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The giants of the wild beast sect are all in a heavy heart.

This is a good one. There are three super evils in human beings, and there will be three more holes in the future, which is undoubtedly devastating to the wild beasts.

Inside the secret realm, Long Xiaotian's eyes widened, and after a long while, he said inconceivably, "Lin Hao, that beast, has gone to the fourth floor?"

"There must be something wrong, how could he have that kind of talent..."

Long Xiaotian was puzzled and could not figure it out.

At this moment, he had a vaguely ominous premonition. If Lin Hao was injured less severely on the fourth floor, wouldn't he be the first to grab him?

"No! Never! He will definitely be severely wounded and dying!"

Long Xiaotian said with certainty that he knew what the fourth floor was.

Ye Wenlong looked at the shining red dots on the fourth floor, his face flushed.

"As expected of the master, I knew you would come here!" Ye Wenlong clenched his fists.

Xiaoyue’s excited eye circles were wet: "Brother Lin, come on!"

Caixuan's breathing started quickly, her body trembling slightly, as if the person rushing through the tower was not Lin Hao, but her.

"Lin Tian, ​​I knew that you must be the one that has attracted much attention!" Caixuan's eyes flickered, like a nympho.

When Lin Hao broke into the fourth floor, all the people outside were in surprise, and the impact on them was too great.

After Lin Hao came to the fourth floor.

He felt a tingling pain on his forehead before he could see the fourth floor clearly.

A bloodstain appeared on his head.

Immediately afterwards, there was tingling pain on his body, and a piece of his snake scale was cut open, spilling a trace of blood.

"What the hell?" Lin Hao wondered.

"The fourth level of clearance conditions, kill the ghost of the void!"

That voice appeared again.

After Lin Hao heard this, he immediately thought of something, his pupils contracted, and he lost his voice: "Void ghost?"

Of course Lin Hao had heard of what it was. This was an extremely rare demigod in the Sky Continent, invisible, invisible, and invisible in shape!

Although it is a semi-divine beast, the rarity of the void ghost is no less than that of a divine beast. With such a special ability, even a monk in the realm of harmony will be greedy!

He lived for ten thousand years, he had never seen the ghost of the void, he had only heard of it from elsewhere, but now he appeared in the trial tower?

Lin Hao guessed that it was definitely not a real void ghost, it was probably simulated!

At the next moment, Lin Hao suddenly contracted his pupils and flashed subconsciously.


It only felt an invisible sledgehammer hit his body, immediately causing him to explode with snake scales and flew out several hundred meters away.

Lin Hao hurriedly stood up, hovered, and looked around.

The ghost of the void is the invisible and intangible thing in front of you, but it can actually cause you damage!

At that moment, if he didn't get out of the key, I'm afraid he could be beaten by one blow.

Lin Hao spit out the snake letter and swept out the divine consciousness, trying to capture the shadow of the void ghost, but there was no movement.

It can't be scanned by the divine sense, can't be seen with the naked eye, and can't be discovered by taste, smell, or hearing.

No sound, no smell, no form, only touch can be felt, this is the ghost of the void!

He had only heard of the power of the Void Ghost, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. He has seen it today.

"If an entity shuttles in the air, it should cause fluctuations in the air, how can it not be felt?" Lin Hao was surprised.

Void ghosts can cause harm to him, it should be physical, but why... he can't feel a little air flow?

Suddenly, Lin Hao's pupils shrank, as if something was about to attack.

Lin Hao hurriedly used his wings to protect himself, his body surface was thundering, and the bright thunder light gushed out, condensed into a lightning shield on the surface of the body, it is the thunder shield!


The huge thing hit the Lei Gang shield and made a crackling sound.

Afterwards, Lin Hao flew out again and landed in the distance, his Thunder Gang shield was knocked out of a big hole directly.

"What a terrifying impact, the strength of this void ghost may exceed the seventh level of God Transformation!" Lin Hao's eyes were solemn.

Lei Gangdun is in the form of Lei Gang in Jiulong, which can only be opened after reaching the second dragon queen, but it still has no effect!

Lin Hao thought for a while, sprinkled the spirit stone directly, and arranged a low-level defensive formation. As long as the formation was damaged, he could immediately sense that something came in!

Just as the formation was formed, Lin Hao felt that something was coming from behind again. He flashed sideways, but after a half-step slow, he was hit hard.

This time, Lin Hao's Lei Gang Shield didn't even have any effect. The thing passed directly through the Lei Gang Shield, hit his body, and smashed him out.

Lin Hao spouted a big mouthful of blood, his eyes filled with surprise.

He found that the ghost of the void can shuttle through the defensive array, shuttle through the thunder shield, and directly cause damage to his body!

What the **** is this?

In other words, the ghost of the void can penetrate any obstacle, ignoring the defense!

In the invisible situation, coupled with such an ability, it is simply unpredictable!

Lin Hao took a deep breath and slowly calmed down.

Although he suffered a lot, he at least figured out the characteristics of the opponent, and then he had a way to deal with it!

If you want to defeat this kind of ghost, relying on observation and defense is not feasible, only relying on consciousness!

The awareness of danger can also be said to be intuition!

Lin Hao's eyes were cold, calm and terrifying, and he had entered a special state!

His unprecedented concentration of spirit is just to capture the imperceptible fluctuation!


His snake scales stood up, and a faint sense of crisis came from the left!


Lin Hao flashed like a conditioned reflex, and he felt that something had passed from the left, passing by in a flash.


A blood stain appeared on his body. Although he avoided the vital point, he was still hit. Lin Hao flew back and retreated to the wall.

"Sure enough, through intuition about danger, you can still barely discover it!" Lin Hao secretly said.

Others face the ghost of the void~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is estimated that they only have the points of passive beating, but Lin Hao is different!

His greatest advantage is his accumulated fighting consciousness over the past ten thousand years!

Even if he can't see the enemy, his five senses and spiritual consciousness can't detect it, he can still predict the most likely timing and direction of the opponent's attack, so as to evade.

This is intuition!

Lin Hao held his breath, and everything around him became much clearer.

"The opponent's next attack line should be..."

Lin Hao lowered his head and looked down.

Suddenly, he rushed out like a lightning bolt, his tail like a long whip, slamming into the void.


It seemed that he had hit something, a scream of "squeak" came from the void, something vaguely flew out, and the "puff" fell into the distance.

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