Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 809: : You are True Lord Hao Lei!

In front of him, there was a black robe disciple kneeling, just like the person who attacked Lin Hao before.

"Is he here?" the man in the cloak asked.

"Here, we are moving closer to our side." The black robe disciple said respectfully.

"Very good! Go to start the sacrificial soul formation, this action can only succeed, not fail." The man in cloak said lightly.

"Yes!" The black robe disciple disappeared.

The man in the cloak smiled slightly and said to himself: "Haha, the soul of a true monarch, I am evil, but my eyes are very greedy!"


Lin Hao's clone flew swiftly and quickly through the Ghost Cry Forest, jumping across the forest.

Behind the clone, the main body kept a distance of 10,000 li, followed by it, for the monk in the Tribulation Period, 10,000 li was only a moment away.

The area of ​​Guikulin is larger than expected. It is conservatively estimated that it is about the same as Donglingzhou in the Eastern Profound Region, and it occupies almost one-fifth of the Nanfeng Region.

Moreover, Guikulin is going south, no one knows where it will extend, it can be said to be endless.

The clone speed is getting faster and faster, he can feel that the target is approaching.

Gradually, the sky darkened.

Here has come to the deepest part of Guikulin, the crescent moon in the sky is shining, the silver brilliance is spreading down, and the whole forest is silent.

Here, even the crows stopped.

Under the cover of night, the atmosphere is even more weird!

"just in front!"

Lin Hao's eyes brightened, and he stopped in front of him.

He first tried to detect it with divine sense, and found that the divine sense shielding here was very serious, and it could only detect a distance of one hundred meters, and it still had to rely on naked eyes.

His clone jumped and suddenly came to an open area.

A piece of flat ground in front of it, solitary, stood a black, showing a kind of shadow black, I don't know what structure it is.

At this moment, he has a sense of being spied.

Lin Hao knew that the moment he appeared on the flat ground, he was discovered by the other party.

That being the case, Lin Hao shouted to the front: "Come out! I know you are staring at me."

Sure enough, after Lin Hao spoke, a surprised voice came from the front.

"Huh? Unexpectedly, you know that this is a dead end, but you want to rush here. Your courage is commendable!"

As the words spoke, Lin Hao saw a cloaked man in front of the black tower.

The man in the cloak couldn't see clearly, he held a cane in his hand, his palm was dry, like an old man, but his voice was very young.

"Don't pretend to be a ghost, your body should be hidden in the tower." Lin Hao said coldly.

At this time, the cloaked man was taken aback, and then laughed.

"Haha! Interesting, you can't think of it all."

The phantom of the man in the cloak disappeared, and a figure flew out of the tower, floating in the sky directly above, and it was an entity.

Lin Hao could see that this person was acting very cautiously, and up to this moment, he was still guarding against him.

Moreover, this person's aura is very powerful, similar to Yu Wenjing, at least a real person of the Three Tribulations, and he is completely capable of killing him in a second!

Combining the previous ones, Lin Hao felt even more strange.

He is just a monk who has not crossed the catastrophe, why is the other party so cautious? Is there no underestimation?

This was the first time Lin Hao encountered such an opponent.

Although he had this question in his heart, Lin Hao still didn't show it, and said straight to the point:

"A friend of mine was imprisoned by you in this black tower. I want to rescue him. Come on, what is needed?"

Lin Hao had originally planned to sneak in secretly. He first figured out the situation before trying to figure out a solution, but since he was found out, he made it clear.

"Your friend, is Gu Ying!" The cloak man smiled.

When Lin Hao heard this, he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, and nodded, "That's right."

At this moment, his body was quickly retreating, rushing in the direction of Gui Kulin's departure.

Because the other party knew his purpose in advance, so it means that the other party is tempting him over!

This is not good news!

"Well, let me tell you first, we know you exist, and you were brought here on purpose." The man in the cloak smiled and admitted directly.

Lin Hao's pupils suddenly contracted, but they calmed down quickly.

"Then what?" Lin Hao said.

At this time, the cloak man suddenly landed on the ground and bowed deeply to Lin Hao.

His attitude is very sincere, without any pretentiousness, it is true, and respectful from the heart!

"First of all, I express my respect for a senior! With your qualifications, you can really afford the name senior!"

The man in the cloak raised his head, smiled, and raised a row of white teeth.

"Right, Zhenjun Hao Lei, Lin Hao?"

Lin Hao set off a stormy sea in his heart, staring at him without saying a word, coldly said: "Did Gu Ying reveal it?"

His identity has not yet been revealed, only Gu Ying knows.

This man in the cloak knew, so there was only one possibility.

"Yes, no! The news is indeed that we learned from Gu Ying, but I used the soul search technique to search his memory, and then I knew your existence!"

The man in the cloak bends down, showing a compliment.

The real monarch level, looking at the entire Nanfeng domain, is also one of the few. There is one in front of him, which shows that the cloak man's heart is extremely unstable.

Lin Hao suddenly felt This also explained why he, a real person of the Three Tribulations, treated himself so solemnly to an ant who had not overcome the Tribulation.

Because the other party understands that he is True Monarch Hao Lei!

"Introduce yourself first, I am the ghost of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, the big disciple of the spider sub-rudder, the evil impermanence, the person called the impermanence of life!"

As he said, the man in the cloak took off his mask, his arms were very dry, and what was revealed was a young face, in his early twenties.

"I didn’t know the name of True Monarch Hao Lei before, but I learned it from Gu Ying, but that’s not important anymore. Now you may have experienced some sort of change, your cultivation level has regressed, I said right?"

Evil impermanent smiled.

Lin Hao listened, his eyes narrowed, but he became a little interested, and said with a smile: "I am still a little confused, can you tell me the cause and effect of the matter?

"it is good!"

Unexpectedly, Xie Wuchang nodded.

"Two months ago, Gu Ying took the kit and asked about the news of Pill Saint Canghai. I happened to find out and used illusion skills on him, making him think that he had seen Pill Saint Canghai, so he took out the token of transmission. , Sent you a message."

Xie Wuchang's first sentence also explained why Lin Hao saw the summons order.

It wasn't that Gu Ying found Lin Canghai, but an illusion!

"After that, I became curious about him, so I caught him back, used soul search to search his memory, and got this amazing news."

"So, I'm here, waiting for you. The squad I sent out before was just to test you. You, a monk who hasn't survived the catastrophe, easily solved them. This confirms my guess!" Xie Wuchang smiled. , There was ecstasy in his eyes, as if he had seen through a big secret.

"You are True Monarch Hao Lei!"

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