Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 1264: : Gathering in Middle Earth City

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One month later.

In the world of life and death, in the sky of a certain cave, black and white, bright and dark, flashing like a flash!

It can be vaguely seen that two magic eyes like stars, floating in the sky, slowly disappearing.


Suddenly, there was an explosion in the cave, Lin Hao soared into the sky, the monstrous demon intent rushed into his eyes, and was completely absorbed by them.

Lin Hao landed.

Lin Hao at this time looked plain, without a bit of murder, like an ordinary person.

All the murderous aura in his body was absorbed into the eyes of **** demon!

Once activated, it will be ruined!

"Nine You Demon Lord, your soul ability is really difficult to cultivate!" Lin Hao secretly smiled.

It has been a month since he retreats.

Now, the sword energy in his body has reached 1,300 Dao, and the progress is very small.

The cultivation base is stabilized in the late stage of the fourth layer of Hedao realm, the law of annihilation is the second, and the law of thunder and lightning is the fifth!

On the contrary, it was the power of the soul. After becoming the eye of hell, there was a faint sign of breakthrough.

On the top, it is the soul power of the Hedao Realm Eighth Heaven!

Whether it is cultivation base or soul power, after reaching the seventh heaven of the Hedao Realm, every level is a big leap! The gap is not the same!

Lin Hao took out a summons order and looked at it, and found that many people had sent him a message for him to participate in the Third House Conference!

"It's time to get out of the customs at the beginning of the Third House Conference!" Lin Hao smiled.

He was in retreat for three years and said he was out of the country. In fact, he had never appeared in public except to save Lin Canghai!

This time, the three-house meeting, he will remember that group of people for a lifetime!

Lin Hao jumped and disappeared here.


Middle-earth God's Domain, Middle-earth City!

You can tell from the name that this is the center of the Middle-earth God Realm.

Middle-earth City, located in the west of China Sea, is the most prosperous city in the Middle-earth God's Domain, and it is also the venue for hosting the Three-House Conference.

At this time, the city is full of traffic and people come and go.

It can be seen that many geniuses of the younger generation have all gathered here.

The building facilities in the city have basically been vacated for construction sites!

There are also several small secret realms here, which are specially used for competitions.

As early as three days ago, Zhongtu City was overcrowded, and the City Lord’s Mansion had no choice but to send out those idle and miscellaneous people, and all those who had passed the Tribulation Period were driven away. Without the cultivation base of the Dao Realm, they could not enter!

He Dao Realm is already regarded as a side character in Middle-earth God's Domain, but in a core place like Middle-earth City, it is still not enough!

After this rule went down, Zhongtu City was immediately cleaner, but there were still many people.

In the Tingfeng restaurant, several tables, large and small, were all full, and they were all people who came to drink and chat.

"This three-house meeting is more lively than in previous years!"

"But isn't it? Our Ten Thousand Demons Academy seems to have produced a group of incredible geniuses!"

"Long You, Ye Wenlong, Ice Fire King, and Xiaoyue, all of them are on the list of heavenly kings!"

"But it's a pity that our highest ranked Long You is also fourth on the Heavenly Kings List!"

"With Chu Chunqiu in charge, I can't count on the first place! But the team scores can still fight!"

On a table, eight disciples from the Ten Thousand Demons Academy gathered together to discuss each other.

Gu Song, Blue Oriole also sat in it.

In the previous three academies conferences, Wan Yao Academy ranked last time after time, without exception, and was thrown off a lot of points.

This time, they are full of confidence, and they have to rush to second place if they say anything!

"Haha, don't think about it, this time your Ten Thousand Demons Academy is still at the bottom!"

At this time, a ridiculous sound suddenly came from the side.

When everyone looked around, they saw a young man sitting on the table next door, pouring a glass of wine, and drinking.

"Who are you?" a person from the Ten Thousand Demons Academy angered.

"Youhai Dragon Palace, Du Tao!" Du Tao sneered.

"Du Tao, aren't you from our Ten Thousand Demons Academy?" Gu Song doubted.

Du Tao knew that a disciple of the inner courtyard of the Ten Thousand Demons Academy had disappeared in the last three years.

"Haha! I used to belong to the Ten Thousand Demons Academy, but three years ago, the Sea Dragon Palace had already belonged to the Galaxy Academy. I am a disciple of the Galaxy Academy!"

Du Tao took out a galaxy robe and draped it over his body, with a mocking look on his face.

"You..." Everyone was frightened and angry.

"Du Tao, don't talk to this group of rubbish, we have been dormant in the Sea Dragon Palace for three years. This three-house meeting is when we are famous, I will make the Ten Thousand Monster Academy regret it for a lifetime!

Behind Du Tao, a man in a black robe said, this person is young but has a kind of majesty.

"Haha, that's good." Du Tao nodded slightly.

"Who do you say is rubbish?"

Everyone was young and energetic, and Gu Song immediately stood up and shouted.

"Why, **** is rubbish, don't you agree?"

The black robe man's complexion sank, and an invisible force rushed out.

Gu Song's complexion changed drastically, and he stepped back several steps, spurting blood.

"Tingfeng Restaurant, fighting is forbidden!"

Suddenly, a majestic voice came from inside the restaurant.

Hearing that voice, the man in the black robe snorted coldly before sitting back.

Gu Song gritted his teeth and felt endless If you are not satisfied, you can come to me! I don't mind to resolve a few opponents before the Tri-House Assembly begins! "

The black-robed man stood up and walked slowly.

Du Tao also sneered a few times, followed the black robe man, and walked down the restaurant.

Everyone was silent for a while.

After the two left, the restaurant suddenly boiled.

"Who was the man in the black robe just now? How domineering!"

"It seems to be the young master of Youhailong Palace, Qin Xuan!"

"Qin Xuan? Twelfth on the Heavenly Kings List!"

"The people of Youhailong Palace, why are they so strong?"

The passers-by in the Tingfeng Restaurant broke out in exclamation.

Youhai Dragon Palace, originally a cooperative sect of Ten Thousand Demons Academy, has now switched to Galaxy Academy, leaving everyone confused.


After Lin Hao went out of the world of life and death, it took two days to go straight to Middle-earth City.

Looking around, there are dense silhouettes of people everywhere outside the city, inside the city, and upstairs.

Everyone is talking about a topic, the three-house conference!

"It's really lively!" Lin Hao smiled.

He walked to the gate of the city, and the guard at the gate said: "Wait for others, no entry!"

Upon seeing this, Lin Hao took out the token of Ten Thousand Demons Academy.

"It turns out to be a disciple of the inner courtyard of the Ten Thousand Demons Academy, please come in!"

The guard immediately put on a smile.

Lin Hao walked in.

Compared with the outside of the city, the inside of the city is relatively quiet.

"Haha, isn't this Lin Hao, what a coincidence!"

Lin Hao suddenly heard a hearty laugh.

When I looked up, I saw that on a roof, the great monk was sitting there, squinting and squinting.

"It's you again!" Lin Hao said.

"Lin Hao, the wind is surging, the world is not peaceful."

Venerable Huang Quan said meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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