Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 451: : Slap to death

Lin Hao heard the discussion of the crowd behind him, and then looked at Liu Qiang who was arrogant, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

"What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. The treasures of my Liu Family Chamber of Commerce have been stolen a few days ago. I suspect you stole it. Please hand over your storage ring and let me check it!"

When Liu Qiang opened his mouth, a big hat was buttoned down, showing a sardonic smile.

The three brawny men in front of them also grind their fists and their faces are full of ugly.

All three of them are at the seventh-level cultivation base of the Transformation of Gods, and they can work for Liu's Chamber of Commerce, and they have a lot of benefits.

Lin Hao didn't change his face, and said flatly, "The Liu Family Chamber of Commerce, the Mocheng family dominates, right?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Liu Qiang's mouth: "Yes, you are still acquainted."


Lin Hao nodded and pressed it with a palm.

The aura in the sky suddenly converged into a big hand with a hundred feet wide Zhenyuan, which hovered over Liu Qiang's head and pressed it at Liu Qiang.

The moment Lin Hao controlled the aura of heaven and earth, everyone immediately sensed his true cultivation level!

"What? The Ninth Level of God Transformation?" Liu Qiang's expression changed wildly, he pulled away and walked back, and at the same time he took out the soul card and was about to crush it.


Zhenyuan's big hand pressed down, and a defensive mask appeared on Liu Qiang's body. He was exploded by Zhenyuan's big hand as soon as he appeared, and then Liu Qiang was directly photographed into meat sauce.

"The Ninth Floor of God Transformation?!" The crowd onlookers were all shocked.

After doing it for a long time, this young man in white is still a master of the ninth-level transformation. Liu Qiang is only the sixth-level transformation.

The three shirtless sailors looked at Liu Qiang's broken body, their faces all pale.

"Little beast, you are so courageous! The ants of the Ninth Floor of the Transformation God dare to offend Liu's Chamber of Commerce, you are dead!" one of them scolded Lin Hao.

"I advise you to come with us, otherwise..."


Lin Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense, and took another picture of Zhenyuan's hand.

The expressions of those three people changed wildly. They didn't expect that Lin Hao would really dare to do it?

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

With three crisp noises, the three of them just turned their heads, and before they could escape, they were photographed into meatloaf.

After solving this group of people, Lin Hao clapped his hands, waved his sleeves, and walked in the direction of Yu Jianmen.

From the beginning to the end, he had a calm expression, he didn't even look at them, as if he had just shot a few flies to death.

The crowd onlookers has always been in a state of silence. After Lin Hao left, the place was completely exploded!

"It's over. This person is dead. If you kill someone from Liu's Chamber of Commerce, Boss Liu will probably take his skin off."

"The last time someone killed a guard of the Liu's Chamber of Commerce, he was blocked by meridians and hung on the beach to feed the sharks. After eating for three days and three nights, he died!"

The more the crowd talked, the more horrified they were. Lin Hao was the first person who dared to kill the senior leaders of the Liu's Chamber of Commerce, and he might die very miserably.

At this moment, a young man with yellow hair stared at Lin Hao's back, his pupils suddenly shrank, pointing at Lin Hao and stuttering: "He, he..."

"What's the matter with rhubarb?" asked the companion on the side.

"Lin Tian! He is Lin Tian! There is nothing wrong, I have seen him!" The yellow hair screamed.

"What?" the companion beside him exclaimed.


At this moment, inside the meeting room of the Liu Chamber of Commerce.

Patriarch Liu Boss was sitting in the main seat, and a young man in a Taoist robe was sitting next to him, with a sword on his waist, occasionally a wise light flashed in his eyes, it turned out to be Zhuge Guiyuan.

"Brother Zhuge, that's all I know about Lin Tian. I don't know where he went later." Older Liu clasped his fist.

Zhuge Guiyuan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "In this case, I will leave!"

Boss Liu thought for a while, and said in a deep thought, "Brother Zhuge, although I am not a big sect, Liu's Chamber of Commerce is also the number one power in Mocheng. If you are willing to be named as an elder Keqing, you will be able to pass through Mocheng more in the future. Convenience!"

"No need! You told me this information, I can help you strengthen the formation, and other things will be avoided!"

Zhuge Guiyuan stood up and said calmly.

Dalang Liu could only helplessly say: "In this case, Brother Lao Zhuge!"

Zhuge Guiyuan only went through here, and wanted to ask about Lin Hao's news, so he came to visit the Liu Family Chamber of Commerce, the biggest force in Mocheng, but he didn't get anything valuable.

At this moment, a guard rushed in violently outside.

"Report! Patriarch Liu, Liu Qiang and his guard were killed on the dock!" The guard knelt down and said with his fists.

"what did you say?"

Boss Liu stood up immediately, his eyes staring.

"This is true, everyone has seen it with their own eyes. He killed Liu Qiang!" the guard said anxiously.

This makes Boss Liu incredible. No one in the Liu Chamber of Commerce in Mocheng dares to provoke them. Who dares to kill their people?

Boss Liu pondered for a moment and asked, "What strength is that person?"

"The Ninth Level of God Transformation!" the guard said.

Hearing this, Boss Liu was stunned, and his eyes flashed with disdain.

After working for a long time, he is a ninth-level cultivator who is a little capable, but unfortunately he is too short-sighted.

Not to mention that he himself is the pinnacle of the transformation of God, Liu's Chamber of Commerce still has many masters of the peak of transformation.

What's more, there is such a big backer as Zhuge Guiyuan here. Although Zhuge Guiyuan refused his guest invitation, after all, he got Lin Tian's news from him.

"What's the matter?" Zhuge Guiyuan was about to leave and couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, an ant doesn't have eyes, it provokes me, wait for me to teach!"

Boss Liu waved his hand indifferently.

"Where did he go?" Boss Liu looked at the guard and asked again.

"He is walking towards the east, probably to Yujianmen." The guard said respectfully.

"Huh! Come, come with me!"


Boss Liu brought three masters of the transformation of the gods and left the Liu Family Chamber of Commerce.

Killing a cultivator of the Ninth Level of Transforming God Liwei, for them, couldn't be better.

Upon seeing this, Zhuge Guiyuan frowned, and after a moment of contemplation, he followed behind.


Only a piece of ruins remained at the Yujian Gate.

Lin Hao came to the Yujian Gate, there were broken walls everywhere, and many monks could be seen searching for something inside.

"Burn all, kill all and grab all, this Heifengzhai is really I won't leave any soup!"

"Oh! I guess there are no treasures left!"

The monks inside searched to no avail, all sighed, and many people planned to leave.

Lin Hao walked carelessly in the ruins of Yujianmen, his spiritual consciousness swept around to see if he could find useful things.


Suddenly, there was a scream from afar.

"Huh?" Lin Hao was taken aback, flew in the direction where the sound came from, and the other monks all flew there.

(End of this chapter)


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