Lin Hao left the square, found a hidden open space, and took out the Leopard Head Cannon and five dolls.

After these puppets left the puppet tower, their eyes were godless, as if they had lost their vitality. It seemed that only in the puppet tower could they be motivated.

If ordinary people get such puppets, they still don't know how to use them, but Lin Hao is no ordinary person. He is also a master craftsman. Even if he doesn't understand puppet art, he can control these things forcibly.

Lin Hao vomited blood, merged with his soul, and imprinted it in every puppet.

A dragon-shaped blood pattern appeared on the foreheads of these puppets, which was the mark left by Lin Hao.

Lin Hao is not proficient in puppet art, but he is good at refining tools, and he can completely refine these puppets and manipulate them as he wants.

The only shortcoming is that they can't be like the puppet tower, let them find a living body and fight on their own.

"Let's start!" Lin Hao closed his eyes, and the Soul Brand began to blend in, refining them one by one.

The first five dolls are the easiest to refine, and it took Lin Hao 20 minutes to successfully refine the first one.

Now, this doll has been controlled by him.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao began to refine the second one.

An hour later, the five puppets were all controlled by Lin Hao, which was equivalent to five peaks of transforming gods, and none of them were afraid of death.

Since the tenth level of the transformation of the gods has reached the peak of the transformation of the gods, there is a hole in the upper level, and the gap in the middle is one by one.

Therefore, both of them are the tenth level of God Transformation, and the difference in strength is also very large. Lin Hao roughly divides them into four levels!

The first level is the weakest tenth level of God Transformation. Those elders who lack talents and have not practiced heaven-level martial arts are the weakest level, and Lin Hao can basically kill in seconds.

The second level is the elders who have lived for countless years and mastered the martial arts of the sky level or other methods, such as the elders of Sunzhanjian Song who was killed by Lin Hao, and the great elder Sikongjian of Yujianmen. Hao has a certain threat, but it can be resolved with a little caution.

The third level, the most typical representative is Zhuge Guiyuan, with super means such as Feijian with the two-star sword soul, it is difficult to kill, with Lin Hao's current strength, it is estimated that it can only win by a small margin.

Further up are Chu Feng and Long Xiaotian, the former comprehending the exclusive flame will of Monk Dongxu, and the latter invincible in all directions.

Lin Hao estimates that the strength of these puppets is probably at the second level, and the total of five can barely reach the third level.

"Next, the Panther Head Cannon!"

Lin Hao looked at the leopard-head cannon, his consciousness invaded it and began to refine it.

This puppet cannon is the biggest gain of this trip. It can blast the virgin monks in the flying hole, which shows how powerful it is!

Originally, Lin Hao thought that it would take a long time to control, but it took only a day or so for Lin Hao to succeed in refining.

After refining, the information left in the Leopard Head Cannon suddenly poured into Lin Hao's mind.

"The Dragon, Tiger, and Leopard Three Cannons. This is the Leopard Head Cannon. The attack is divided into three grades. The power is equivalent to a full blow from the first to the third floor of the hole..."

A few minutes later, Lin Hao received all the information.

The attack power of the Leopard Head Cannon has three gears. The first gear can play a layer of attack. The first gear attack against Sikong Yu before directly smashed their flying swords. All efforts were spared.

The second and third gears are the full blow of the second and third floors of the hole.

Such a powerful cannon can absolutely shock the world when taken out. The only trouble is that the consumption of spirit stones to launch the attack is simply appalling.

One attack of the first stage would cost Lin Hao a thousand and a half best spirit stones! Lin Hao's current total number of semi-extreme spirit stones is only two thousand, only enough to launch two attacks!

And the consumption of the second gear reached five thousand, and the third gear was directly tens of thousands. Lin Hao looked so big, it was a bottomless pit!

Moreover, Monk Dongxu is not a fool, and he will not stand still and let you hit. The Panther Head Cannon will either unexpectedly overcast, or trap the target before firing.

In general, Lin Hao was satisfied.

"Next, it's time to kill out!"

Lin Hao smiled coldly, put the Leopard Head Cannon away, and wandered outside.

Before leaving, he glanced at the puppet tower, this puppet tower can make him very greedy, only to find a way to remove it later.

Lin Hao left the remains of the Heavenly Puppet Sect, returned along the same path, and soon went out of the trench and came to the bottom of the sea.

When he looked up, he could see the bottom of a ship floating on the surface of the sea, which must be Yujianmen's Yujian.

Lin Hao did not hesitate, took out the Leopard Head Cannon, and aimed its muzzle at the bottom of Yujian Ship above.

The distance from this place was ten thousand feet high. At such a distance, the bottom of Yujian's ship was a small black spot that the other party could not detect, and it was also a safe and shady place.

Although being too far apart would cause the power to decrease, Lin Hao wouldn't worry that the power was not enough. This was a full blow from Monk Dongxu. If it didn't sink, he wouldn't have to be confused.

Lin Hao took out a thousand semi-extreme spirit stones, stuffed them into the muzzle of the Leopard Head Cannon, and fully urged the cannon.


In the muzzle, the majestic spiritual energy of the semi-extreme spiritual stones gushed out, and the destructive energy was madly gathering. During the gathering process, all the semi-extreme spiritual stones were discharged as waste.

After just a few breaths, the energy was concentrated, and the muzzle shone with a dazzling white light, and even the surrounding sea water appeared unnaturally twisted.

"Fire!" Lin Hao shouted loudly.


The leopard head cannon shook violently, and a white light beam condensed to the limit shot up from the muzzle, like a galaxy through the sky, whizzing up from the bottom of the sea, almost in the blink of an eye, spanning a long distance. Came to the bottom of Yujian.

On the deck of Yujian, Si Kongyu was sitting cross-legged to heal his wounds, and the other elders were all taking a rest, planning to wait until the master's breath adjustment was completed, and then head to the remains of the Sky Puppet Sect.

They didn't know that the danger was coming.

Si Kongyu did his best to heal his injuries and didn't pay attention to the movement under the boat. Maybe in his subconscious, no one would attack from the bottom of the boat.

How keen is his perception, as long as there is an object close to the range of 10,000 meters, he will be sensed.

The sea was calm Some people yawned lazily.

"You said, what's the mechanism in the Sky Puppet Sect? Even the sect master suffers such a big loss!"

"The ghost knows that it is estimated to be a great opportunity, as long as we break through, our Yujianmen will rise!"

Two elders were talking quietly.

Suddenly, Si Kongyu, who was sitting still in the same place, opened his eyes violently, and his eyes were full of horror. He felt that there was a beam of light coming from below!

It's too fast! It's almost impossible to avoid it!

(End of this chapter)


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