Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 808: : Ghost Cry Deep in the Forest

Ling Feng clenched his fists, and a few words popped from his teeth: "Dare you eat my brother in front of me?"

This is more than a provocation! It's slapped him in the face, obviously without putting him in the eyes!

"What about eating? I still want to eat you!?" Long You raised his head and stared at him with a sneer in his eyes.

Not only Ling Feng was surprised, Zi Yao and Qiu Hu were shocked.

They didn't think that Lin Hao was crazy, this Long You was even more crazy!

Ling Feng is not from the group of Ten Thousand Ghost Sects, but Ling Feng is a strong one among the real people of One Tribulation, and there are almost no opponents in his class!

Especially his Gangfeng Breaking Sword, which releases the will of Gaofeng in the form of a sword. The wind is the sword and the sword is the wind. The two are one, and the same level has not dared to take his sword.

The previous group of Ten Thousand Ghost Sect disciples faced Ling Feng, which was a matter of Yijian.

"Okay, good! I have a long experience today. Looking at you like this, you should be a transformational monster!"

Ling Feng looked at Long You up and down, and said sternly.

Long You's skin was lavender, and there were snake-scale-like snake patterns on his body. He should be a snake demon, Ling Feng could tell at a glance.

"Oh? What do you want?" Long You smiled.

"It's nothing, I will stew you tonight, drink snake soup!"

With a wave of Ling Feng's sword, the wind and will of the body's limbs, along with the long sword, danced wildly.

Suddenly, a violent storm blew up in the sky and the earth. Where the storm passed, trees were chopped into pieces, and dense sword marks appeared on the earth!

All storms in the air are swords!

"Wind sword is one!"

When the Ling Feng sword came out, he saw Long You's violent wind blowing in all directions towards his body, invisible and invisible, truly as fast as a gust of wind! As long as it is blown by these "winds", everything will be cut to pieces!

"Oh, boring!"

I saw Long You sighed, and countless large and small black holes suddenly appeared on the surface of his body.

Black holes cling to the body surface, like circular paintings!


Long You roared, his person seemed to have turned into a **** hole. After those gusts hit him, without exception, they were swallowed by the black hole.

The first calamity is the will robbery, the physical body and the martial arts will merge, Long You's whole body contains the swallowing will, and those gusts close to him are all absorbed, and there are no scars.

"Are you also a real person?" Ling Feng was surprised.

"Can't it work?" Long You sneered.

"Haha, both are the real people of One Tribulation, the strengths are very different, let you see the gap between us!"

Ling Feng didn't hesitate anymore, he leaped forward and came out quickly. The sound of wind between heaven and earth disappeared, and the air stopped flowing.

After about a breath, he slashed.

"Gang Wind Breaking Sword!"

Ling Feng's sword fell, and everyone's wind gathered at the tip of his sword, only to see the green light falling from the sky, hitting Long You's forehead.

This trick is exactly what he is famous for. The gust of wind is blowing from all directions, no matter which direction, Long You can't escape!

"Void Devoured!"

Long You opened his mouth and sucked, and then there was a scene that shocked everyone.

A large black hole ten feet wide appeared on Long You's mouth. After Ling Feng's green sword light approached, it was directly sucked into the black hole, without even a ripple.


Ling Feng in the sky let out a scream, and he himself was sucked into the black hole and disappeared.

The battle is over before it starts!

It's quiet!

Zi Yao and Qiu Hu stared wide, and had not recovered from the result of Ling Feng being swallowed.

Their senior, Ling Feng, was easily resolved by Long You! Even Long You's body did not appear, so he killed it lightly!

Lin Hao is just a pervert, this Long You is also a pervert!

The black hole disappeared, Long You wiped his mouth and muttered: "What is it, it's not enough to stuff my teeth."

Both of them panicked, especially Qiu Hu, sitting on the ground.

He just reported that Lin Hao killed Ling Xiao!

He is done!


A sword gas floated over, and Qiu Hu's head fell to the ground.

"Eat it." Lin Hao said.

Long You glanced at Qiu Hu's corpse, showing a disgusting expression: "It's so fat and greasy, I won't eat it."

Lin Hao: "..."

At this moment, all the people here are dead, and there is only one Zi Yao, sitting on the ground with weak legs, shivering.

"Don't leave soon?" Lin Hao glanced at Zi Yao and said coldly.


Zi Yao hurriedly left, believing that today's events will remember her for a lifetime.

"Hey! This is not interesting enough, I think that girl should taste good, why did you let it go?" Long You said dissatisfied.

"People who didn't offend me will not kill." Lin Hao said calmly.

Long You rolled his eyes.

After cleaning up the scene, Lin Hao and Long You quickly left the place and went to the deeper part of Guikulin.

Lin Hao took out Ling Xiao's map and looked at it. There were a few red dots on it, showing the dangerous area ~ ~ other places are normal.

Therefore, Lin Hao avoided those red areas and moved along the direction of Gu Ying's induction.

On the way, occasionally encountering monsters with no intelligence, Lin Hao would release Longwei and force the monsters back, which was much easier.

After about two hours, he walked to the end marked on the map, and further ahead was off the map.

Lin Hao looked towards the front. It was still an endless virgin forest with luxuriant branches and leaves, and some trees even reached a height of one thousand meters, which were called giant trees.

The environment here is weird!

Lin Hao furrowed his brows and told him instinctively that he must not pass easily in front of him, otherwise he would encounter terrible things.

There was a rustle in the trees, and occasionally a few crows flew past, blowing a few demon winds, like howling ghosts and wolves.

In this environment, people feel uncomfortable.

"I knew it a long time ago, I will leave those people alive, maybe I can ask something." Lin Hao said to himself.

He thought for a while, took out the human clone, put a thunder explosion talisman on the surface of the body, and sent it forward.

People from the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect are good at spirit abilities, and even if they are clones, they are not safe. If they don't have time to explode, they are likely to capsize.

After all, no matter how many clones there are, there is only one soul. There are too many soul abilities that affect the main body based on clones!

Therefore, Lin Hao added a double insurance.


In the depths of Guikulin, in the dense forest, stands a black tower.

The black tower is not pure black, but a kind of shadow color, without the lines on the surface, like a shadow hidden in the ghost crying forest.

At this moment, in the hall on the first floor of the Black Tower.

A man hidden in a cloak sat on the chief, holding a cane in his hand, he couldn't see his face, only the pair of dry claws could be seen.

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