Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 839: : All the guests

The Interstate Teleportation Array in Baizong City is in charge of Xing Tianzhen, but Xing Tianzhen has been in Dongzhou recently and has not returned.

Lin Hao arrived at the City Lord's Mansion in Baizong City, handed in 20,000 Supreme Spirit Stones, and sat on the interstate teleportation array.

With a flash of light, Lin Hao and Long You disappeared.

When they reappear, they have already appeared in the area of ​​Dongzhou. This is a small city, which is the end point coordinates of the interstate teleportation array.

Lin Hao looked at the map, and it happened to be three days away from Heavenly Desolate City.

In other words, they can just catch up on the wedding day.

"Hurry up."

Lin Hao leaped forward and flew towards the sky.

At this time, Long You leaned over and smiled: "Lin Hao, guess what the task I am taking this time."

"Just let it go." Lin Hao said.

"Hehe, take Hai Yaoyao back and give it to an elder to be a concubine." Long You Thief smiled.

Lin Hao: "..."

Hai Yaoyao, isn't it the eldest lady of the Hai family? She had encountered it at the Fairy exchange meeting before. She was very coquettish and inherited the style of the Hai family. She was a femme fatale.

"We and the Hai Family are deadly enemies. What is it to catch someone, right?" Long You smiled.

"Whatever, don't cause me trouble." Lin Hao didn't bother to care about it.

On the way, Lin Hao continued to practice wind and thunder, becoming more and more proficient.

This is a kind of martial arts and martial arts that is close to teleportation. After a few days of proficiency, when he arrived outside the Tianhuang City, Lin Hao was finally close to the entry.

At this moment, if Lin Hao used his full power, even the Five Tribulations Reality could not catch up in a short time. In other words, even if Hai Lingtian, the Patriarch of the Hai Family, wanted to chase him down, Lin Hao could escape.

This gave him more confidence to face the next situation.

Outside the deserted city, people come and go.

"Long You, change your face and enter the city lord's mansion!" Lin Hao said.

"it is good!"

The two changed their appearance, Lin Hao became like Lin Ying before, and Long You became a big and thick man.

The two of them were fat and thin, and walked into the deserted city swaggeringly.


Today's desert city is full of lights and colorful, beaming with joy.

There are red lanterns hanging on the towers, and happy characters are posted everywhere.

After entering the city, passers-by can be heard discussing everywhere. Today is the day when Yu Wenjing and Xing Lei get married.

It had been once before, but it was abruptly delayed by Tian Huang Zhenjun for three months.

After listening to the discussion of passers-by, Lin Hao also roughly understood the situation.

"Hey! There must be a lot of food at the wedding banquet." Long You smashed his mouth.

"Eat, eat, why don't you kill you?" Lin Hao rolled his eyes.

Lin Hao found the City Lord's Mansion, showed Leng Rushuang's invitation, and walked into the City Lord's Mansion with Long You.

In the city lord's mansion, guests from all walks of life were in an endless stream, sitting in twos and threes on their seats, discussing recent events.

Lin Hao found many familiar faces, all of which had been seen at the Fairy Product Exchange Meeting.


Lin Hao turned his eyes and looked towards the corner.

At a table in the corner, sitting two people, it was Hai Lingtian and Hai Yaoyao of the Hai family.

As if noticed Lin Hao's gaze, Hai Lingtian and Hai Yaoyao also looked over here, smiling and nodding in greeting.

"Two fellow Taoists, why don't you come and sit." Hai Yaoyao smiled.

Although they don't know Lin Hao, this person is definitely not an ordinary person to be invited by the Heavenly Desolate City Lord's Mansion.

A young man here may be the young master of a large sect, and he will naturally make friends if he can.

Upon seeing this, Lin Hao looked around, there were no seats, so he agreed.

Lin Hao walked over and sat on the same table with the Hai Family.

"Hehe, two people, my next person is Hai Lingtian, the head of the Hai family, and this is the little girl Hai Yaoyao."

Hai Lingtian took the lead with a smile, "I wonder if your Excellency is..."

"I am Lin Ying, the young master of Burning Heaven Palace. This is my servant Youlong." Lin Hao said.

When Long You heard that he had become a servant, his eyes stared with anger, but at this time, there was still no attack.

"Burning Heaven Temple?"

Hai Lingtian was taken aback, apparently he had never heard of this sect.

"What kind of sect is Burning Heaven Temple?"

Hai Lingtian hurriedly transmitted the sound to Hai Yaoyao, but when he saw Hai Yaoyao also shook his head, his face was blank.

Neither of them has heard of it.

However, both of them were smiling on the surface. Hai Lingtian politely bowed his hands and said with a smile: "It turns out to be the famous Young Master of Burning Heaven Temple, disrespectful and disrespectful! I have long heard that Young Master Lin is a talented person and has excellent talents. I saw it today. Haha!"

"Oh? Am I so famous?" Lin Hao smiled.

"Of course, it's an honor for my Hai family to meet a genius like Young Master Lin." Hai Yaoyao also smiled.

Lin Hao just smiled and stopped talking.

Burning Heaven Temple was just a name made up by him.

Hai Lingtian kept wondering what kind of sect this was, he had never heard of it before, and he also secretly wrote down the name in his heart.

Then, there were people sitting on this table one after another, either a rich man or a super master with a reputation.

The people at the same table introduced each other, and they knew It turned out to be the young master of the Burning Heaven Temple, disrespectful! "

For the young master of the "Burning Heaven Divine Palace", although everyone had never heard of it, no one dared to admit it, and it would be no good if he accidentally offended someone.

As a result, everyone seemed to have heard of it, and chatted happily.

After an hour passed, everyone was almost there.

At this time, on the high platform in front, the master appeared, it was Xing Lei and Yu Wenjing. .

Yu Wenjing wore a red veil and couldn't see her expression clearly.

The elders of both sides, Tianhuang Zhenjun and Xing Tianzhenjun, are sitting in the chair of the Supreme Master, superficially harmonious, but flashes of cold light flashes in their eyes.

True Monarch Tianhuang stood up and looked at the guests below, one by one, and after a minute, he watched the more than 500 people who had arrived.

"Master, did Lin Hao show up?" Yu Wenjing whispered secretly.

"No." Tianhuang Zhenjun shook his head.

Yuwen Jing was extremely disappointed.

"Tianhuang, the last time my son came to marry Yu Wenjing, it was delayed by you for three months. Don't have any other moths today." Xing Tianzhenjun said coldly.

"Haha, it depends on the mood." Tianhuang sneered.

"You..." Xing Weather had to grit his teeth, and finally snorted and stopped talking.

The rest of the process continued as usual, Tianhuang Zhenjun stood up, toasted everyone, and the guests drank a few polite words.

Then, many exquisite dishes appeared on the table.

When Long You saw it, his eyes almost came out.

"Everyone, today I want to announce an important thing!"

True Monarch Tianhuang suddenly stood up and said loudly.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes turned towards True Monarch Tianhuang.

"Today, it is not my little girl's wedding day, but my Qin Tianhuang's twenty-five-thousandth birthday!" Tianhuang Zhenjun said with a smile.

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