Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 564: : Long You Can Eat People

"Dongxu three-layer?" Feeling the breath of Long You, Xingyun Island Master secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He thought it was a master, it turned out to be only the three-layer hole.

The master of Xingyun Island said with a smile: "Your Excellency, this is the first I found on the island of The Hague. Please leave here. I can forget the blame, otherwise, when I find your race, then..."

Speaking of this, Island Master Xingyun smiled cruelly, and the meaning was self-evident.

Obviously, it's just asking you to get out, or else kill your whole family.

"Hahaha! I would rather you find out my ethnic group, I still don't know who my parents are." Long You grinned.

Island Master Xingyun gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Toast and not eat fine wine, I will peel off your skin first to see how rampant you are!"

Xingyun Island Master pushed it with both hands, and the underground sea water condensed into a vast cloud of spirit, pushing it forward suddenly.

"Large row of cloud palms!"

Xingyun Island Master shot it out with a palm, and the huge waves tumbling up.

Long You's wings waved, and countless skulls suddenly appeared in the void, making the screams of ghosts and wolves, not knowing how many creatures had been swallowed.

"Soul Eater Demon Barrier!" Long You shouted coldly, and the skull head in the void leaped forward and hit the palm of the large row of clouds. The fluctuation was violent, and the sea was tumbling.

After a while, Lingyun was eroded by the skull and the island master Xingyun turned pale, spouting a mouthful of blood, and backed countless steps back.

The crowd onlookers in the distance was stunned, and their island owner fell into a disadvantage.

Island Master Xingyun wiped the blood from his lips and said coldly: "Go on together, kill him!"


The nearby crowd jumped out and pounced on Long You, all of them are Dongxu monks!

"It just happened, let you **** venom!"

Long You smiled coldly, and a large amount of purple-black poisonous gas suddenly emerged from the gap between the snake scales, which merged into the sea water, and all the nearby sea water turned black.

Once the people approaching were exposed to the seawater, their faces turned black, and their true essence was blocked in their meridians like a stone, and they spewed a few mouthfuls of black blood "Wow".

"I can not make it!"

With just a breath, a monk fell down.

Island Master Xingyun's face changed drastically, and Long You's figure flickered, rushed to a person, opened his mouth and bit on his body, swallowing that person whole.

"Well, the smell of Monk Dongxu is good! Come again!" Long You flashed back again, swallowing another person.

Lin Hao is a human soul, and he is more repulsive of cannibalism. Long You is different. He is a snake from the corpse of the yin, and he relies on cannibalism to increase spiritual power.

After a few breaths, Long You moved continuously, swallowing several Hollow Monks, and exhaling snake letters excitedly.

"Asshole, you forced me, I'm going to kill you!" Island Master Xingyun was completely angry. His body meridians bulged and his aura soared. He reached the peak of the fourth layer of Dongxu, only half way from the fifth floor of Dongxu. step.

He shook it in the air, and a black big knife appeared in his hand. After the big knife appeared, the sea seemed to have encountered terrible oppression.

"Huh?" Long You's face changed slightly, and he also felt that that knife could pose a threat to him.

Xingyun Island Master is different from Yaotianxing. He is the owner of The Hague Island. The treasures in the sea are not comparable to land. His hole cards are much more than Yaotianxing!


Xingyun Island Master flashed over, slashed, and saw the light of a long rainbow like a sword piercing through the sky and earth, falling on Long You with unrivaled power, leaving a deep knife mark behind Long You.

"Hiss!" Long You screamed and landed in the distance.

The next battle scene was completely one-sided, Xingyun Island Master’s treasured sword appeared, and his strength was increased several times, pressing Long You to fight. Fortunately, Long You itself was a corpse, even if his body was chopped off. Will die.

"Lin Hao, what the **** are you doing? Come out and help!" Long You shouted at the puppet tower.

There was no movement inside.

Long You's face was dark, and he could only entangle with Xingyun Island Master.

After Lin Hao rushed into the Puppet Tower, he did not act rashly, but used the Dragon Shadow Killer to hide in the corner of the first floor, letting the Hell Furnace clone to collect the Tiger Head Cannon.

After the furnace clone floated past, the tiger head cannon was not unusual. When the furnace clone came close, it was immediately put into the inventory.

"Haha, relaxed and happy!" Lin Hao smiled secretly.

"Kang Dang!"

Suddenly, the gate on the first floor of the Puppet Tower closed.

Lin Hao was taken aback, and rushed to the gate quickly, hitting it with his body, making a "boom, boom" sound, but he didn't react at all.

"Blocked?" Lin Hao asked in shock.


At this time, the puppet tower erupted with unprecedented loud sirens.

"An enemy invades! An enemy invades!"

With the sound of the sirens, countless rays of light burst out of the void. With a random burst of fire, Lin Hao's furnace clone was hit by the light before it could escape, and it burst into pieces.

Fortunately, the Tiger Head Cannon was put into his inventory, which didn't affect him ~ but Lin Hao's body suffered.

"Thousand Lei Shun!"

Lin Hao immediately used Qian Lei Shu, shuttled back and forth in the burst of light, dodge constantly.

These rays of light were so powerful that they all reached the full blow of the fourth layer of the hole, which was estimated to be launched according to the strength of Xingyun Island Master.

If it hits Lin Hao, there will definitely be a few blood holes, Lin Hao dare not use his body to resist, so he can only do his best to dodge.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Hao avoided a dozen rays of light.

"Damn! What can I do with this?" Lin Hao had no choice. He had already cast Thousand Lei Shun three times in a row, his body was paralyzed, and he was about to reach his limit.

"call out!"

A laser hit Lin Hao's tail, blood splashed out, and the pain was unbearable.

"Stop quickly!" Lin Hao shouted inwardly.

I don't know if I heard Lin Hao's voice or something. After Lin Hao's fifth thousand thunderous actions, when he was exhausted, the light stopped emitting, and the puppet tower fell into silence again.

"It's dangerous!" Lin Hao sighed completely, as if a puddle of mud was lying on the ground, feeling weak.

It seems that he who used the Dragon Shadow Killer was not detected by the Puppet Tower. The attack just now was purely to eliminate the Island Master Xingyun, but Lin Hao broke in and was accidentally injured.

Lin Hao shrank quietly in the corner, and felt relieved when he saw that the puppet tower hadn't moved.

Since he took the tiger-head cannon, it was a good trip, so he took the tiger-head cannon into the internal space and carefully inspected it.

The tiger-head cannon is ten feet long and larger than the leopard's head. The black metal luster of the whole body looks domineering.

Lin Hao's clone walked to the side of the puppet cannon, dripped a drop of blood, and began to refine the cannon.

The refining of the Tiger Head Cannon is not difficult, and the message of the Tiger Head Cannon was completed in just ten minutes.

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