Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 484: : Confrontation

The gap between the peak of the **** of transformation and the void of the hole is too big, so both are the peak of the **** of transformation, and their strength is also different, and can be roughly divided into four grades.

The first stage of the peak of transformation, accounting for more than 90%, has no talent. The second grade is relatively rare, and they understand the martial arts of the sky level, they are all famous old monsters.

The two lions that Zi Yao brought, including Elder Big Toad Red, were of the second grade.

"Elder Hong, what are you looking for?" Zi Yao asked.

"Elder Punishment, the three eyes of my clan came to the Ten Thousand Snake Valley to set up a ring and talked with the group of snakes, but they were brutally killed by the black ridge snake. The bones are gone. You have to be the master for us!" Red elder cried Shouted.

"Please call the shots for us!" The toads of the aquarium also shouted.

Zi Yao glanced at the situation ahead and understood what was going on.

"Yeah! I get it!"

Zi Yao nodded, looked at Lin Hao and Elder Black and White with cold eyes, and said coldly: "Blackridge Snake, you killed the three-eyed purple toad while discussing it, is it true?"

"Yes!" Lin Hao admitted directly.

"Little brother, you..." Elder Black was taken aback. He wanted to argue, but Lin Hao admitted it? This will be bad for them!

Lin Hao didn't show any expression at all. With his strength, he couldn't show himself, so who could stand him?

Seeing Lin Hao's indifferent attitude, Zi Yao's eyes became even colder.

"The snake clan occupies the best Ten Thousand Snake Valley, it is not in compliance with the rules, but you don't know how to converge, and kill your opponent when you are fighting!"

"When the sect is in such a crisis, my wild beast sect should unite with each other. At this juncture, destroying the internal harmony of the sect is even more sinful!"

Zi Yao stared at Lin Hao, and took all the charges on Lin Hao in a few words.

Lin Hao just thought it was funny, he disrupted the internal harmony of the sect? I don't know who is destroying!

If it was in the past, he would still argue, but now it is unnecessary. When the strength can solve the problem, he doesn't want to talk about it!

"Originally, according to the penalty, you should be imprisoned for a hundred years and then executed. Now, I am arresting you for the crime of killing the same race and destroying unity! Torture for seven days and nights, let you die slowly in pain!"

Zi Yao looked down on Lin Hao and pronounced the ending to Lin Hao.

With Zi Yao's pronouncement, the complexions of many snake monsters changed, and they all looked at Lin Hao anxiously, hoping that Lin Hao could say something.

But Lin Hao didn't have much to say, he didn't even bother to say a word.

"Blackridge Snake, do you have anything to say?" Zi Yao asked.

Lin Hao just sneered: "I have nothing to say to you."

"That's good, you still have a bit of self-knowledge!" Zi Yao waved his paw and said, "Take it away!"


The purple lions on both sides flew towards Lin Hao from left to right.

The black elder beside Lin Hao suddenly rushed out after struggling for a long time.

"Stop it!"

He rushed up like a lightning, entangled the purple lion on the left.

Elder Bai also rushed out at the same time, blocking the purple lion on the right.

"Elder Black and White, what are you doing!" Zi Yao was stunned and shouted loudly.

"Huh! It's clear that you are plotting wrongdoing and want to kill our snake clan, you don't want to take our compatriots!" Black elder dragged the lion tightly, hissed angrily.

"If you want to take away our people, first step over my body!" Elder Bai said angrily.

This sudden scene stunned Zi Yao and the toads of the Shui clan.

Zi Yao calmed down, and said with a furious smile: "Okay, okay! It's turned the sky upright, Elder Black and Elder Bai, you defy the order of the penalty department and should be imprisoned in the ice prison for ten years. If you are stubborn again, I Have the right to kill you!"

"You scumbags!" Elder Bai scolded angrily.

Elder Toad Hong jumped out and said to Zi Yao: "Punish elders, I will catch the black ridge snake!"

"Okay! It's up to you!" Zi Yao nodded, Red Elder is not weak, and it is easy to catch Lin Hao.

Elder Hong squinted at Lin Hao and sneered: "Boy, if you dare to kill three eyes, I will let you know what life is better than death!"

Suddenly, he opened his big mouth, a sticky pink tongue, shot out like brown sugar, instantly shooting out thousands of meters away.

Toad's tongue can shoot hundreds of times longer than his body, very far, and it almost sticks to Lin Hao's body like a teleport, entangling him.

When it stuck, the venom and barbs on the tongue scratched Lin Hao's snake scales, but they were not damaged at all, which made Elder Hong slightly surprised.

"Bring me back!" Elder Hong's tongue shrank, pulling back vigorously!

However, Lin Hao was frozen in place like a sculpture, motionless.

"What?" Elder Hong's expression changed slightly.

Lin Hao looked at him like a dead dog.

"There are so many scums in the sect! Today I will clean up one by one!"

Lin Hao's eyes dazzled, his body suddenly exerted force, and he yanked him towards this side.

After that, Elder Hong unexpectedly rose from the ground, but was pulled over by Lin Hao.


When Elder Red flew to Lin Hao, Lin Hao's head crashed out, and under countless pairs of shocked eyes, Elder Red's body was penetrated.


Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao vigorously vibrated and let out a loud roar, and Elder Hong's body exploded into minced meat, and it flew down.

The audience is dead!

One move! The pinnacle of the **** of transformation, the second-grade veteran master, also has the same trick to kill, and without using martial arts, it relies on physical collision to kill! Even to death, Elder Hong did not have time to resist!

All the monster beasts couldn't figure out how could there be such a pervert under Dongxu, is he Dragon Master?

"How is it possible?" The toads made a sharp croaking was also completely stunned. The strength of this snake seemed beyond imagination.

"Come here!" Zi Yao roared to the sky, and a purple long rainbow rushed straight into the sky, exploding like fireworks, and it was clearly visible for thousands of miles.

Five minutes later, all the large-scale lions swarmed, all of them were the elders of the penalty department, the elites of the lion clan, and there were fifteen peaks of the gods, and all the lions were moved.

"Crack quack!"

The peak frog of the Shui clan also jumped out, more than the Lion clan, reaching more than twenty!

Zi Yao was completely angry. Since the nine-pole thunder lion of the Lion clan was frozen, the status of the lion clan has gradually declined. Only the nine-pole thunder lion is not dead, so no one dares to provoke!

Recently, he also secretly colluded with the Shui Clan for the living space of the Lion Clan to obtain the Shui Clan's help. He also promised to help the Shui Clan to get Ten Thousand Snake Valley.

Now the plan is wrong, and a black ridge snake slaps him in the face, killing someone in his face, where will he be placed?

Elder Hei and Elder Bai also retreated, and the two snakes said loudly to the rear: "Clan people, now that the Ice and Fire King is not here, we have been bullied and come to the door, why are we still hesitating? Our snake clan has no guilty species!"

Hearing the call of the black and white elders, the snake monsters behind were all boiled with enthusiasm, crawling out one by one, screaming in the sky.

"Our snake clan has no spoils!"

"Don't want to take away any brother!"

At the moment, all the snakes were pouring out, and the strong and the weak all came to the front.

The snake clan has been inherited for countless years and has accumulated many masters, especially after the return of the experienced monsters, there are more than 30 snake monsters at the peak of the gods, and there are four second-level masters like the black and white elders. .

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