Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 573: : The power of Lei Zun's formation!

When Yin Diao heard their talk, he was taken aback.

Lin Hao's formation, even he didn't see the clue, but was seen by the Golden Island owner. In other words, even if there was an ambush here, it would be guarded by the opponent, and the effect was greatly reduced.

"It's over!" Yin Diao was desperate.

"Enclose this basin first, and don't let anyone approach it easily!" Jin Island Master ordered.


The army of The Hague Island and the Hall of the Clouds circled out and surrounded the basin in the core area. The flag of the Nine Ranks Trapped Beast Array was inserted outside, forming an inverted mask, and no fly could fly out.

At this moment, all the birds and beasts of Eagle Island are concentrated inside this basin, and outside are the crowds who are staring at each other, and they can enter with a single order.

"Elder Ling, go up and explore the reality!" Jin Island Master continued.

"Yes!" Elder Ling handed over and flew forward to the edge of the basin.

When he touched the light shield of Rank Nine Trapped Beast Formation, his entire body immediately sank in. This kind of formation would only trap monsters, but it would allow humans to enter and exit easily.

Elder Ling’s cultivation has reached the fourth level of Dongxu, and his strength is second only to the three major island owners on The Hague Island. Now on Eagle Island, the silver sculpture is dragged down. Even if the three elders join forces, they will not be Ling Elder’s opponent. .

What's more, they won't join hands at all!

When Elder Ling appeared, he could definitely force the so-called formation out of its original form!

Among the birds and beasts, Chu Feng and the Purple Wing Thunderbird stared closely. They wanted to know how powerful Lin Hao's formation was.

"Haha, the formation is right, I want to see what to do with me!" Elder Ling sneered, aside from anything, he raised his hand and shot it forward.

At this time, a purple snake's tail suddenly sprang out from Elder Ling's feet, entwining his legs, and then with a "shoo", dragging him into the ground.

All this happened between the electric light and flint. In less than a second, the figure disappeared, leaving only a small hole in the ground.


Immediately afterwards, the screams came from the pothole, and stopped abruptly after a breath.


The owner of Golden Island was taken aback, but Eagle Island had hidden a master?

Upon seeing this, Chu Feng hurriedly spoke to him: "That is a purple snake, its strength reaches the fourth level of the hole virtual!"

"You didn't say it earlier!" Jin Island Master was furious.

Chu Feng was bitter and couldn't tell. In fact, she didn't expect Long You to be so powerful. After all, yesterday's Shen Feng was killed by Lin Hao.

The Purple Wing Thunderbird was also shocked. This Long You was stronger than they thought!

"Island Lord Jin, since Elder Ling is dead, let the great elder of my Cloud Central Temple go and test." King Yun said with a smile.

"Also, your elder Bai is strong, and he will surely be able to detect the so-called formation and capture the purple monster by the way." Jin Dao Master nodded in agreement.

King Yun looked at the old man Hefa beside him, and said calmly: "Elder Bai, go and test."

"Yes!" Elder Bai clasped his fists and flew towards the basin.

The strength of Elder Bai is much stronger than that of Elder Ling who died before, and is almost the same as Shen Feng. His strength can rank second in the Hall of Clouds. He is very powerful and is the right-hand man of King Yun!

After Elder Bai entered, he sneered at the corner of his mouth, and immediately stamped his foot towards the ground. The surging strength was like a tsunami. The ground instantly collapsed, and the nearby giant trees broke apart.

"Hiding, hiding, what kind of hero? Come out for me!"

Elder Bai's energy blasted into the depths of the ground violently, and traced towards the life aura beneath the ground. The skin of Long You's tail burst immediately, and the flesh and blood separated, leaving only a string of white bones.

"Humph! Unbearable!" Perceiving the underground situation, Elder Bai gave a smug sneer.

But before he had time to be proud, he saw the boneless tail, suddenly rushing up, entangled his body.


With a long scream, Elder Bai was also dragged into the ground, and then there was a creepy chewing sound, and Elder Bai died.

"How is it possible!!" King Yun cried out sadly.

He also saw the underground situation just now. The purple snake's tail was clearly shattered, and only the bones could move?


Witnessing this scene, no matter whether it was a bird or beast or a human being, all of them swallowed, and the air was cold, and their hearts were shocked.

Even the flesh and blood are separated, only the bones are left, and you can fight! And the speed is not affected at all, what kind of monster is this?

Yin Diao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Purple Teng Snake has such a method, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope to come back!

Jin Daozhu's face turned blue with anger, he looked at King Yun and said, "King Yun, you can only get on!"

"That's the intention, I want to see what kind of monster that purple snake is! Catch it back and study it!"

King Yun's chest was ups and downs, and his anger reached its limit. His Cloud Hall was originally a complete victory, but at the last moment, the gutter capsized and lost a general. Only by bloodbathing Eagle Island can he make up for the loss!

Of course, if you can catch the purple monster, you can make a lot of money!

Thinking of this, the coldness in King Yun's eyes became even greater, and he rushed toward the middle of the basin.

Everyone held their breath and stared at this moment!

Lin Hao, hiding in the ground, sneered, and this moment has finally arrived!

King Yun did not hesitate, he rushed into the enveloped area of ​​the raised his hand and reached out, grabbing the purple figure in the ground.

His qi had already locked Long You, and now is the time to capture Long You.

But at the same time he rushed into the basin, a black snake rushed into the ground again, spitting out thunder, and shouted: "Eight-pole profound thunder formation, open!"


There was a loud bang in the sky, five thunders blasted, and the purple-black thundercloud took shape in an instant, covering the sky and extending endlessly.

The sky was dimmed instantly, thunder was rolling, and the world suddenly became a world of thunder and lightning.

"What a terrifying formation?!" Jin Daozhu's face changed wildly on the spot. This formation made him feel a little threatened.

This is the case for the Golden Island Lord, not to mention the other monks and monks who change the gods!

Rao did not enter the envelope of the formation, still felt the pressure doubled, breathing was not smooth, like an ant facing the natural thunder, a feeling of irresistible insignificance! It is conceivable that the level of this formation must be very high!

And the King Yun, who was enveloped in the formation, was the first to be hit by lightning!


With the infinite thunder power, under the blessing of Lin Hao Xiaocheng's thunder and lightning will, when the cloud king was about to be covered, the cloud king suddenly became paralyzed, and the true essence in his body was like a quagmire.

"What kind of sealing formation is this? It can actually seal my strength?" King Yun exclaimed.

Before he could think about it, the underground dragon sprang up violently, opened his blood basin and rushed towards King Yun.

"Help me!" King Yun hissed, but it was too late. As soon as his voice fell, he was swallowed by Long You.

[Ps: Let me talk about my update habit. It usually looks like two or three updates. It will be sent out after ten o'clock and before twelve o'clock, but there will be a burst update every week, usually around ten chapters. 】

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