Ao couldn't help but was taken aback, his eyes narrowed and looked down.

There are still two chapters very late, I suggest you read it tomorrow morning

(End of this chapter)


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