Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 452: : Satsuki’s help

When they arrived at their destination, they saw an ice-blue feather suspended at the foot of a mountain in front of them. The feather was one foot long and crystal clear, like a crystal carved, very beautiful and moving.

What is shocking is that in front of Feather, there are three human-shaped ice sculptures. The deceased's expression is horrified, as if they are shocking the world, so you should not approach it.

"What feather is this?"

"My God! Near is death, it must be a treasure!"

Feather has surrounded a lot of monks, all of them staring blankly, but no one dared to step forward.

Because there have been three lessons learned, it has been frozen into three ice sculptures.

The three of them were not mediocre, the strongest reached the eighth level of Transforming God, and had a certain reputation in Mocheng, but they still couldn't escape, and they froze when they approached, making everyone wonder what the **** was this.

When Lin Hao rushed here, his eyes condensed, and he suddenly locked on the feather.

"Xiaoyue's Lingyu?" Lin Hao recognized it at a glance. This was the feather that Xiaoyue left behind.

It seemed that he had sensed Lin Hao's breath, and when Lin Hao approached a kilometer range, that piece of feather would automatically hang in the air and float towards Lin Hao.



When the feathers floated, everyone's eyes were also tightly locked, following the feathers' floating route, they shifted to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao stretched out his hand and took Feather in his hand.

Suddenly, a large amount of information that Xiaoyue left in her feathers came to Lin Hao's mind.

The information left by Xiaoyue is all the information about the Shenzhou Sea, including nearly 80% of the map of the Shenzhou Sea, the history of the Shenzhou Sea, the deeds of famous strong men, and the danger zone markings, etc., which is equivalent to an encyclopedia.

After a while, Lin Hao opened his eyes and smiled: "Thank you, Xiaoyue!"

He knows how precious the information that Xiaoyue left behind for him is!

There is a lot of information, first of all, I talked about the location of Shenzhou Sea.

The Shenzhou Sea, located in the western part of the Eastern Profound Region, is a Mediterranean Sea with an area larger than Jinling State, Muling State, and Huoling State combined! Equivalent to hundreds of Panlong domains!

The power of the Shenzhou Sea is also complicated. Among them, there are monks Dongxu who are in charge. The combined power of humans and monsters is close to one hundred, not including those that are isolated from the world without statistics.

In comparison, Yujianmen was only the weakest among the 100 forces, barely ranking in the top 100.

Heifengzhai has only one cave monk who sits in the village, but he is very famous, because the top three superpowers on The Hague Island want to destroy Heifengzhai but there is no way to do it. He can only issue a wanted order to search for it. they.

Moreover, Heifengzhai was still unaware of it. Together, he wiped out the seven sects that were sitting in the hole, his strength was unfathomable, and no one knew how many masters there were.

The information Xiaoyue gave him tells every sect that Dongxu sits in, and even describes the famous genius in the sect.

This made Lin Hao have to sigh, Xiaoyue can be regarded as a great help to him.

Xiaoyue's power, Eagle Island, is also a super power that can be ranked in the top five, which should not be underestimated.

After receiving the information, Lin Hao put away the feather. In addition to conveying information, this lingyu also contains the ice will, which will play a big role in the future!

Seeing Lin Hao put away his feathers, the many cultivators below looked at each other, all smiled and surrounded him.

"This fellow Taoist, congratulations! You are lucky!"

"Haha! Daoist is so lucky, I am envious of it!"

"Why don't you take out this feather and let me wait to observe?"

Numerous cultivators stood in front of Lin Hao, talking babblingly, greed appeared in their eyes.

There is no doubt that all of them think feathers are treasures, but they are taken away by an unknown person. Who can not afford to be careful?

"Oh? You want this feather?"

As they said, Lin Hao took out the feather and hung it in his palm.

As soon as the feathers appeared, the cold current continued to gush out, the surrounding air was condensed with frost, the ground layers were frozen, and the temperature dropped sharply!

However, these had no effect on Lin Hao. There was Xiaoyue's blood in the feathers, and those cold currents automatically avoided Lin Hao.

Seeing Lin Hao took out the feathers, the eyes of many monks were red.

"Friends of Taoism, the treasure is destined to get it. I think I have a destiny with this treasure, so leave it to me!"

After finishing speaking, a cultivator on the eighth floor of the Transformation God stomped forward, rushed forward like lightning, and opened his hand to grab the feather in Lin Hao's hand.

Although the cold current around the feather is surging, and there is a terrifying cold air, in his opinion, Lin Hao can easily grasp the feather, and he can definitely too.

"I'm also related to this treasure, it's mine!"

Seeing someone taking the lead, the others didn't hesitate anymore, they all rushed up, towards Lin Hao.

"for you all!"

Lin Hao smiled slightly and threw the feather out.

"its mine!"

"It's my feather!"


The cultivators blushed and rushed on like crazy dogs, grabbing at the feathers.


Suddenly, when they were within ten meters of the feathers, their bodies were all frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they were frozen into ice sculptures in the blink of an eye!

"Da da da!"……

Countless ice sculptures fell on the ground feebly, maintaining their expressions before being frozen.


"No, run away!"

Seeing such a frightening scene, the rest of the survivors were so frightened that they quickly stopped their bodies and fleeed far behind.

"Oh? Do you want more?" Lin Hao looked around and asked with a smile.

Everyone was frightened, and they trembled: "No more, this treasure is still not blessed!"

"No, no, give it to you!"

Lin Hao flicked his finger, and the feathers floating in his palm rushed towards the crowd like a flying sword.

Feather moved fast, passing by the crowd with an endless cold current.


In a scream, all the monks froze and turned into ice sculptures.

In a blink of an eye, all those who snatched feathers just now were not spared and all died!

Lin Hao walked over slowly, took the feather in his hand and put it into the body space.

Those monks who didn't rush to **** them were so scared that their faces paled. Fortunately, they didn't make a foolish thing.

Lin Hao couldn't think of Xiaoyue's feathers with such power. Doesn't that mean Xiaoyue understood the will of the ice?

Chu Feng of Eagle Island understands the will of flame, and Xiaoyue understands the will of ice, which is interesting.

Lin Hao shook his head, but unfortunately he was still far away from the will of kendo and the will of thunder and lightning he had comprehended in his previous life.

(End of this chapter)


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