Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 485: : Lin Hao's reputation!

The monster beasts hiding in the distance behind them were all stunned, not knowing what to say.

"It's over! It's messed up!"

"Something has happened, we are going to fight!"

"I'll tell the chief!"

The monsters knew that something was wrong, and the wolf tribe and the ape tribe all ran back to inform their leader.

Zi Yao didn't expect it to happen to this point.

"Are you snakes crazy? All rebels?!"

Zi Yao's face was extremely gloomy, as if his dignity had been provoked, he took out a penalty order, and shouted: "I order you in the name of the penalty department and return it to me! Otherwise, I will take all the snakes in your Ten Thousand Snake Valley. arrest!"

"Haha! Zongmen has fallen here only because of the moths like you, come here if there are seeds!" Elder Black said coldly.

Zi Yao was angry to the limit and waved his paw: "Go! Bring back all the snake monsters in Ten Thousand Snake Valley, and kill those who resist!"

In an instant, all the lions and toads were nervous, and the snake demons were all ready to fight. The battle was about to start!


Just when they were about to rush forward, suddenly! A deafening roar came, like a thunder from the sky, blowing in the ears of every monster.

All the monsters stopped their movements and looked towards the sky. In the sky, the Golden Ape King, the leader of the giants, appeared.

It's just that Jin Ape King's complexion at the moment is a bit unsightly, so gloomy and frightening.

"The enemy of the sect is at the head, how are you fighting the enemy?" King Golden Ape stared at the group of monsters facing each other, his voice was like thunder, and heavy pressure came along.

All the monsters were crawling on the ground, their bodies trembling slightly, and they did not dare to say a word.

Just at this time, a huge figure also came with a thunder, and it was the leader of the Shui clan Nine-Eyed Evil Toad.

The nine-eyed evil toad looked at the situation, shouted at the group of toads and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"That's it. The three eyes came to the arena and exchanged friendly ideas. The result was that the black ridge snake of the snake family was beheaded in public. The punishment elder came to arrest him. Not only did he not want to repent, he also killed us Hong Kong even more vigorously. The elders even encouraged other snake monsters to resist together, and this is the situation!"

A toad jumped up and said what had happened before.

Zi Yao also nodded: "Yes, that's the case! I want to catch this snake back. If he behaves well, he might be spared his life, but he killed Elder Hong in my presence. , And to encourage the compatriots of Wanshe Valley to resist, the crime is added to the crime!"

Both you and I said, and at the same time pointed the finger at the black ridge snake.

When the nine-eyed evil toad heard the news of the death of three eyes, his eyes widened. He observed the group of toads below. As expected, he did not find the corpses of the three-eyed purple toad and the red elder, only some pieces of meat.

"Did you kill Sanyan and Toad Red?" Nine-eyed Xie Chan glared at Lin Hao, his eyes protruding.

Lin Hao looked at him directly, without changing his face, and calmly said, "So what? Zongmen scum-worm, why can't you kill it?"

Lin Hao had no fear on his face. The strength of the Nine-Eyed Evil Toad was at best comparable to the Golden Winged Roc. What's the fear?

"Little thief, how dare you talk to me like this! You have no respect, you deserve death!"

Nine-eyed Evil Toad was furious and looked at King Golden Ape: "King Golden Ape, this thief is so rude, I am going to kill him!"

Nine-eyed Evil Toad said angrily, but he couldn't help but was taken aback. He found King Golden Ape's gaze sluggish, staring straight at Lin Hao without blinking, as if he had seen something strange.

"Lin..." King Golden Ape gasped.

Lin Hao's disguise was invisible to the cultivator, but as a hole, his will and his body were perfectly combined, and he returned to his true self. How could he not see it?

He had been in contact with Lin Hao, he recognized Lin Hao's eyes at a glance!

King Golden Ape reacted immediately and scolded the Nine-Eyed Evil Toad: "Nine-Eyed, you can't kill this snake, go back!"

"What!" Zi Yao couldn't say anything: "Master Golden Ape King, this snake..."

"I said, you can't kill him, didn't you hear?" King Jin Yuan was too lazy to explain to Zi Yao, staring coldly at the past.


Zi Yao didn't dare to say anything, no matter how bold he was, he wouldn't dare to oppose King Golden Ape.

Nine-eyed Evil Toad saw such a strange scene, wondering what was special about this black ridge snake, and asked the Golden Ape King to come forward to protect it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Lin Hao, wanting to observe the snake carefully.

When his consciousness carefully observed Lin Hao, he suddenly froze. He was amazed to discover that the eyes of this black ridge snake, and outside the mysterious realm of ten thousand demons back then, slaughtered all directions and slaughtered hundreds of elders of human transformation. Hao is exactly the same!

"Lin Hao?!"

The shocked voice of the nine-eyed evil toad blurted out.

"Lin Hao?"

As the voice of the Nine-Eyed Evil Toad fell, there was an uproar in the audience!

This black ridge snake is Lin Hao?

King Jin Ape’s face changed slightly. He knew that Lin Hao was disguised as a black ridge snake. He must have some This did not break through, only said the word "Lin", who knew he was caught by the Nine Eyed Evil Speak out in public.

Lin Hao's expression also sank. He pretended to be in order not to be discovered by humans.

He can't guarantee whether there are human spies in the sect, so many monsters watched, if the wind leaks, the Academy Alliance knows that he is back, it may become the fuse of the human attack.

The Academy Alliance has surrounded the wild beast sect, and they have more holes than the wild beast sect.

Before Lin Hao was restrained outside, they sent Dong Xu to chase Lin Hao and didn't attack. Now Lin Hao is back, if they know it, there are eight out of ten. Nine will choose to go to war!

Nine-eyed Xie Chan didn't know the seriousness of the situation, and shouted excitedly: "Lin Hao! You are finally back, it's good to be back! Great!"

"Is that really Brother Lin Hao?"

"Look at his expression, it must be true!"

"Lin Hao is still alive?"

"Haha! Great!"

For a moment, all the monsters present made cheering and joyful sounds, the tension before disappeared, and they danced with excitement.

Lin Hao's prestige was too great. With his own power, he killed all the elite elders and accomplished an almost impossible feat!

Unparalleled in the world! No monster will forget that dragon in mid-air, summoning a black hole and devouring humans!

Zi Yao was stunned, staring at Lin Hao and stuttering: "Lin Hao, how could it be you? Are you dead?"

After the Wild Beast Sect announced the closure of the sect, the information was not circulating. Only a few of the tycoons of the Wild Beast Sect knew about Lin Hao's incarnation of Lin Tian's feat in Shenzhou Sea. Zi Yao thought that Lin Hao died in Yanluojiang.

Lin Hao knew that until now, there is no point in concealing it. He stared at Zi Yao and said, "Yes, I won't die if you die!"

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