Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 385: : The Assassination of Xing Yun Liu Shui

Both Gu Ao and Blood Sabre were the elite killers of the Blood Temple at the time, and Gu Ao was the founder of the Blood Temple and the super killer who had hunted down the peak of the gods.

Although their strength has not yet returned to their heyday, it is more than enough to deal with the eighth place in a Qianlong list.

"Guao, Wang Jingshan will hand it over to you, Blood Knife and I will clean up the others, no mistake!" Lin Hao assigned the task.

"Relax! An eighth place ant, I can kill him with my eyes closed!" Gu Ao was confident in his hunting skills.

A snake, a lion and a praying mantis, the three shadows quietly fumbled towards the front, halfway through, the three black shadows completely disappeared, as if they were integrated into the environment.

Lin Hao has the Dragon Shadow Killer, and Guao and the Blood Sword also have stealth stunts, which can't be detected by the naked eye or spiritual sense.


At this moment, the night was black and the wind was high, Wang Jingshan and a group of people were sitting around a bonfire. The corpse of a monster beast was roasting on the bonfire, which looked like a cow.

"It's the gathering day again in two days. I don't know how the others are doing." A young man named Li Mu pulled out a corbel and ate it.

"I heard that there seems to be a ruthless character among the monsters. Even Wang Tiexiong is planted in his hands. I don't know if it is true or not."

"It must be fake. Who can kill Wang Tiexiong and the others besides Chu Feng?"

The crowd said while eating the corpse of the monster beast.

At this time, Wang Jingshan suddenly said: "It's true."

"Huh?" The other four people all looked at Wang Jingshan.

"His name is Lin Hao, he is a snake, hides deeply, looks like he is ranked fiftyth on the Qianlong list, but he doesn't know **** Wang Tiexiong." Wang Jingshan continued.

Hearing this, Li Mu was stunned, and sneered, "Maybe it's good luck, the sneak attack succeeded, and I ran into you, Brother Wang, and didn't even know how to die."

"That's right, the top ten in the Qianlong list is invincible. Since the start of the game, there has been no threat."

"Especially Brother Wang, how dare the monsters come to the door, kill them in minutes."

Everyone was talking and laughing, took out a knife and cut off the beef, eating with relish.

This cow, originally also a master at the bottom of the Qianlong list, was roasted and eaten by humans. It can only be said that the fate is too tragic.

It didn't take long for the cow to eat more than half, leaving a skeleton.

Everyone took out a jug of wine and began to drink.

The wine that monks drank was all brewed by Tiandi Lingbao, which contained the violent true energy. Ordinary people would burst into death if they touched a drop, and only monks could bear it.

Gradually, everyone except Wang Jingshan became drunk.

In their view, as long as they follow the top ten of a hidden dragon list, it is impossible to encounter danger and how to be comfortable.

The wind stopped, and the air seemed to stop flowing at this moment!

Suddenly, Wang Jingshan frowned slightly and felt something wrong.

In the dark night, three pairs of eyes seemed to flash past.

"No, there is an enemy attack!"

Wang Jingshan slapped the ground and immediately flew into the air.

The other people were also awake in an instant. The next moment, they saw a pair of sharp wings scraping towards their front door.

"Chi!" "Chi!"

The two heads flew up and fell to the ground without knowing how to die.


The screams came out, and the other two reacted quickly enough to get out of the key in time, but they were still half a beat slower and half of their bodies were cut off.

"Who, dare to attack me, Wang Jingshan!" Wang Jingshan was furious, and pointed his palm at the shadow below, violently slamming him to death.

But he just waved his palm halfway out, as if he had noticed something, he quickly turned the direction and hit the void on the right.


A pair of claws lay horizontally in front of his neck, one inch away from his neck, and was clasped by his palm.

Afterwards, he saw a pair of cold eyes appearing in front of him.

This is a mastiff lion covered in armor, with sharp weapons on both hands, and a necklace of bones hanging from his neck. Those are the prey he had hunted.

"Who are you?!" Wang Jingshan exclaimed.

He had never seen Gu Ao, and didn't know where it came from.

"Dead, you are not qualified to ask questions!"

Gu Ao was blocked with a single blow, but his reaction was extremely quick. At the same moment when he was blocked, the short knife in his other hand cut to Wang Jingshan's abdomen.

"Go away!"

A group of gray air currents burst out of Wang Jingshan's body, unmatched, and turbulent turbulence broke out.

Under the violent impact, the distance between the two quickly opened up, and Wang Jingshan took the opportunity to fly back.

"Hmph, I want to kill me, I want to see, how do you pick up my dragon and break the army!"

Wang Jingshan was very disdainful. Guao's cultivation was only the sixth level of God Transformation. He had never heard of someone who could leapfrog to kill him.

"Want to escape? I am lonely and no one is spared!"

Gu Ao sneered, and he stretched out his hand and pulled back vigorously.

Suddenly, Wang Jingshan felt that his backing body had stopped in the middle, and even his arms could not move at all.

Only then did he discover that his body was covered by a blood-colored net at some point, and it was tied tightly, like a fishing net, even the true essence in his body was not working smoothly.

"Blood God Net?!" Wang Jingshan was shocked.

He didn't know Guao, but he knew this famous blood **** net, he had seen it in the historical books of the college!

That was two hundred years ago, how could the treasure of the Lord of the Blood God Temple belong to him!

There is a rope on the net that connects to the front, and one end of the rope is pulled by Guao.

"Get me back!"

Gu Ao pulled the rope, Wang Jingshan's body was out of control and was directly dragged back by Gu Ao.

Wang Jingshan struggled frantically, but the blood **** net could suppress the true essence, he couldn't even move, he couldn't even speak, how could he break free?

All this came too fast!

Wang Jingshan was pulled towards Guao, getting closer and closer.

He can only see that the pair of sharp claws pierced his throat.


The blood blew and the head fell.

The lonely hunting, fluent and flowing, leaving no chance!

Wang Jingshan didn't even have time to display his martial arts skills, so he died cleanly.

This is the killer, without giving you a chance to breathe, kill the target with thunder! Even if the strength is not as good as you, it can kill you!


There was also a scream from Lin Hao and Blood Knife joined forces, killing one of the other four people.


Lin Hao collected the corpses of the group of people, and the three monster beasts disappeared in the darkness again.

It was not until they left that the air flowed again.

Here, there is only a pile of bonfires, a skeleton of a bull demon.

As for the five people who were eating meat and drinking around the campfire, they all disappeared.

(End of this chapter)


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