After he succeeded, Lin Hao did not pursue the victory, because the feeling just now disappeared again, indicating that the opponent was hiding again.

Lin Hao closed his eyes and took back his spiritual consciousness.

Since you can't see it, just feel it with your heart!

Lin Hao doesn’t have to think about where the other party is. Years of experience have allowed him to develop a keen awareness that he is born with. It’s like being stared at by a poisonous snake, and he will feel numb on his scalp. .

I don't know how long it took, that feeling reappeared.

"Yes, exactly!"


Lin Hao's eyes violently opened, and he disappeared into the spot in an instant, and his huge body shot out like a hemp rope, entwining something in the void.

That thing was as smooth as a loach, and seemed to slip out of Lin Hao's entanglement.

"I don't believe it, you can escape!"

Lin Hao's eyes were red, the essence and blood in his body instantly boiled, and a phantom of the dragon appeared behind him.

"War Dragon is in the wild!"

The snake scales all over Lin Hao stood up like needles, and the strength suddenly increased, bound layer by layer, binding the void ghost to death, and the snake scales pierced his body.


The screams came out, like the sounds of rats.

"Tear the Dragon Claw!"

Claws grew from under Lin Hao's abdomen, and they tore out the Void Ghost.

The Void Ghost screamed again!

The ghost of the void was invisible, and Lin Hao was as if tied to a resistive air current, his body collapsed and numb.

At this time, the power of the Void Ghost suddenly increased, almost breaking free!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

The dull clashing sound continued, and a large amount of blood burst out of Lin Hao's body. Under Lin Hao's bondage, the Void Ghost struggled and rolled left and right.

Lin Hao only felt that his body was turned upside down, and his bones were about to collapse.

Void Ghost is not only special, but also extremely powerful!

Gradually, blood was spilled from the corner of Lin Hao's mouth, but his strength remained undiminished, using all his strength to squeeze the ghost of the void.

He knows that there are not many opportunities to seize the ghost of the void. If he relaxes this time, he will probably never have a chance again, and he will be devastated!

"Die to me!"

Lin Hao hit the cruel heart, bit it directly, bit on the body of Void Ghost, and wanted to swallow it.

But at this moment, Lin Hao suddenly felt the void ghost body shrinking.

Lin Hao knew that he must be using some kind of virtual ability to escape!

Lin Hao had a clever move, swallowing it into his abdomen in one bite, and into the internal space.

After entering the internal space, the Void Ghost lost its connection with the trial tower, and no more movement, directly turned into a pile of spiritual energy, and collapsed.

This void ghost is just something created by the trial tower, and disappears when it loses its connection.


Lin Hao was surprised. After a long time, seeing that there was no danger, he finally let out a long breath.

A big hole opened in the ceiling, which leads to the fifth floor, which shows that the fourth floor, pass!

Lin Hao lay softly on the ground.

The Void Phantom still caused him a lot of trouble. Fortunately, he has a keen consciousness left over for thousands of years. Otherwise, it won't be easy for anyone to do it!

The difficulty of the fourth level is simply appalling. Lin Hao doesn’t know if anyone can successfully pass through before him, but it’s certain that he will never have such a fighting consciousness as he is under 30 years old. Through other means.

Lin Hao hovered down and swallowed a pill to heal his injuries.


The Ice and Fire King outside stared at the red dot and suddenly asked the Golden Ape King, "Golden Ape King, did you say that in the history of the Wild Beast Sect, did monsters break into the fifth floor?"

The establishment of the Wild Beast Sect was only three thousand years old. The eight giants were all about one thousand years old, and only the Golden Ape King reached two thousand years old, the oldest.

During their tenure, they have never seen anyone break into the fifth floor, maybe only the oldest Golden Ape King has heard of it.

King Jin Yuan didn't even think about it, and shook his head directly: "No!"

"No one?" The Ice Fire King showed an incredible expression.

"Indeed, in my two thousand years, I have never seen anyone break into the fifth floor. I have broken into the fourth floor three times, once with Thunder Jiao, once by the Thousand-Year Fox King, and once by the Dragon. Quiet, there is no one on the fifth floor." Golden Ape King said lightly.

Hearing this, the King of Ice and Fire couldn't help but squeeze his sweat.

Everyone thought that the red dot was a human being, but the Ice Fire King vaguely guessed that it was Lin Hao. This was pure intuition! A kind of trust in Lin Hao!

Among all the people present, only he knew Lin Hao best, and only Lin Hao dared to stay in the trial tower for half a month.

"But..." At this time, King Golden Ape furrowed his brows and said: "I have heard rumors that the three founders of the wild beast sect seem to have broken into the fifth floor when they were young!"

"Three founders!" The Ice Fire King screamed.

The three founders of the wild beast sect are all powerful in the condensing phase, but they are all a long time ago. Later, due to disagreements, they parted ways, and only the mysterious tortoise stayed behind the wild beast sect.

Three thousand years ago, even Xuangui went away by water.

But can Lin Hao compare to the three founders?

In the secret realm, the monsters were staring at the red dot, their eyes were not blinking, Long Xiaotian also clenched his fists, waiting for Lin Hao to come out at any time.

But one day passed, two days passed.

Everyone's eyes gradually became heavy, and then they turned into horror.

Especially Chu Feng and Ye Wenlong, they all know what monsters are on the fourth floor. How could Lin Hao live so long for the fourth time?

Didn't come out for two days, could it be said that he killed the Void Ghost and passed?

Immediately afterwards, under everyone's horrified eyes, the red dot moved to the fifth floor!

The audience is silent!

"The...Fifth floor?"

Chu Feng rubbed his eyes, his eyes sluggish, as if he had made a mistake.

"No way!"

The other monsters and humans onlookers were like stone sculptures, sluggish in place, motionless.

The cave monks outside all jumped up, pointing at the trial tower, their fingers trembling constantly.

"Fifth floor, he is really on the fifth floor!"

"Am I right?"

"My God! Mankind is going to show a peerless power!"


Excited laughter broke out from the Now, a pig knows what the fifth floor means.

The Myriad Demon Secret Realm is the secret realm of the ancient super power left, and the trial disciple’s secret realm. There are only six levels in total. This shows that the tower breaker can get the best performance in the super power test!

What does this show? It shows that the potential of the trespasser is not limited to the Panlong domain, it has come to another level!

(End of this chapter)


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