Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 565: : Long You Unkillable

Sure enough, the Tiger Head Cannon is an enhanced version of the Leopard Head Cannon, which is also divided into three grades.

The first grade can display the lethality of the fourth layer of the hole, the second and third grades are the fifth and sixth layers of the hole respectively.

The consumption of spirit stones is also increasing gradually, the first gear will consume 25,000 and a half of the best spirit stones, the second gear consumes 40,000, and the third gear 60,000.

This is simply a monster that eats spirit stones!

It was Lin Hao who scoured the Tianlong Bank, which had a hundred thousand and a half top-grade spirit stones, and still felt that it was too much.

Seeing that the gate of the puppet tower was blocked and unable to get out for the time being, Lin Hao simply dispatched the melting pot clone to climb upstairs and took away the dragon head cannon.

After a while, Lin Hao arrived on the third floor. The leading cannon was still lying there without moving, with a large mask on the surface.

Lin Hao jumped to the side of the mask, using the furnace's swallowing ability to absorb the energy on the mask.

Before long, a pile of crystal clear spirit crystals appeared in the furnace, all of which were obtained from the devouring mask.

It's just that the speed is too slow. If this continues, it will take three days to complete the refining.

At this moment, the outside world has battled into chaos.

"Lin Hao, come out soon! I can't hold on anymore?" Long You kept roaring at the puppet tower.

"Hahaha! Your friend died inside, the puppet tower is full of dangers, I may not be able to survive, the door is sealed, he will definitely die!" Xingyun Island Master laughed.

Long You took a closer look and found that the gate was indeed sealed.

"Haha, die with peace of mind!"

The knife in Xing Yun's hand kept slashing at Long You, slashing him with flesh and blood.

Some flesh and blood splashed out and fell into the sea, corroding the rocks on the bottom of the sea, and people have to marvel at the dragon's venom.

The people who originally planned to come up to help all hide away for fear of being corrupted by Long You.


"Die to me!"

The master of Xingyun Island swiped the big knife in a row, and the waves of the knife repeatedly swept across it. It was the "folding wave knife technique" that split Long You into a thousand wounds.

Then, Island Master Xingyun went down again, and Long You's head was split.

"Hiss!" Long You stepped back into the distance, dodge constantly, but the injuries on his body became more and more, and he could no longer see a good place.

It looked like a piece of minced pork chopped with countless knives, which was shocking.

Long You dragged such a "heavy" strength, but the speed did not decrease, struggling to support Xingyun Island Master's offensive.

As time passed, Xingyun Island Master also found something wrong.

Why is Long You still alive?

It stands to reason that with such a serious injury, it would have been dead for another snake, but the purple snake in front of him seemed to be an unkillable monster.

"How could this happen?" Xingyun Island Master asked in surprise.

Seeing that Long You was about to be cut into skewers, and still fleeing around alive, Island Master Xingyun was blinded instantly. What's the situation?

The elders of The Hague Island who were watching were also at a loss. 0

"Bastard thing! I will chop off your head, if you don't believe you are not dead!" Xingyun Island Master was furious, raised his black broadsword, and the turbulent light of the knife slashed at Long You's neck.

"Lie Yan has a mountain knife!"

When Xingyun Island Master fell with a knife, the seawater was evaporated into a vacuum zone, and the sun-like light of the knife fell vertically, directly on Long You's neck.


The miserable neighing sound resounded, Long You was cut in half with a knife, his head flew out, and his back also fell into the distance.

The purple-black blood shot out and spilled on the body of Island Master Xingyun, his body was corroded with large black marks, and he quickly urged Zhen Yuan to suppress it.

Looking at Long You, who was severely severed in front of him, Xingyun Island Master secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh, **** it now."

But in the next scene, his jaw almost fell.

I saw Long You who had been stabbed twice, the snake head actually flew up, and the back of the body also rose into the air, fleeing to a distance, end to end, and put it together again.

Yes, he read it right!

After the head is dropped, it can still move, and it is spliced ​​again.

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of monster is this?"

"You can move your head off!"

The onlookers in the distance had eyes bigger than a frog.

After Long You assembled his body, the wound on his body was also squirming, and the repair was completed in a blink of an eye.

"Damn, it really hurts me! Fortunately, my body was stitched with corpses, otherwise I would really be planted." Long You cursed.

He was severely severed by Yao Tianxing back then. Although he couldn't kill him, the pain was real, and it was really ecstatic.

The Island Master Xingyun, who had witnessed this scene with his own eyes, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and was so startled that he didn't know what to say.

After a long while, Island Master Xingyun trembled all over, and said in a trembled voice: "You, you, you... are you a human or a ghost?"

"Nonsense, you chopped down Lao Tzu and asked if I was a man or a ghost?" Long You said angrily.

Island Master Xingyun's face was pale, he hesitated for a moment, then continued to carry his knife and rushed up.

"Come back?" Long You's face was pale.

Next, the island owner of Xingyun went crazy and hacked at Long but the result was the same, no matter how he hacked it, he couldn't kill it!

Even if Long You's body is chopped into three pieces, it is immortal and can be stitched together.

Island Master Xingyun has nothing to say, he has not seen such a monster.

"You must have a limit on the number of times of resurrection, I don't believe that you can't be killed!" Xingyun Island Master has never seen the corpse and snake.


In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

Within the third floor of the Puppet Tower, Lin Hao finally completed the last step, swallowing the light shield covering the leading cannon.


With a thought, Lin Hao put the leading cannon into his inventory.

"Hahaha! You're done!" Lin Hao laughed.

After the cannon was received, the puppet tower would definitely have an alarm, but unexpectedly, no alarm sounded this time.

Lin Hao pondered for a moment, then subconsciously he looked up.

There was a ceiling above his head, but according to Lin Hao's sense of distance, above the ceiling, there should be a layer beyond the puppet tower!

Lin Hao came to the ceiling.

He took out the tiger-headed cannon, pointed the muzzle at the center of the ceiling, and threw twenty and a half superb spirit stones into it.

"Om!" The light condensed in the muzzle, and after about a breath, a beam of light that penetrated the sky rose into the sky, hitting the center of the ceiling, and the puppet tower vibrated violently on the spot.

Under Lin Hao's gaze, a big hole cracked in the ceiling, and it turned out to be empty.

"Sure enough, there is another layer!" Lin Hao said in surprise.

He collected the leading cannon and the forge clone jumped in.

The fourth layer has nothing, only a black crystal the size of a grinding disc, and three grooves of different shapes

"This should be the control core of the puppet tower." Lin Hao looked at the black crystal in front of him, and said inwardly.

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