Hai Lingtian smiled, even though his cultivation base was higher, he didn't dare to show no respect to Yu Wenjing.

"Princess Yuwen, little friend Lin Hao, I don't know which treasure of my Hai family you have fancy, just take it." Hai Lingtian pointed to something on the counter and said with a smile.

When he said this, his eyes looked at Lin Hao nonchalantly, and a trace of haze flashed in his eyes.

"Patriarch of the Hai Family, Hai Lingtian, I advise you not to make bad ideas, let alone investigate me behind your back, otherwise, the Hai Family will cease to exist."

Lin Hao stared at Hai Lingtian, lowered his voice, and said word by word.

Hai Lingtian listened, but bowed his head without answering.

He had already noticed that the person in front of him was Hailing from the head of the housekeeper, who looked exactly the same, but he was sure that Lin Hao was not his son.

Lin Hao is in disguise!

"Brother Lin is a distinguished guest of Princess Yuwen, how dare I investigate you?"

Hai Lingtian twitched the corner of his mouth, yin and yang said strangely.

"It's good to know." Lin Hao said proudly.

Lin Hao had known for a long time that he would be recognized by Hai Lingtian and would still be recognized. He was not Hai Lingtian's biological son.

But now, it doesn't matter anymore, he doesn't believe that Hai Lingtian dares to embarrass him.

Just when Lin Hao was about to turn around and leave, Hai Lingtian's divine sense transmission suddenly heard behind him.

"Lin Hao, is Hailing dead or alive now?"

Lin Hao looked back at him when he heard the words, and smiled: "Dead."

"The Long Chi Ling should still be in your hands." Hai Lingtian said coldly.

"Guess!" Lin Hao smiled inexplicably.

Hai Lingtian's expression was extremely gloomy, he even suspected that Lin Hao had killed Hailing and captured Longchi Order!

However, at the Xianpin exchange meeting, he must speak carefully, and he did not dare to fall out in person.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to kill my son, I will kill you!" Hai Lingtian clenched his fist, his body trembling slightly.

However, his thoughts are mainly on Long Chi Ling, compared with his son's fate, Long Chi Ling is the main reason.

This thought just flashed in his mind, and Lin Hao suddenly turned back, haha ​​smiled and said: "Haha! Patriarch Hai is just polite. I will reluctantly accept the treasures you put out."

Lin Hao couldn't help but grabbed the three treasures on the Haijia counter and put them into his inventory.

These three treasures were all taken out by the Hai Family and used when they planned to make friends with the powerful, but they were taken away by Lin Hao!

"You!" Hai Lingtian was furious on the spot, his entire face turned into pig liver color.

"Yo? Patriarch Hai said just now, can I take it whatever I want? Why do you regret it?"

Lin Hao said with a smile.

Princess Yuwen also showed a strange expression: "I remember, Patriarch Hai did say so, reluctant?"

Hai Lingtian was almost so angry that Qiqiao made smoke, and he wanted to peel Lin Hao on the spot and cramp.

However, in front of Princess Yuwen, with so many people staring at him, he didn't dare to act rashly, so he could only swallow this breath and smile strongly.

"Hehe, what brother Lin Hao said, the gentleman said nothing, naturally there is no reluctance."

Hai Lingtian was embarrassed"" said with a smile, but that smile was very stiff.

"That's good!"

Lin Hao left with satisfaction.

Hai Yaoyao came back and leaned in and said, "Father, this person..."

"Yes, he is a person disguised as Hailing!" Hai Lingtian said angrily.

"The third brother is disguised?" Hai Yaoyao was taken aback.

"Huh! Your third brother was killed by this person. He took Longchi Ling and replaced it. It is a pity that Mr. Wu was fooled by this person and gave him a lot of treasures to recover! Daji!"

The weather in Hailing is getting worse, and there is smoke above his head.

Hai Yaoyao was speechless for a moment, and after a long time, they were fooled!

"No matter what his status is, I will kill him. If he can't kill him, I will break the pot and tell the world that he has a Dragon Pond order and let others kill him!"

Hai Lingtian said fiercely.

Once Lin Hao’s news of Long Chi Ling is exposed, he will be greeted with endless pursuits.

At this time, Elder Hua took the initiative to walk to Lin Hao and offered his time array.

"Brother Lin Hao, just now the old man had no eyes, and he offended you. This battle is regarded as an apologize. Please don't take it to your heart."

Elder Hua smiled.

Lin Hao was not polite. He collected the time table and said, "It's okay! If your sect still has these weird things, you can come to the City Lord's Mansion to find me, I will buy them at a high price!"

"Don't dare! If I still have time, I'm willing to give it to you!"

In order to please Lin Hao and to please Princess Yuwen indirectly, the old face of Elder Hua is considered to be willing.

Lin Hao closed the lineup, turned around and left.


The fairy exchange meeting lasted until the evening.

During the period, there were things being traded out from time to time, and Princess Yuwen strolled around with Lin Hao at will. Except for the previous time array, she did not encounter anything that moved Lin Hao's heart.

"Huh? Where are the three medicinal materials?" Yu Wenjing's face was suspicious, but she got news that she came to buy those three medicinal materials.

The exchange meeting is almost over now, but it has not yet appeared.

At this moment, someone came in at the door of the main hall.

Only one person came in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, a young man wearing a purple brocade. The robe was engraved with thunderclouds and lightning, and there was also a lightning imprint between his brows. The dragon walked and stepped, full of domineering.

After he walked in, even the flow of air stopped, and there were flashes of lightning, which made people feel paralyzed.

The appearance of this person attracted everyone's attention.

"Sorry, Princess Yuwen, Xing someone is late."

The purple-clothed youth smiled and clasped his fists.

His eyes turned abruptly, he saw Lin Hao, his eyes narrowed, and he naturally saw that Yu Wenjing had an unusual attitude towards this person.

"Who is that? What a strong momentum!"

"Look at the lightning mark on his forehead, how is it the same as Nanzhou Xingtian Zhenjun's!"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly. One of the respected old men recognized him and shouted: "He is from Nanzhou, the son of Zhentian Xingtian, Xing Lei!"

There was an uproar from the crowd.

Like Tian Huang Zhenjun, Xing Tian Zhenjun dominates Nanzhou, and he is also a peerless power!

Some time ago, True Monarch Xing Tian also challenged True Monarch Tianhuang, but was rejected.

"He is a Nanzhou native, why did he come to our Dongzhou?" Someone wondered.

Princess Yuwen stared at him and said: "Xing Lei, I remember, I didn't give you an invitation."

"Haha, I can ask for a copy of this kind of invitation. Why, are you not welcome?" Xing Leilang smiled.

Yu Wenjing's face sank.

On the surface, True Monarch Xing Tian was amiable with True Monarch Tian Huang, but in fact they were only superficial brothers, fighting secretly a lot.

She suspected that this person was here to find fault.

"I heard that you are looking for three kinds of medicinal materials. Unfortunately, I bought those three medicinal materials."

With that said, Xing Lei walked to an empty counter, took out three medicinal materials of different shapes, and placed them on the counter.

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