Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 446: : A good harvest

It was a shame to be chased and killed by an eighth-level **** of transformation to escape. He was probably the Shenzhouhai, the first hole in history to be beaten by a monk of the **** of transformation.

Sikong Yu thought secretly, after he returned, he must send an army to capture this flood dragon, otherwise it would be difficult to calm his anger.

"Want to escape? Give you a big gift!"

Lin Hao released his sword intent with all his strength. In the lightning falling sword formation in the sky, the flying swords condensed one by one and turned into a complete Lei Lei sword.

"Thunder burst!"

The Thunder Sword Array disappeared and merged into the Lei Lei Sword, causing the Lei Lei Sword to suddenly increase in size, turning it into a thousand feet in size, like a sword that opens the sky!

Lin Hao urged Lei Jian to shoot at Sikong Yu who was far away. When he rushed to his back, a loud roar resounded in the front, and he could see the blue and purple thunder rushing to the height of ten thousand meters. The sea churned, the force of terrifying violent swept away, and the distant buildings collapsed in pieces and turned into nothingness.

Vaguely, accompanied by a miserable howl came over.

It took about five minutes for the turmoil ahead to calm down.

After a while, Ben Lei Jian flew back, quietly floating beside Lin Hao.

"Master, he escaped." Xiao Lei sent a thought.

"Monster Dongxu is extremely difficult to kill, and it makes sense to escape!" Lin Hao nodded.

Lin Hao didn't expect to kill him, but the move before he left just now will definitely make him remember for a lifetime.

Lin Hao put away the Ben Lei Sword, and continued to hibernate here, recovering the true essence that had just been lost.

At the same time, on the third floor of the puppet tower, Lin Hao speeded up and swallowed the energy of the mask.

He knew that the opportunity just now might not always be there. He was still relying on Sikongyu's true essence to dry up and lose the most expert flying sword before he could hit him. If Sikongyu returns to his heyday, Lin Hao is definitely not his opponent.

The top priority now is to get the Leopard Head Cannon, otherwise, waiting for Si Kong Yu to come again, Lin Hao has nothing to do except three flowers gathering the top.


On the water, a large ship anchored, and the elders of the Yujianmen stood on the deck, waiting patiently.


Suddenly a figure rushed up on the surface of the water, and everyone's eyes swept over.

In an instant, everyone was stunned.

The figure who came up was covered in blood, his clothes were tattered, and his body was covered with dense sword marks all over his body. His hair was scorched by the electric arc, and his breath was weak, like a severely wounded and dying person.

The most conspicuous thing is that his right arm is empty and broken.



All the elders were shocked, looking at Si Kongyu's gloomy eyes again, they were all guessing what horrible things were happening below.

"The Heavenly Puppet Sect left behind and the agency secretly calculated me to wait. Sikongjian is dead, and I desperately tried to escape!"

Facing the shock of everyone, Si Kongyu gasped, his face extremely ugly.

Of course he wouldn't say that he was made this virtue by a god-like dragon.

"The Heavenly Puppet Sect has left behind institutions!" The elders were surprised.

Sikong Yu landed on the deck, sat down with a dying breath, took a sigh of relief, took out the pill and swallowed it.

"After I recover, you all go in with me, leaving two people outside. My two-star sword soul flying sword is still inside, take out the flying sword and leave!" Sikong Yu gritted his teeth.

"Yes!" Everyone bowed.

At this time, Yu Jianmen suffered a heavy loss, and Si Kong Yu lost an arm. Without the help of the Six-Rank Pill, it is estimated that it would be difficult to recover for hundreds of years.

Coupled with the death of the great elder and the loss of Feijian, it can be said that he lost his wife and broke down.

Sikong Yu was cruel, and the next time he went in, he must capture the dragon to make up for the loss!

On the distant sea, the two dark shadows looked at each other, their eyes startled.

"The Heavenly Puppet Sect still has institutions, why don't we know?"

"It is estimated that he broke into the puppet tower, but the puppet tower will not turn him into such a virtue!"

The two shadows talked quietly, very puzzled by what happened to Si Kongyu.


The remains of the Tian Puppet School, inside the puppet.

The Hell Furnace continuously devours the energy of the light shield, and the spirit crystals are formed, like a hill piled in the Hell Furnace.

At Lin Hao's speed, it is estimated that the mask can be swallowed in one day.

As soon as Sikongyu left, Lin Hao never met anyone again, but he knew that Sikongyu wouldn't let it go. He was thinking about Ben Lei Sword, how could he not be moved by a flood dragon?

If it is a flood dragon with a hole-xu cultivation base, the strength is strong, and it will not be chased down, the god-changing cultivation base is enough to make people jealous.

In an instant, a day passed.

The energy of the Leopard Head Cannon was getting weaker and weaker, and it was already so weak that it was inaudible. Lin Hao's spirit crystals also collected 500.

Finally, at this moment, the photomask completely disappeared.

At the moment when the mask disappeared, Lin Hao rushed up and put the Leopard Head Cannon into his inventory.

"Haha! You're done!" Lin Hao laughed.

"Didi di...there is invaded by thieves! There is invaded by thieves!"

At this time, an alarm sounded in the puppet tower, and all the puppets on the third floor had their eyes lit up, including the tiger-head cannon and the dragon-head cannon on the side, and their eyes flashed red.

Lin Hao had anticipated this situation earlier. He had stolen five dolls on the first floor and was all alerted. Now he has stolen a leopard head cannon, so he can't shake the sky.

Hong Guang swept back and forth in the three-story hall, scanning Lin Hao's body, but did not find him.

"No intruder was found, open the shooting mode without blind spots!"

A minute later, such a voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Hao's heart was shocked, and he said in shock: "Not good!"


There was a loud noise, resounding at the same time on the first, second and third floors, and Lin Hao saw the Tiger Head Cannon and the Dragon Head Cannon, and fired into the void at the same time.


There was no accident, just a little bit of energy spread, causing Lin Hao's furnace clone to explode into nothingness.

The leopard head cannon, one shot blasted the hole, the power of the tiger head dragon head was countless times that of the leopard head, even if it didn't hit Lin Hao, the energy spilled would make him scum.

Lin Hao's body was suspended outside the tower. He only saw that the puppet tower in front of him was constantly shaking and shaking crazily, and there was an earth-shattering explosion. You can imagine what happened inside He was sure, If the peak of the hole is in it, it may not be able to survive. After all, the Sky Puppet Sect is a five-star sect, and there are cultivators in the condensing phase!

The bombing in the puppet tower lasted for about ten minutes, and finally it subsided.

The door on the first floor was also closed.

Lin Hao thought for a while, crawled over and knocked, but the door no longer opened.

"Oh! What a pity, only a leopard head cannon got here."

Lin Hao couldn't help but feel frustrated at the thought of two cannons inside.

(End of this chapter)


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