Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 810: : The cursed doll reappears!

After hearing such an answer, Lin Hao raised his mouth and smiled: "Yes, I am True Monarch Hao Lei, so you have to deal with me?"

"You are very smart!" Xie Wuchang nodded slightly.

"There are still many Ten Thousand Ghost Sect disciples hidden here, let me see, uh... there is also a formation, which should be left in advance, it is quite well prepared!" Lin Hao smiled.

"Swish swish..."

Sure enough, a hundred black-robed people jumped out nearby, and each black-robed person exudes black energy, all of them are disciples of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect.

Lin Hao's gaze swept over each of them, secretly remembering the charm of each of them.

"Senior Lin, the reason I said so much is just to make you understand, now, I accept your soul power!"

The evil impermanence held the crutch high, and slammed it on the ground, shouting loudly.

"Hundred Ghosts Sacrifice Soul Formation!"

The crutches stood on the ground, and in an instant, countless dense lines of light, centered on him, instantly covered a hundred li, covering Lin Hao in.

After the formation base appeared, around the formation, one hundred thousand ghost sect disciples all jumped to a specific position.

They slapped their palms on the ground, and the black energy poured into the formation. Lin Hao suddenly heard the roar of the gale and the sounds of a hundred ghosts. Various illusions appeared in front of him, with a vaguely huge pair of eyes, watching him from the front.

"This Hundred Ghosts Sacrifice Soul Formation is the top soul-absorbing formation of my Spider Hall. It is used to deal with you now, barely enough!"

Xie Wuchang didn't dare to relax. Facing Lin Hao, he directly used his trump card to lay a terrifying array here, doing his best.

He knew that his opponent was True Monarch Hao Lei, even if his cultivation base was lost, it would not be easy to deal with. At this moment, his spirit is still highly concentrated, without any slack.

Lin Hao stared straight at him and smiled calmly: "Yes! To the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, you are barely a talent, but you are still not enough!"

Evil Impermanence was taken aback, and said coldly: "Why did Senior Lin say this?"

"Because you still look down on me too much!" Lin Hao shook his head.

Xie Wuchang's pupils contracted, and the surface of Lin Hao's body was suddenly exploded with the thunder explosion talisman, and the whole person exploded to shreds.

Losing the goal, the Hundred Ghosts Jihun Great Array was forced to interrupt, and all the one hundred Spider Hall disciples looked at each other blankly, looking at the evil impermanence.

"You committed suicide?" Xie Wuchang's expression changed, and he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

Suddenly he realized something, his eyes widened, and he sternly said: "Search for me! Search all over the ghost crying forest, and you will get him out!"


A hundred disciples of the spider cousin scattered and flew in all directions.

A white-faced woman appeared behind her and asked: "Brother, do you need to tell the hall master about this?"

"No, if Lin Hao is captured by the hall master, his soul power will be absorbed by him, and I won't have my share! Such a rare treasure can only be enjoyed by myself." Xie Wuchang solemnly said.

As a member of the Spider Hall, everyone in the hall is in a competitive relationship and has its own faction. Even the hall master cannot cover the sky with just one hand.

"That's also true, these people from the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect are more treacherous than a treacherous thing. It's better to do this by yourself." The white-faced woman smiled deeply.

Xie Wuchang glanced at her and said, "Since the people of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect are not good things, why are you following me?"

The white-faced woman smiled slightly and replied: "Because I am not a good thing either."


Within the Guikulin, Lin Hao's body and Long You were heading towards Guikulin at a terrifying speed, and a violent wind raged and aroused yellow sand.

"Lin Hao, didn't you look for those ancient shadows? Why didn't you go?"

Long You still doesn't understand.

"If your strength is weak, you should calm down first," Lin Hao said.

He underestimated the danger of this trip, a real person of Three Tribulations, so solemnly dealing with him, even Lin Hao has no good way.

If the opponent underestimates the enemy, it is okay, but knowing his identity, it is impossible to underestimate the enemy.

Of course, Lin Hao is not without gain, at least understand that Gu Ying is safe for the time being, and the opponent cannot kill Gu Ying immediately.

Furthermore, Lin Hao just recorded all the aura of evil impermanence, including the aura of one hundred thousand ghost sect disciples!

If Xianwuchang keeps appearing in a phantom, the disciples of Wanguizong have been hiding in the dark, covering up, without saying a word of nonsense, and directly launching a large array of attacks, Lin Hao really has no choice but to blew himself up immediately.

This evil impermanence is still too small for him!

This is the meaning of Lin Hao's last sentence!

After recording the aura, as long as the conditions are sufficient, Lin Hao portrays a bunch of cursed dolls that can make them pay a painful price!

Lin Hao's body shape changed directly into the body form, shrinking to a length of one meter, and Long You also became the body.

"Thousand Lei Shun!"

Cast a thousand thunder instants one after another to get away from the ghost crying forest as fast as possible.

Suddenly, an hour passed.

The front is the boundary of Guikulin, but suddenly, Lin Hao seemed to have noticed something and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Long You asked. UU reading

Without saying anything, Lin Hao left a surveillance array, and went straight into the ground from here, reaching a thousand miles underground before stopping.

Subsequently, he arranged a shielding formation.

It didn't take long before he found a disciple of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, who came to the place where he was monitoring the formation, and looked around.

"Huh, what about people?" This Ten Thousand Ghost Sect disciple showed a strange look.

Lin Hao in the depths of the ground suddenly felt that the eyes of thousands of ghosts were hidden everywhere in this ghostly crying forest.

For example, a certain monster may be controlled by the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect!

Moreover, Lin Hao discovered that there were so many eyeliners on the edge of the Guikulin, anyone who entered or exited the Guikulin would be noticed.

"Hmph! Want to catch me, I will make you pay a painful price!"

Lin Hao smiled coldly and took out a piece of wood.

Afterwards, he used a dagger to carve on the wood, and it took about an hour to form the appearance of a disciple of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, and all his charms were imprinted in the woodcarving, lifelike.

This is a real person of One Tribulation, and all of the hundred disciples that appeared just now are real people of One Tribulation.

"Lin Hao, what is this? It's this time, still in the mood to play woodcarving?" Long You asked incomprehensibly.

"To shut up!"

Lin Hao glared at him, and Long You suddenly said nothing.

"Great curse!"

Lin Hao stared at the wooden sculpture in his hand, his eyes turned golden, and a beam of light hit the wooden sculpture.

Suddenly, an invisible connection connects the woodcarver with a certain black robe disciple.


Lin Hao twisted this woodcarving head.

At the same moment, a black-robed man who was searching for Lin Hao in the Ghost Cry Forest, suddenly his head flew out, blood spurted out, and he died unclearly.

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