Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1263: : The Eye of Hell, done!

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? "Alas, it's a pity, it's all gray!" Chu Chunqiu shook his head.

The movement just now was too loud, maybe it will attract the attention of experts!

He was seriously injured and didn't want to stay in this ghost place anymore, so he quickly turned around and left.

Soon after Chu Chunqiu left, a black soil **** suddenly burst at the other end of the battlefield.

Lin Hao crawled out of it.

Lin Hao sat on the ground, panting, his face pale.

This time the explosion consumed all the Taixuan sword body in his body and all 1,200 sword qi in one go.

Coupled with his dragon scale body, and the Aegis of Annihilation, he was not killed, but only slightly injured!

It can be seen that his physical progress is still very obvious!

If the physical strength of the last time, I am afraid that it will be blown up and half-crippled again, and rest for a few months!

In fact, he should have expected that since Chu Chunqiu was a direct disciple of Galaxy Sword Master, how could he not keep any precautions?

Although he could not kill Chu Chunqiu, fortunately, this time the plan was barely achieved!

"This time, count on your luck and take your dog's life at the three-house meeting!"

Lin Hao looked at Chu Chunqiu's away back, secretly said.

He did not choose to chase after him, even if he catches up, he may not be killed! If there is any other means, he will be miserable.

At this time, he took out a crock pot, which contained the soul body of the master of the profound path!

Lin Hao unblocked the earthen jar, and the master of the mysterious Daoist immediately floated out.

After the Guixuan Dao grew out, he sneered and said: "Boy, don't worry, no matter how you tortured me, I won't reveal a word!"

"Want to explode?" Lin Hao smiled.

Master Guixuan couldn't help being taken aback.

After being caught by Lin Hao, he wanted to blew himself up all the time!

It's a pity that Lin Hao imprisoned him in a certain way and couldn't blew himself up!

At this time, Lin Hao waved his hand and Dao Master Guixuan discovered that the imprisonment in his body was lifted!

"If you want to explode, let's explode!" Lin Hao smiled.

"What do you mean?"

Master Guixuan couldn't figure out what he meant.

"The meaning is very simple, if you want to explode, please!" Lin Hao smiled.

This made the Ghost Profound Dao Master confused.

"Boy, if I blew myself up and my soul card ruptured, Galaxy Academy would immediately notice that I was dead! I died to deal with you, do you know what this means?" The ghost master sneered.

"It means that my threat has risen sharply and will be noticed by your dean, right!" Lin Hao smiled.

"Yes, you are a bit smart!" Ghost Profound Dao Chang smiled.

"So, you should explode quickly!" Lin Hao said.

Master Guixuan was stunned for an instant, completely unable to guess.

He knew that Lin Hao knew how to destroy the World Lei Zun, and he was afraid that it had something to do with the World Extinguishing Lei Zun.

Such a person, the more he should hide himself, why should he blew himself up? Isn't this pushing yourself onto the fire pit?

"Don't blow yourself up, I'll help you!"

Lin Hao flicked his finger, and a bolt of thunder and lightning penetrated into the master of the ghost profound path.


The miserable howling sound resounded in the long mouth of the Ghost Profound Dao, and I saw a thunder walking around in his soul body, his body became more and more illusory, almost disappearing!

And Lin Hao's expression was calm, and he didn't feel wrong at all!

Master Guixuan realized in an instant that Lin Hao really wanted to kill him, he was not kidding!

"Don't kill me, don't kill me! I say everything!"

At this moment, the endless fear swept into the heart of Gui Xuan Dao Chang, and he roared miserably.

"Needless to say, I'm not interested!" Lin Hao said calmly.

"I said! There is a mysterious organization in Galaxy College, I am one of them! As long as you spare me, I will tell you more..."


With a scream, the Ghost Profound Dao turned into a wisp of blue smoke and disappeared.

Lin Hao's expression did not fluctuate at all with regard to the death of Dao Master Guixuan.

The mysterious organization is the dark guard, he knew it!

However, he didn't think that Master Ghost Profound Dao would tell him about the secret guard.

The "Skynet" organization that he formed back then had six members, but everyone who joined Skynet has made a blood curse oath——

Anyone who reveals any news about Skynet will be destroyed!

The dark guards must be the same. Chu Xinghe is more cunning than him. Since he imitated the Skynet back then, how could there be any omissions in this regard?

Will Gui Xuan Dao Chang tell him?

This is just a struggle before death.

If it can be said, he can just ask the great monk directly.

Lin Hao let out a sigh of relief after killing the ghost master.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that a murderous aura filled his eyes and crazily poured into them.

"The eyes of hell, it's done?" Lin Hao was alarmed.

His eyes of **** are just half a step away!

Failed to kill Chu Chunqiu, but killed the Master Guixuan!

In this step, his **** eye will be completed directly!

At the moment, Lin Hao left this place without hesitation.

He found a hidden cave and sat down cross-legged.

The murderous aura in his body, like a hurricane, rushed into his pupils, and Lin Hao's eyes were completely turned black.

Pure black, like a black hole, is endless, containing the murderous intent of death!

A look at can cause death!

His eyes turned frantically, swallowing killing intent!


In the depths of Galaxy College, inside a mysterious cave.

Five pairs of eyes appeared in different positions.

In this cave, only the eyes can be seen, not the figure.

The headed Zitong said humanely: "Just got the news that Ghost Profound Guardian's soul card is broken!"

"Why does it break? Hasn't he betrayed us?" someone asked.

At this time, everyone looked at Venerable Huang Quan.

"Huang Quan Anwei, what do you think of this matter?" everyone asked.

Venerable Huang Quan pondered for a while, not knowing how to answer.

At this moment, Zitong's eyes flashed and said, "Chu Chunqiu is back, and he said that he wants to report something important to the dark guard, and see what he says."

At this moment, a pair of eyes appeared out of thin air, with deep fatigue in them, it was Chu Chunqiu!

"My elders, just now in the world of life and death, Master Guixuan attacked me and was killed by the true essence left by my master! Already dead!" Chu Chunqiu said.

Everyone glanced at each other and suddenly realized.

It turned out to be killed by Chu Chunqiu!

Venerable Huang Quan breathed a sigh of relief.

The purple pupil raised a faint smile.

"Yeah! Chu Chunqiu, are you okay?" Zitong asked.

"You can recover after half a month of recuperation! Don't delay the Third House Conference!" Chu Chunqiu said with a fist.

"That's good, step back!"


Chu Chunqiu withdrew, his eyes disappeared.

The remaining five pairs of eyes looked at each other, and the doubts in his heart were all resolved.

Venerable Huang Quan suggested: "Since the traitor is dead, one of our secret guards is missing. Would you like to promote a new one?"

The person from Zitong thought for a while and said, "Huang Quan, do you have anyone to recommend?"

(End of this chapter)

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