Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 386: : All dead light

Both Blood Blade and Gu Ao have lived for more than two hundred years. They weren't supposed to be here, but were brought in by Lin Hao in a cheating manner. I'm afraid that even the constructors of the Myriad Demon Secret Realm had not expected this.

The humans of the Academy Alliance gather once every other week. This time, Lin Hao killed 12 people, and even Wang Jingshan was killed. I don't know what Long Xiaotian's expression will be when they gather.

After killing Wang Jingshan and a group of people, Lin Hao counted the spoils and found that they had an exceptionally large number of gold spar stones, more than twenty. In addition, various spirit stones and spirit treasures were compared to Wu Tian. Selection is almost the same.

It only took a quarter of an hour before and after the assassination, and it was still night.

Lin Hao did not stop, and continued to take out the induction array to search.

Lin Hao had the final say, in addition to the group of people in Canglan Academy who did not kill, there were ten other targets that could be killed, minus the top ten of Fu Yanhuo, the Han brothers and other hidden dragons, and other soft persimmons that could be killed. , There are only five people left.

As long as these five people are killed, Lin Hao's task is complete.

The smaller the number, the harder it is to search. These five people should be gathered together. Lin Hao didn't plan to search randomly, but prepared a carpet, and followed the search in small places one by one.

At night, humans stay in place, making it more convenient for carpet search.

Lin Hao divided the area at the bottom of the gourd into ten rows and ten columns, totaling a hundred small squares, searching one by one, without missing any corners.

Only by sensing the array can such a carpet search be done.

First, he flew to the southeast edge of the Myriad Demon Realm, and along the edge, he flew towards the north.

At this speed, it is estimated that all the places in the bottom of the gourd can be searched in three hours.

Gradually, Lin Hao had reached the far north, and after searching the area of ​​ten squares, he did not find any human beings, so he moved to the second row and continued searching for the squares in the second row.

During the search, Lin Hao also found a lot of monsters, gathered in batches, Lin Hao did not alarm them, and passed them by.

Soon, the second row was also searched, and no one was found. Lin Hao continued searching the third row...

In this exploration, two hours passed and half of the time passed.

Lin Hao searched half of the area, and found Young Master Long and Fu Yanhuo in the middle, and he avoided them. Apart from that, no humans were found.


Lin Hao muttered and continued to search.

Lin Hao's induction array was created to search for humans, and more and more small red dots were found on the array, all of which were monsters, not a single person.

Lin Hao swiftly shuttled through one grid area after another.

As time passed, doubts arose in Lin Hao's mind.

By the time it got light, he had already explored all the places, even the crowd of Canglan Academy had found them, but still did not find those five soft persimmons.

"It's weird. I didn't find it in a carpet search. Are they hiding at the entrance of the secret realm?" Lin Hao was puzzled.

Since I couldn't find that group of people, I had to wait until tomorrow when the humans gathered, and let him become Wu Tianze to ask.

At this time, when Lin Hao was about to stop work, suddenly two huge red dots appeared in his induction array.

"Brother Han!" Lin Hao secretly said.

The Han brothers, one Qianlong ranked sixth and the other seventh, the two acted together, they were very powerful, and they all reached the seventh level of the gods.

They usually act together, and they cooperate to the point of superb. With the lonely ability, they may not be able to kill them. Therefore, the Han brothers are not within Lin Hao's hunting range.

At this moment, Lin Hao suddenly saw a dazzling red dot rushing towards the Han brothers on the formation.

"Ye Wenlong?" Lin Hao remembered that the red dot was Ye Wenlong.

Soon, the dazzling red dot collided with the Han brothers, constantly moving in place, not knowing what they were doing.

Suddenly, Lin Hao raised his head and looked towards the horizon, only to see the horizon in the distance, bursting out a large group of dazzling yellow light, which was clearly visible from thousands of miles away, like a big explosion.

Vaguely, you can see the nine rounds of sun and moon rising up in the sky.

Immediately after about three breaths, a shock wave visible to the naked eye rushed from the horizon, and Lin Hao hurriedly crawled to the ground to avoid the shock wave.

"Ye Wenlong and the Han brothers fought?" Lin Hao was surprised.

He is thousands of miles away from Ye Wenlong, and he can feel a strong shock wave at a distance of thousands of miles. Obviously, it is a skill of heavenly martial arts!

About a minute later, Lin Hao took out the induction array and took a look, and found that the two red dots were missing, and only one red dot was left by Ye Wenlong.

It's just that Ye Wenlong's red dots seem a little bleak.

The red dots on the sensing array set the brightness according to the strength of the breath of life. The stronger the life, the greater the brightness. This shows that Ye Wenlong's breath is very sluggish after performing his unique skills.

It was not this that shocked him, but that the Han brothers disappeared directly, completely disappearing, there is only one possibility.

——They are dead!

"Ye Wenlong, kill the Han brothers!" Lin Hao was surprised.

He didn't expect that, using the induction array, he detected such a scene.

Not to mention that Ye Wenlong is ninth on the Hidden Dragon Ranking. Can he beat the Han brothers, even if he does, what is he going to do, rebel against the Academy League?

Lin Hao took a deep breath, feeling a little moved.

In that case, the five soft persimmons that he did not find after searching were also killed by Ye Wenlong?

Perceiving this fact, Lin Hao suddenly felt like he wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh.

Why didn't he think of Ye Wenlong's crucial point? If Ye Wenlong is allowed to take action, everything will be much smoother.

Even, he didn't need Zhuge Guiyuan's help, he didn't need the induction array, and he could easily kill the people of the Academy Alliance.

"Ye Wenlong, thank you very much." Lin Hao closed his eyes and said.


The next day came soon, the gathering place of the Academy Alliance, located in the very center of this gourd bottom map.

Different from the previous two gatherings This time, Long Xiaotian arrived first, followed by Fu Yanhuo.

Then there are nine people from Canglan Academy.

Then, it was Wu Tianze disguised by Lin Hao, and finally Ye Wenlong.

There were only thirteen people in a group, and there were no other colleges except Canglan Academy and Star Academy.

Everyone waited until the evening, when it was completely dark, no one appeared again.

The black wind was high and the cold wind blew, and this group of people sat cross-legged, the atmosphere was extremely silent.

(End of this chapter)


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