Jingpo flower, soul-condensing nectar, Yunyang stone!

Xing Lei smiled and said: "Princess Yuwen, the combination of these three medicinal materials seems to have the effect of life extension. Let me guess, what do you buy back for your master? Hahaha!"

Princess Yuwen was calm on the surface, but in fact, she had already set off a stormy sea in her heart.

True Monarch Tianhuang can see the general efficacy of medicinal materials, how would Zhen Monarch Xing Tian know?

Her master Shouyuan was exhausted. If Xing Tian guessed this kind of thing, the consequences would be disastrous.

The onlookers looked at each other, and they didn't know what Xing Lei was talking about.

"I don't need to explain to you what I will do when I buy it back. Let's talk, what do you want?"

Princess Yuwen said coldly.

Xing Lei smiled inexplicably, and said, "Princess Yuwen, these medicinal materials are useless to me. If you want it, I will give it to you, but you have to promise me one thing."

Princess Yuwen asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

At this time, Xing Lei's gaze suddenly became fierce, staring at Yu Wenjing, saying every word: "I'm here to be engaged to you, as long as you promise, let alone three herbs, you can satisfy whatever you want."

"By the way, at this time, my father-in-law should also go to Zhenjun Huangtian to propose marriage, right? It's up to you to disagree."

Xing Lei smiled slightly, looking at Yu Wenjing's eyes, there was something hot and naked.

Yu Wenjing's face suddenly became bloodless.


On the other side, in a forbidden room near Tianhuangcheng.

Inside the door of the forbidden room, there was a gray-haired old man sitting cross-legged in a fire cloud robe. Despite his age, there was an indescribable majesty between his eyebrows.

This person's momentum gives people a sense of heaven and earth, as if he is this piece of heaven.

Suddenly, the old man opened his eyes violently and looked out of the forbidden room.

"Old Xingtian, why are you here again?"

"Hahaha! Brother Tianhuang, you have reached the end of your life, so let's say it earlier, why cover it up, I am not an outsider."

A hearty laugh came from outside the forbidden room.

True Monarch Tianhuang's face sank and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Haha, brother Tianhuang, you still concealed it, aren't the medicinal materials your apprentice collected just to keep you alive?"

Suddenly, there was a sudden explosion outside the forbidden room, the entire forbidden room was instantly destroyed, and Tianhuang Zhenjun was exposed to the air.

I saw Zhenjun Xing Tian standing in the sky, with a faint lightening mark on his forehead with a smile on his face.

True Monarch Tianhuang's complexion was extremely ugly, and he knew that the matter had reached this point and could no longer hide it.

"Huh! So what? At least I can make one shot with all my strength now. If anyone dares to offend me, I can bring someone to the funeral."

Tianhuang Zhenjun said coldly, the threat in his words was self-evident.

Mr. Xing Tian hurriedly said: "Oh, look at what you said, I didn't come to fight, I was kind to make money!"

Although Tianhuang Zhenjun's life has expired, but the years of cultivation is still there, he can still do it once, to make him anxious, and work hard, maybe really let Xing Tian drink a pot.

Barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, so Xing Tianzhen will naturally not irritate him.

"Then what are you looking for me for?" Tianhuang Zhenjun said indifferently.

"Hey!" Xing Tianzheng smiled inexplicably, "I'm here to propose marriage for my son. I think your apprentice is good. Why don't you make a couple?"

True Lord Tianhuang suddenly understood.

Zhentian Xing Tian, ​​this is to take the arrogance and swallow the legacy he left behind!

He has been just a disciple for so many years. If this marriage is really facilitated, his foundation will naturally fall into Yu Wenjing's hands when he dies, and will be indirectly swallowed by Xingtian father and son!

Moreover, it is reasonable and reasonable. As for Yu Wenjing, after using it, who will care about her life and death?

What a vicious plan!

"What if I disagree?" Tianhuang Zhenjun said coldly.

"Haha! You can't do anything if you don't agree, it's enough for your apprentice to agree!" Xing Tianzheng laughed.


On the other side, Xianpin exchange meeting.

"Princess Yuwen, your status is honorable, and Xing Lei fits perfectly, so let's promise him."

"Yes, the heirs of the two true monarchs have formed in-laws and will become a good story in Nanfengyu!"

Many people in the hall agreed, apparently already secretly bought by Xing Lei.

Xing Lei looked at Princess Yuwen with an iron face and smiled slightly: "Princess Yuwen, what do you think?"

Yuwen flushed with anger. Once she agreed, the consequences would be disastrous. The most likely thing is that after True Monarch Tianhuang became seated, the legacy of True Monarch Tianhuang was swallowed by Xing Lei and his sons. She was used up and abandoned mercilessly.

At this time, she couldn't help but cast her gaze at Lin Hao beside her, with some plea in her eyes.

Such a scene was obviously seen by Xing Lei, and his eyes became even more cold.

Lin Hao closed his eyes and pondered for about a minute.

He opened his eyes and said, "Promise him."

"You said, tell me to promise him?" Yu Wenjing was stunned for a while, was this completely beyond her expectation?

She originally thought that with Lin Hao's arrogant temperament, she could take the initiative to help her drive Torture Lei away and survive this catastrophe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, the facts disappointed her.

But thinking about it carefully, Yu Wenjing shook his head like self-deprecating.

It is also true that facing Xing Lei, what can Lin Hao have? Lin Hao can be favored by his master, but what can he do to face Xing Lei? She still looks at this person too highly.

"Yes, promise him." Lin Hao repeated.

"Okay!" It seemed like she was angry, Yu Wenjing directly agreed, and said to Xing Lei: "I promised you!"


Xing Lei looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

He cast an admiring look at Lin Hao, and smiled: "Man, that's right, he who knows the current affairs is a brilliant, I admire you."

The previous hatred towards Lin Hao disappeared for an instant. After all, he knew that Yu Wenjing agreed because of Lin Hao's words.

Lin Hao just smiled and said nothing.

For him, it doesn't talk about right or wrong, only about gains and losses, it doesn't matter who Yu Wenjing marries.

Moreover, there is no solution at all in this game, and there seems to be no other way other than temporarily admitting counsel.

If Xing Lei wanted to deal with him, it would be too simple, Lin Hao couldn't make fun of his life.

Seeing Lin Hao's indifferent expression, Yu Wenjing became even more angry and scolded: "Lin Hao, I still look at you too highly, you are just a coward!"

"Haha, what do you think of me? Let you refuse, and then say that you are my fiancee, as a shield for you, so that you are regarded as a thorn in the eye of the criminal mine and killed secretly. This is not a coward?"

Lin Hao sneered.

Yu Wenjing was taken aback, her thoughts at the time were indeed like this, she did mean to use Lin Hao as a shield, and she was actually seen.

Lin Hao just shook his head, in a woman's view, he didn't know how to forbear, and he didn't know how to bear humiliation.

Only for a short time, regardless of the overall situation, that is extremely stupid!

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