Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 390: : Chu Feng appeared

After the Academy Alliance was cleaned up by Lin Hao, the Myriad Demon Secret Realm could no longer see humans, and after three days, the demon beast did not suffer any more casualties.

This caused the monsters everywhere to be suspicious, whether something happened among the human beings, and how the world evaporated for nothing.

Later, I don’t know where it came from, saying that all human beings had been killed by the Blood Sword Lin Tian, ​​leaving only a few people such as Lord Long and Canglan Academy.

After hearing this news, the monsters of the Wild Beast Sect were all ecstatic while they were uncertain.

Blood Sword Lin Tian, ​​it's him again!

The people in the colleges and universities were panicked before, but this time they explored the Mystic Realm of Ten Thousand Monsters and killed all the geniuses of the college alliance, which is a bit shocking.

However, as far as the monsters are concerned, of course they like to hear about it, and they hope to kill all humans.

On this day, Sun Wu and Fei Tian Lang were cultivating, and suddenly a shadow flew over the sky, and two big bags fell.


They quickly stood up and looked up, but saw nothing, only two bags fell.

Sun Wu took the bag and opened it to see that it contained ten gold spars.

"My God! Ten gold spars, we have all together!" Sun Wu exclaimed.

Fei Tian Lang opened the bag, which also contained ten gold spars.

They were stunned for a moment, with a blank face. Where did this bag come from? Who will send them gold spar?

"Boss Lin?" The two monsters thought of a name together.

Sun Wu hurriedly soared into the sky, looking into the distance, he could vaguely see a dark shadow drifting away.

"Sure enough, the boss is Lin, the boss is not dead!" Sun Wu said ecstatically.

"Hahaha! I knew that he couldn't be okay!" Fei Tianlang was overjoyed.

They couldn't help thinking that the Eight Achievements of the Blood Sword Lin Tian were made by Lin Hao, because Lin Hao had a human clone.

Lin Hao didn't linger after giving away the golden spar, and flew to the final trial tower.

As long as ten golden spars can enter the trial tower, after giving them twenty, Lin Hao left more than ten.

Lin Hao did everything he could, using various tactics to kill the Academy Alliance. There was only one Dragon Young Master. As for the struggle of Dongxu's high level, he could not intervene.

The next thing he has to do is to get the top rankings in the final trial tower competition, the higher the better.

He heard that the assessment in the trial tower depends not only on strength, but on overall ability. If that is the case, Lin Hao asked himself that he would not lose to anyone.

Soon, Lin Hao reached the end zone.

A mountain in front was turned over, and there was a square, and ten trial towers were in the square.

Lin Hao flew over the mountain, and let the human clone over.

He knew that Long Xiaotian would definitely be there to guard him, so he used his clone to lead him away.

At the speed of Young Master Long, if he was spotted, he would be able to catch him within a few seconds. Therefore, Lin Hao did not let the clone approach, but at a distance of a thousand miles, shouted to the square in front of him: "Long Xiaotian, you stupid pig, come to catch Laozi! Hahaha!"

The sound was carried by the true essence, and it was heard by Long Xiaotian before long. Immediately, the blue veins on Long Xiaotian's face came out violently.

"Zhuzi is looking for death!"

Without any hesitation, Long Xiaotian stomped in his footsteps, like a cannonball rushing past at full speed, and flames ignited all over his body at high speed.

Lin Hao took a Yufeng Pill, step by step, and began to flee.

"I don't believe you can escape!" Long Xiaotian accelerated, chasing Lin Hao's clone.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the clone's seduction, Lin Hao's main body sword flew, rushing towards the trial tower in front of him.

As long as he enters the trial tower, everything is over.

After a few breaths, Lin Hao reached the edge of the square. The ten trial towers on the square were arranged separately, each of which was separated by a large distance.

Among them, the tops of the two trial towers were already lit with a dim light, which indicated that someone had already entered. It should be Ye Wenlong and Zhuge Guiyuan.

Lin Hao rushed towards the nearest unmanned tower.

But at this moment, the sudden change occurred!

Lin Hao suddenly discovered that something seemed to be watching him in the sky of that tower.

Lin Hao glanced intently, only to see a pair of red flame burning eyes exposed above the clouds. The scorching air was so piercing that even the air was severely distorted. It was extremely high temperature!

Just a look made Lin Hao feel like he was about to burn, and a huge fire ignited in his body instantly.

His body was hot, and his body surface turned into fiery red, and even the gaps between the snake scales began to burn. The scales turned black and carbonized at a speed visible to the naked eye, and fell off in pieces, completely charred.

"Flame Will!" Lin Hao exclaimed.

There is no doubt that a look in his eyes, just by the will of hundreds of miles away, makes him feel so hot, it is the will of flame.

The will of martial arts is the exclusive of Dongxu monk.

However, there are also a handful of amazingly talented, unique cultivators who can comprehend the will of martial arts, such as this scene!

"Chu Feng?" Lin Hao immediately thought of the name.


There was a loud phoenix sound from the sky, and then Lin Hao saw a fire ignited in Chu Feng's eyes, and Lin Hao felt that his body was about to melt.

"No, Chu Feng wants to kill me!"

Feeling bad, Lin Haoton quickly smashed the Escape Talisman and disappeared in place.


After Lin Hao disappeared, the ground he was on immediately began to melt. Under the action of the high temperature, a deep pit with a width of one hundred meters was formed, which was full of burnt traces of scorching black. Under the action of the flame will, even the magma evaporated. It has to be clean.

"Run?" A cold voice came from the sky.

Chu Feng didn't chase Lin Hao. Perhaps in her opinion, Lin Hao was not worthy of her action. If the Golden Winged Dapeng had not explained to her, she would not bother to care about such an ant on the 50th Qianlong list.

Before long, Long Xiaotian came back with a gloomy expression. There is no doubt that Lin Hao escaped with "Blood Escape".

When he came back, he saw Chu Feng squatting on the top of a tower, and there was a pothole burned by flames on the Long Xiaotian asked strangely: "Why did you make the move? "

"Kill a snake." Chu Feng closed his eyes and said lightly: "Unfortunately, he escaped."

"Oh? Is there anything you can run away with?" Long Xiaotian sneered.

"He has the Escape Talisman. As long as I stay here, he will have nowhere to go and will be killed by me sooner or later." Chu Feng said nothing, flapping his huge red wings and flying into the sky.

Long Xiaotian seemed to be very sensitive to the three words "Escape Talisman". He struck a sharp spirit and quickly asked, "Is that snake Lin Hao?"

(End of this chapter)


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