Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 401: : The audience was shocked

"Look! Lin Hao has gone to the third floor!" Chu Feng said.

Long Xiaotian immediately stood up, clenching his fists excitedly.

"Haha! I thought he would hide for a month, but I couldn't help but die in half a month!"

Long Xiaotian laughed. In his opinion, it was impossible for Lin Hao to break through the third floor, so the most likely ending was to be eliminated within five minutes.

He stared at the door closely, his fist was secretly accumulating, ready to "greet" Lin Hao to go out at any time.

Chu Feng also looked at the gate of the trial tower, with fire in his eyes, as soon as Lin Hao appeared, he would kill him, leaving him with no chance to use the Escape Talisman!


"The third level, the clearance conditions, kill Lei Yongxin!"

A long voice rang from the void, announcing the official start of the tower rush.

"Kill Lei Yongxin?" Lin Hao's pupils contracted.

After Lei Yongxin appeared, he laughed excitedly, and stepped on Lei Guang to rush towards Lin Hao.

Seeing Lei Yongxin rushing over, Lin Hao suddenly called out: "Master, run away! Let's run separately!"

Lin Hao turned his head and looked, and the person beside him was Ye Wenlong.

Such a scene, how familiar, is exactly the scene where Lei Yongxin chased him down in the Monster Beast Mountain Range, and he and Ye Wenlong escaped separately.

At that time, Ye Wenlong used a provocative way to lead Lei Yongxin away, and Lin Hao was able to escape, and now he faces this scene again.

Lin Hao felt his physical condition and found that his body had returned to the state at that time. At that time, he was only a Tier 10 monster, and Ye Wenlong was also the pinnacle of innate warriors, while Lei Yongxin was the pinnacle of foundation building. Ten levels are missing.

If you are fighting Lei Yongxin head-on, there is only one way to die. According to the situation at the time, escape is indeed the best choice.

But the task now is to kill Lei Yongxin?

How could it be possible for the tenth-order monster to kill the tenth basement building?

"Haha! I caught it!"

There was electricity under Lei Yongxin's feet, and it rushed to Lin Hao to grab him.

"Hahaha! You beast, you should get an electric!"

Lei Yongxin squeezed his hand, and the terrifying thunder arc penetrated into Lin Hao's body from the palm of his palm, making a crackling explosion, his snake scales immediately scorched and his body was slightly paralyzed.

"Master!" Ye Wenlong's eyes were cracked.

Lin Hao closed his eyes, the thoughts in his mind flashed quickly.

He knew that whether it was Ye Wenlong or Lei Yongxin, he had imagined it himself. The scene in front of him was an illusion, but it was so real that he returned to the scene at that time and did it again!

But the mission again was to defeat Lei Yongxin!

No wonder the third layer is hailed as a bottleneck, and there has not been a passer for hundreds of years.

Presumably other people have also encountered enemies that were once unmatched, and fight again with the cultivation base at that time!

At that time, it was impossible to win, and if you fight again now, it will probably be the same result!

"I must find the difference between me and the time, relying on different points to win!" Lin Hao immediately thought of this.

He returned to his cultivation base at that time, but not everything returned to that time.

For example, memory!

For example-six heavenly wheels!

Lin Hao looked inside his body and found that in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, six heavenly wheels had opened three! The human realm, the animal realm, the hungry ghost realm!

Even if the third floor of the trial tower turns his body back, he cannot turn the six heavenly wheels!

"Clone, now!"

Lin Hao roared, and the human clone and Hell Furnace appeared instantly.

"What the hell?" Lei Yongxin asked suspiciously.

The Hell Furnace was spinning out of thin air, like a huge boulder, crashing on top of Lei Yongxin's head.

The human clone's palms turned into claws, simulating a trick to tear the claws of the Heavenly Dragon, and directly pierced Lei Yongxin's chest.

Lin Hao's body came up instantly, entwining Lei Yongxin's neck tightly.

With the three bodies exerting force at the same time, Lei Yongxin's body was shaken and he spouted a mouthful of blood, almost fainted, but he did not die immediately!

It seems that the strength of Lin Hao's three clones has also been weakened, and he has reached the same cultivation base as his body!

"Master, I'll help you!" Ye Wenlong pulled out the Xingyue Sword and rushed up.

Lin Hao thought for a while, and the human clone immediately said, "Ye Wenlong, borrow your sword to use it!"

Ye Wenlong was taken aback, he still threw the Ben Lei sword to Lin Hao's human clone.

"court death!"

Lei Yongxin was furious, took out a thunder seal in his hand, and suddenly squeezed it down.

Thunderclouds gathered in the sky, lightning was brewing crazily in it, and a sky thunder took shape and was about to fall.

"Haha! Die!" Lei Yong believed in the sky and laughed. With a pinch of the thunder seal, the sky fell!

"The sky falls thunder!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Hao slashed directly with a sword, and at the same time, the thunder in the sky burst.

The thundercloud in the sky was still summoned by Lei Yongxin, but Lin Hao used it instead, and hit Lei Yongxin's body with Lin Hao's sword.

At this moment, whether it was a human clone, Lei Yongxin, or Xingyue Sword, it burst into nothingness on the spot.

Lin Hao's body was also blasted out, blood bursting all over, dying.

The scenery in front of me instantly disappeared, and everything disappeared.

Lin Hao's body returned to the fifth-layer transforming state again, his injuries disappeared, and all that was just now was an illusion.

Lin Hao let out a sigh of relief!

I don't know what Ye Wenlong is facing. His way of clearing customs is completely cheating!

When Lei Yongxin died, a big hole appeared on the ceiling, which represented his clearance of the third level.

Without hesitation, Lin Hao flew straight to the fourth floor.

The previous Ye Wenlong and Long Xiaotian both fell on the fourth floor. Lin Hao wanted to see what was on the fourth floor.

Just when Lin Hao rushed to the fourth floor, there was an uproar outside.

"Look! Lin Hao disappeared from the third floor!"

"Haha! Come out?"

Long Xiaotian said excitedly, and a dragon-shaped phantom appeared on his fist, about to blast out at the gate.

However, no one appeared!

When Long Xiaotian took a closer look, he was surprised to find that the red dot appeared on the fourth floor?

"How is it possible?" The audience was shocked and pale.

Chu Feng blinked vigorously, as if he couldn't believe it!

She lost in the third level, Lin Hao, Ye Wenlong, and Long Xiaotian all passed!

Whether inside or outside the secret realm, his jaw was about to fall in shock.

The third one rushed to the fourth floor!

Is there anything more shocking than this?

"Who is it?" King Jin Yuan couldn't figure out Except for Long Xiaotian, which two are so capable.

The only possibility is Ye Wenlong. Every time he changes the ranking, he is improving, indicating that he has great potential!

So who is the second one? Zhuge Gui Yuan? Or Chu Feng? Or other humans?


After a long pause, the senior officials of the Academy Alliance all laughed heartily.

"This is the blessing of our Academy Alliance! God will help us! Hahaha!"

Yao Tianxing laughed triumphantly.

(End of this chapter)


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