Ape Tai Xu looked on in surprise.

The person who shot just now is Lin Hao!

"Oh! Is there no one in your Ten Thousand Demons Academy, and a Hedao Realm Second Heaven also sent out to make up the number?" Xu Ao sneered.

"Give you a chance, get out! Otherwise I will solve you first, and then solve the ape too empty!"

Xu Ao stared at Lin Hao with threats in his eyes.

"Why, Xu Ao of Thunder Twins is best at talking nonsense?" Lin Hao smiled.

Xu Ao's eyes gradually became gloomy.

"you wanna die!"

At this moment, Xu Ao immediately rushed down and killed Lin Hao.

Ape Taixu couldn't make it easy for him to shoot, and he went up with a stick.

"Lei Ying Escape!"

The lightning flashes under Xu Ao's feet, avoiding a stick in an instant, and rushing to Lin Hao.

Yuan Taixu is planning to step forward to stop it.

"The ape is too empty, don't worry about me, stare at him on the left!"

At this time, Lin Hao's voice resounded in Yuan Taixu's mind.

"What are you doing staring at the left road?" Ape was too humbly anxious.

Before he could respond, he saw Lin Hao's palm, the terrifying gray thunder condensed together, and slapped it out.

Xu Ao's lightning knife light collided with the gray thunder.


Lin Hao suffered a huge shock and flew out a thousand meters away, and the dragon scales collapsed.

Xu Ao's lightning blade disappeared as soon as it touched.

"What a powerful martial arts supernatural power, even my five-fold upright thunder and lightning can be destroyed! Can't resist!"

This thought flashed through Xu Ao's mind.

Immediately, he suddenly saw that Lin Hao, on his way back, flicked his finger, and a gray thunder slammed towards his right.

Fortunately, Xu Ao's reaction was fast enough, and he dodged directly towards the left.

But at this moment, Ape Tai Xu had already obeyed Lin Hao's instructions and focused on his left side!

"It's just right! Broken Mountain Stick Method!"

Ape was too humble and overjoyed, the true essence in his body was condensed on the stick a little.

A stick, smashed his head and covered his face, hit Xu Ao's head.

"Not good!" Xu Ao's expression changed drastically. In anxious situation, he could only condense a lightning shield and cover it over his head.


The thunder and lightning shield above Xu Ao's head was beaten up, his head was broken and his whole body was blasted into the ground.

Ape Taixu succeeded with a single blow, without giving him any chance at all, rushed directly below, and hit again with a stick.


There was a scream.

Xu Ao's blood spurted wildly and was blasted deeper underground.

The Celestial Academy was completely stunned.

Xu Ao unexpectedly fell into a disadvantage.

They originally thought that the Thunder Twins' shot would be a crush. Who knows, they were cross-handed by a person in the double heaven of the same Dao realm, and it was overturned.

"I looked down on Lin Hao, his fighting consciousness is really terrifying!"

Ape sighed too humbly. Fortunately just now, he followed Lin Hao's instructions and stared at Xu Ao's left. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to do it!

At this time, Ape Taixu and Xu Ao started a battle underground, shaking the island crazily.

Xu Ao's strength is indeed extraordinary, and even with such a serious injury, he can take a breath and fight back.

At this moment, Lin Hao on the ground recovered his anger, and he patted it with a palm.

"Shaking the mine arc!"

With this move, his previous life's move, a thunder blasted into the ground and went straight to Xu Ao's back.


Xu Ao was suddenly hit behind his back and was blown out, his body turned black.

"How could it...how could I lose!" Xu Ao's strength became weaker and weaker.


Ape Taixu followed closely, and another stick hit him in the chest.

Xu Ao lifted a sigh of relief, turned his back, carrying the momentum of billowing thunder, and blasted against Yuan Taixu's abdomen.


Both of them flew out and landed on both ends, breathless, and could not stand up anymore.

Xu Ao, the ape is too vacant, and he has suffered heavy losses, unable to fight again!

Lin Hao was also injured.

In the battlefield, Xu Shuang and Jin Mao were left.

In such a situation, everyone really couldn't understand, Xu Ao would actually lose.


Xu Shuang never thought that her brother would fight Ape Taixu and lose both.

Even the two venerables on both sides felt shocked.

"This Lin Hao is amazing! It was his subtle cooperation with Ape Taixu just now that was able to come back!" Venerable Jinmu secretly said.

He didn't know that Ape Taixu also listened to Lin Hao's instructions to find out Xu Ao's flaws.

"Ahhhhh, I am going to kill you!"

Xu Shuang's mad, stormy moves attacked the two of them.

Yingquan had just broken through, and his strength had not yet been solidified, and he was beaten to the point where he could only be defensive.

Not to mention the golden retriever, under Xu Shuang's strong attack, there was no chance to fight back, blood was vomiting at the mouth, and the golden retriever was hacked all over his head!

At this time, Lin Hao made another move!

He raised his last breath, and a gray gust of wind blew past.

"The wind of silence!"

As Xu Shuang tried his best to attack, the gray whirlwind blew directly on Xu Shuang's face.

Most of the lightning on Xu Shuang's body disappeared directly, even his hands were gone!

How could Yingquan let go of this opportunity, his feathers exploded, the wind blew up, and he rushed forward indefinitely.

"Fengxiang kill!"

The Eagle Spring feather sword stabbed out ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and used tens of thousands of swords in an instant, Xu Shuang was pierced and covered with blood.

The golden retriever turned into a ball and hit Xu Shuang's abdomen with one head. Xu Shuang's blood spurted out and flew out of the bounds.

At this point, the Thunder Twins finally fell to the ground and could no longer get up.



"Haha! We won!"

On the side of the Ten Thousand Demons Academy, cheers resounded and everyone laughed.

This is what no one can think of, the ending of the battle will be like this!

Ape Taixu, Yingquan, and Golden Retriever all walked up to Lin Hao.

Everyone’s eyes are full of admiration,

"Lin Hao, you can't leak it, if it weren't for your sneak attack, I wouldn't be able to beat that stinky lady!" Yingquan smiled.

"Yeah! Lin Hao's cultivation base is not high, but the methods are terrifying, that kind of gray wind can damage even the four layers of Dao realm!" Jin Mao said excitedly.

Ape Taixu can only admire: "Lin Hao helped a lot. If he hadn't forced Xu Ao's flaws, I wouldn't be Xu Ao's opponent!"

At this time, their eyes on Lin Hao changed. Before, they didn't care, as a newcomer.

Now Lin Hao is fully qualified to compare with them.

"I can't deal with them enough, I mainly rely on you." Lin Hao said modestly.

"If it weren't for you, we couldn't win at all!" Yingquan smiled.

Venerable Thunder stepped forward, helped Xu Shuang and Xu Ao up, and checked their injuries.

Xu Shuang's arms were broken, Xu Ao's bones were broken, and both of them suffered serious internal injuries.

Fortunately, the two are in a state of harmony, as long as the soul is not hindered, the physical damage can be repaired!

"Master, it's useless to be a disciple! I lost!" Xu Ao gritted his teeth and said unwillingly.

"It's not bad for you to be two enemies and four!" Venerable Thunder said.

(End of this chapter)

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