Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 384: : Tonight, have a good hunt

Ye Wenlong took a deep breath. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough just now to make the illusion that he was fighting Lin Hao in time.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous if discovered by Young Master Long.

On Long Xiaotian's forehead, a third eye appeared, staring at him for thousands of miles, but no suspicious person was found.

"It's weird." Long Xiaotian looked incredible. His heavenly eyes could detect a radius of thousands of miles, how could he not find out?

After a while, Long Xiaotian retracted his eyes and asked, "Who was the shadow just now?"

"Lin Hao, the fifty-first Qianlong list is a snake. He killed seven people including Wang Tiexiong, Zhao Kai and Jiang Hao." Ye Wenlong said honestly.

"Lin Hao?" Long Xiaotian said in a puzzled voice.

Why has he never heard of this snake?

Generally speaking, no one on Qianlong's list will attract his attention. His focus is only on the powers of the older generation who are above the eighth level of God Transformation and may pose a threat to him.

There are only the top ten on the Qianlong list, which makes him a little bit interested.

In addition, there is at most one Blood Sword Lin Tian, ​​let him take the initiative to study, after all, this is a spy among them, it is not wasted effort to investigate Zhuge Guiyuan.

But now Lin Hao suddenly appeared, with the ability to kill the eleventh Qianlong ranking, which made him have to be cautious.

Of course, his main goal now is to find Zhuge Guiyuan, a Lin Hao can't even defeat Ye Wenlong, and the threat is very limited!

"Continue to chase Lin Hao, if you find special circumstances, notify me as soon as possible." Long Xiaotian said lightly.

"Yes!" Ye Wenlong clasped his fists.

Long Xiaotian's figure gradually blurred and disappeared here.


A second before Long Xiaotian's arrival, Lin Hao noticed that a huge dazzling red dot was approaching on the induction array, and immediately crushed three escape symbols in succession before escaping from Long Xiaotian's tracking range.

Fortunately, he noticed it in time, otherwise he would undoubtedly die, and Ye Wenlong would suffer as well.

"President Long is always a big trouble, I don't know if Chu Feng can handle him." Lin Hao thought to himself.

It is stated on the Qianlong list that Chu Feng and Young Master Long fought once, but did not decide the victory or defeat, and ended in Chu Feng's escape.

Lin Hao had seen Chu Feng once outside of the Mystic Realm of Ten Thousand Demons. The majestic breath of the sun was only half weak compared to Lord Long. If Zhuge Guiyuan joined forces, it might be possible to bring the dragon together. The son defeated.

Lin Hao shook his head. After all, the strength of others belongs to others, and there are too many uncertain factors.

Moreover, he always has a bad feeling, I don't know what it is.

Lin Hao took out the corpses of the seven people, threw them all into the Hell Furnace, refined them into spirit crystals, and then began to check their storage rings.

Lin Hao was slightly disappointed that the property of this group of people was insignificant compared to Wu Tianze, and all of their spirit stones combined did not have as many collections as Wu Tianze alone.

However, there were six gold spars hidden in their bodies, which brought Lin Hao's number of gold spars to eleven, directly breaking through ten!

In other words, he can now rush into the trial tower and get a top ten spot!

"In this case, we can speed up the hunting action, and when we have killed all the humans, we will enter the trial tower." Lin Hao thought of a plan.

Lin Hao found a cave to sit quietly, took the pill, and began to recover the lost true essence.

The battle during the day pushed him to the limit. In order to trap Wang Tiexiong, he was injured once deliberately. It is estimated that it will take a day to adjust his breath to his best condition.


The escaped Caixuan and other monsters all gathered together. After the Titans woke up, they also rushed to join them.

The expressions of the monster beasts were a bit solemn, they didn't know whether Lin Hao was dead or alive.

At this time, Fei Tian Lang flew over and said gravely: "I went to the scene to see it, and only saw a deep pit with a width of thousands of feet, which is more powerful than the heavenly martial arts, and still has a terrifying dragon's breath. Maybe..."

Speaking of this, Fei Tianlang's voice trembled: "Duke Long left behind."

Hearing this, all the monster beasts fell into silence with their faces as gray as death.

"Dong son left? Long son also went?" Cai Xuan said in horror.

"What I said is true." Fei Tianlang looked ugly.

The scene was suddenly silent.

If Young Master Long arrives, the possibility of Lin Hao's survival is zero!

Even if there are escape symbols, they will never escape!

"It's all me, it's all me!!" The Titan beat the ground in grief.

After Caixuan froze for a long time, her eye sockets were moist. After a while, tears flowed down her eyes and she couldn't cry.

All monsters are shrouded in sadness.

Except for Sun Wu who still firmly believes that Lin Hao is alive, other monsters believe that Lin Hao is absolutely impossible.


One day passed quickly.

After Lin Hao finished adjusting his breath, he left the cave and took out the induction array.

The induction array can sense any life in a radius of 30,000 miles, which is nearly ten times larger than Long Xiaotian's sky eye, and no one can escape his induction.

Lin Hao has collected all the gold spar, and the mission goal has been achieved. The next step is the cleaning operation. The more people killed, the better.

In the last meeting, there were more than 30 humans left, minus ten people from Canglan Academy, and minus seven people just killed, Ye Wenlong, Long Xiaotian, etc. In other words, Lin Hao needed to kill The goal is only about fifteen people.


Lin Hao stared at the induction array and began to search for human traces.

With the help of the induction array, it took Lin Hao for half a day to discover that the new target was a small group of five people.

Five red light spots gathered together. One of the light spots was exceptionally bright, similar to Ye Wenlong's, presumably Wang Jingshan, who was eighth on the Qianlong list.

It is very difficult to have Wang Jingshan leading the team, at least with Lin Hao's strength, even with the assistance of Guiyuan Sword, there is not much confidence in killing them.

However, Lin Hao had other ways.

"Guao, there is an eighth place in the Qianlong list for you, do you not?"

Lin Hao asked for instructions at the Gu Ao in the inner space.

Gu Ao has been cultivating since he was brought in. He has never shown up, claiming that he is not in the top ten of Qianlong list, so don't disturb him.

"Eighth on the Qianlong List?"

Gu Ao opened his eyes, and a cruel sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this expression, Lin Hao knew it was possible.

Gu Ao said lightly: "Action at night!"

"Okay!" Lin Hao nodded The sky soon got dark.

The black wind was high at night, and the wind was blowing everywhere, and there were three dark shadows leaping out of the cave.

The first black shadow was thin, with arms like two big knives, and the shape of an insect. It was a Void Mantis blood knife.

The second is a small black snake with a gourd hanging from its neck.

The third is a mastiff with claws in one hand and a knife in the other. It is dressed in black armor and has sharp fangs around its mouth.

(End of this chapter)


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