Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 574: : Formation covering the whole island

"Ah!!! Don't want to kill me! Ah!!!"

In Long You's belly, King Yun was still screaming, attacking Long You's abdomen frantically, bulging a few big bags.

"Puff!" Long You spouted a mouthful of blood and narrowed his mouth: "What, dare to make trouble when it enters my stomach and die for me!"

The venom in Long You's body was poured in, and King Yun was topped with the venom, and he suddenly screamed. He didn't know what magic weapon he had used, but he didn't die immediately. Instead, Long You continued to bleed.

In Long You's anger, the true essence in his body shrank, and the venom was poured in without money, and he started a tug of war with King Yun.

The people outside were blinded, even King Yun was swallowed!

Jin Dao Master looked at Lin Hao in mid-air, and said in shock: "Void Void Tier 5 seal formation, Xiaocheng's thunder will? What kind of monster is this!"

He couldn't understand it at all. It was nothing more than a purple snake that could not kill, and a formation master came out with the blessing of thunder and lightning will. The formation method can seal the cultivation base of the fifth layer of the hole!

Where did these two snakes come out of freaks? One is more perverted!

There was a trace of fear in his heart. If it was him who entered just now, wouldn't it be finished?

"Black snake, quickly release King Yun, I can leave the blame! Otherwise, you never want to leave Eagle Eagle Island!" Jin Island Master said angrily.

"That's right, let the hall master out quickly, otherwise we have been around here, and don't even think of a fly flying out!" The high-levels of the Cloud Palace shouted in angrily.

Lin Hao looked down at them and sneered with a sneer: "Okay, you guys will continue to stay here."

Everyone's complexion suddenly turned to blue-purple. With such a formation, they couldn't get in at all, and they couldn't get out of it. It was time consuming?

But King Yun was obviously in the disadvantage of Long You's body. If that Long You killed King Yun and freed his hands, the consequences would be disastrous!

The Lord Jin Island clenched his teeth, his face violently blue.

After some thinking, he felt unwilling to do so, so he could only wave his hand and said with difficulty: "Withdraw!"

By now, they are already resistant to Eagle Island. Only for a while, he cannot enter Eagle Island!


The Lord Jin Island shot it out with a palm and banged against the silver sculpture, both of them flew back into the distance.

"Retreat!" Golden Island Master shouted.

Hearing the order of the Lord Jin, the army of The Hague Island and the Cloud Hall could only withdraw back in grief and indignation.

The high-levels of the Yunzhong Temple were in a sad mood. Their second strongest elder died, and the Lord Yun was trapped in the belly of Long You, and he was assisted by the seal formation.

The Hall of the Clouds is completely finished!

In the battle of Eagle Eagle Island, instead of destroying Eagle Eagle Island, their coalition forces have suffered successive losses! The Hall of the Clouds lost the Lord and the Great Elder, and the Hague Island lost two Lords and Elder Ling!

The island of The Hague has at least the Golden Island Lord, who is still the top three superpower, but the Hall of the Clouds is finished. Once the pillar of the sect is dead, it will become a second-rate sect!

When they sensed the retreat of the human army, the birds and beasts of Eagle Island were stunned for a long time, and they all burst into deafening cheers.

"we won?"

"Hahaha! I'm not dreaming, I really won!"

"Who is that black snake? He set up a large formation and forced the humans back!"

"It seems to be called Lin Hao, he is a very powerful character!"

"Great! Hahaha!"

The birds and beasts looked at Lin Hao in midair with grateful eyes, and were overjoyed.

The silver eagle finally breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, Eagle Eagle Island could be saved.

Chu Feng, Purple Wing Thunderbird, and the two great elders stared blankly. They didn't think Lin Hao was really capable of turning the tide. They were all ready to turn the tide at the end, but they suddenly broke out!

They were all very regretful. They knew that Lin Hao had this ability. How could they turn back?

Looking at the human army that is about to leave, Lin Hao suddenly said coldly: "Come as you want, leave as you want? What do you think of me!"

"Lin Hao, right? I admit that your formation level is very strong. Today's revenge will be reported in the future!"

The Lord Jin Island left a ruthless word, and was about to leave, but saw Lin Hao suddenly landed, his body lying on the ground, the invisible strange power sneaked into the ground, and the ground made a "rumble" rolling sound, which seemed to be urging something. .

Lin Hao's formation is not only an eight-pole profound thunder formation, but also an formation!

A ghost reminded that the other party would not break in, would Lin Hao not know? He had made double preparations long ago!

This formation, covering an area, reaches the entire Eagle Eagle Island!

"Do you think you will be fine without entering the formation?"

"Do you think that there are a few inner ghosts reminding you that they are really safe?"

Having said this, Lin Hao glanced mockingly at Chu Feng's flock of birds, then looked at the owner of Jin Island, mockingly said: "Since they are here, don't even want to leave!"

The true essence in Lin Hao's body was poured into the ground, connected to the huge formation base, and shouted in a low voice: "The ground is trapped!"


All of a sudden, the earth moved and the mountains shook, like a magnitude ten earthquake broke The island seems to be about to collapse!

On the ground under Lin Hao, a huge deep pit appeared, and the nearby ground instantly became sandy, and it began to spin like a desert like a desert. It was the pit of the trapped ground!

After the ground sinkhole appeared, the attraction of terror swept the audience, covering everyone's body.

When the earth is trapped in the formation, Lin Hao uses the spirit of the earth to spur the power of the earth veins to arrange them, wherever the earth veins reach, they are covered by the formation!

For a while, all humans on Eagle Eagle Island, no matter where they hide, can't escape!

"what happened?"

"Why can't I move?"

The human being flying outside in the sky suddenly froze in midair, and a terrifying attraction came from behind, pulling them back.

They tried their best to run out, but it didn't work at all. The attraction was too great!

"Do not!"

It didn't take long for the first person to fly towards the rear and flew straight into the formation arranged by Lin Hao, then fell under the sinkhole and was buried by the sand.


After a person was buried, as if a chain reaction occurred, a shadow of a person flew behind like a heavy rain, fell into the vortex of a sinkhole, and was buried alive in the ground by the sand.


"Islander save me!"

One figure after another flew out, screaming again and again, even if they tried their best, they were powerless to burn their essence and blood. The horrible attraction surpassed the level of the hole, and it was gradually increasing, and no one could escape. .

First, the cultivators of the gods flew into the pit, and then, the high-level Dongxu they dispatched also flew over and fell into the pit.


Under the engulfing of the trapped killing array, once the Hollow Monk had a gap, their rank nine trapped beast array instantly collapsed and turned into nothingness.

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