Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 389: : Losing decently

He and Fu Yanhuo had walked the nearest, and both kept each other's soul cards, and could sense each other's position and vitality.

Just now, Fu Yanhuo died?

"Do not!!!"

Long Xiaotian gave up on killing Zhuge Guiyuan, and went back the same way, rushing in the direction he came.

Long Xiaotian burned his dragon blood, twice as fast as before.

When he hurried back to the place, he saw Ye Wenlong fighting a fierce battle with a scarlet figure.

The figure was wearing a blood-colored robe and a black iron mask with a murderous look, and it seemed that it was Lin Tian, ​​the blood sword in the rumor!


Ye Wenlong slashed up and cut off one of Lin Hao's arms. The blood sword was also inserted into the ground and buried in the ground.

After a successful blow, Ye Wenlong sprinted out and put the sword across Lin Hao's neck.

Seeing Long Xiaotian's arrival, Ye Wenlong's eyes were red, and he yelled in grief, "Young Master Long, Wu Tianze is a fake of Blood Sword Lintian, Fu Yanhuo was murdered by him!"

On the ground in front of him, Fu Yanhuo's body was completely destroyed, and a head could be seen on the ground, and it could barely be identified as Fu Yanhuo.

Long Xiaotian walked in front of Fu Yanhuo and looked at Lin Hao again. The anger in his body broke out instantly.

"what happened!!"

Almost for an instant, he rushed forward and twisted Lin Hao, who had a broken arm, like a chicken.

"Say, who are you?"

Long Xiaotian screwed Lin Hao in front of him, slapped it out, and smashed the mask on Lin Hao's face.

The appearance under the mask is exactly Wu Tianze!

"Wu Tianze?"

Long Xiaotian's eyes widened.

"Hahaha! What **** Wu Tianze, Wu Tianze was killed by Lao Tzu early!" Lin Hao laughed.

Long Xiaotian couldn't believe it, and said sharply, "What's the matter with Yufeng Dan?"

"Haha, I have an extraordinary talent. I have already obtained the elixir of Yufeng Pill and studied it in private. How can I know that you just let me refine it, I will refine it, do you want me to demonstrate it again in person? "

While smiling, Lin Hao took out a handful of green pills, all of which were Yufeng pills.

Long Xiaotian's heart set off a stormy sea.

He had noticed at the time that Wu Tianze's temperament was a bit wrong, but he believed that he could refine Yufeng Pill, who knew it was a fake!

So, Zhuge Guiyuan was wronged?

"You said you were stupid? That day, Wu Tianze was tricked into the canyon by me, and he was killed by me. I just changed my face, changed my clothes, and made a pill.

"Zhuge Guiyuan is equally stupid. I put three difficult formations and lured him over, and he passed, and you were chased down as a spy, hahaha! Are you trying to laugh at me?"

Lin Hao laughed so much that his stomach hurts. In a few words, he revealed what had happened before.

Long Xiaotian recalled that when he saw Zhuge Guiyuan appear on the scene that day, there were three trapped formations open there.

In other words, he was played as a monkey by this person?

"You bastard, beast!"

Long Xiaotian yelled in anger, crushing his aura, and the skin on Lin Hao's body cracked and blood dripped.

Lin Hao didn't change his face, but showed a mocking sneer.

"Then how did you escape from my pursuit?" Long Xiaotian asked.

"Escape Talisman, two if one fails, and three if two fail, hahaha!"

Lin Hao stretched out his hand, and a large number of transparent and shining talisman appeared in his hand, it was the escape talisman.

Long Xiaotian's complexion changed slightly. The material for the Escape Talisman was Void Boundary Stone, which was priceless, but he only collected two pieces. How could Lin Hao have so many?

"Even if there is a escape talisman, I am holding you now, you can't escape from my hands!" Long Xiaotian's complexion flushed, and coldly said: "You have been talking for a long time, scolding me for being stupid. The stupidest one has revealed your details."

"But it's okay. You can't escape anyway, so I can take it home with peace of mind. I just want to study you. I will knock you out first!"

Long Xiaotian stretched out his hand to hit Lin Hao's head.

Lin Hao returned the Escape Talisman to his inventory.

"I forgot to tell you, I still have a way to escape, and I won't be able to catch me when the king of heaven comes!"

Lin Hao grinned, showing white teeth.

"Blood escape!"


Just hearing a crisp sound, Lin Hao exploded into blood mist in Long Xiaotian's hand.

Looking at the empty hand in front of him, Long Xiaotian stood still, motionless, like a piece of wood.


After a minute, he uttered two words in a daze, as if he couldn't believe this fact.

It seemed that Lin Hao really escaped.

As for the people in their college alliance, except Zhuge Guiyuan, Ye Wenlong, and himself, all died!

Because of his stupidity, he was caught in the opponent's serial plot, causing them all to die.

Ridiculous, ridiculous!


After a long time, Long Xiaotian looked up to the sky and laughed.

With a smile, he was angrily attacked and spouted a mouthful of blood.

Ye Wenlong was stunned.

Long Xiaotian was so angry that he vomited blood?

Long Xiaotian, who had never been injured, could not even hurt him by Zhuge Guiyuan and Chu Feng, but Lin Hao was so angry that he vomited blood.

This set of tricks is really terrible.

This is Lin Hao, an old monster who has lived for ten thousand years.

Except for being conspired by Galaxy Sword Master in the previous life, Lin Hao has not suffered.

At this time, Zhuge Guiyuan flew back. He looked at the front of Long Xiaotian, who was laughing wildly and vomiting blood for three liters, and was silent for a long time.

In fact, my heart has already started to snicker, asking you to chase me, deserve it!

"Long son..." Zhuge Guiyuan arched his hands, and stopped talking.

Long Xiaotian raised his hand and stopped him from speaking.

"This time, it is my responsibility to count that I misunderstood you." Long Xiaotian finally admitted his mistake.

Zhuge Guiyuan just nodded lightly, but couldn't help sneer in his heart.

Long Xiaotian looked at Ye Wenlong again and said: "Ye Wenlong, you are the only surviving seedling of the Star Academy except me. Then you will not go anywhere, just follow me. I don't believe it, Lin Tian can control the situation under my nose. You kill!"

"I understand!" Ye Wenlong arched his hands.

Long Xiaotian sighed.

This time In the battle between the Academy Alliance and the Wild Beast Sect, there is no winner! Even if they win in the end, they also lose!

Star Academy has died so many Qianlong ranking geniuses, almost dead, and it will be very difficult to cultivate. If a few decades, hundreds of years, no new cave monks are born, they will not pick up.

"Go try the tower! Guard them!" Long Xiaotian said coldly.


The three people walked side by side, rushing in the direction of the trial tower.

I don't know if Long Xiaotian will faint with anger when he finds that both of them have rebelled.

(End of this chapter)


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