As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

That is to say, today Princess Yuwen will not marry? It has been changed to the birthday of Tianhuang Zhenjun!

"Qin Tianhuang, you fool me!"

Zhentian Xing Tian immediately furious, stood up and scolded.

"Xing Tian, ​​I think that for the sake of my big birthday today, I don't care about your recklessness, otherwise, I will come to the house in person next day and ask for advice." Tianhuang Zhenjun sneered.

This is a threat of being naked!

Zhenjun Xing Tian was so angry that he saw that the ground began to vibrate, and the horrible pressure gradually dissipated, and he wished it happened on the spot.

"Father, be patient first, and then come back to find a place later!" Xing Lei hurriedly secretly spread the message.

Xing Tian was too anxious, but in this case, if he and Tianhuang Zhenjun were torn apart, he was afraid that it would really be a big battle.

After all, today has become a birthday banquet, and it is a good excuse to start a war.

It is estimated that True Monarch Tianhuang will not live for a few years. If he fights with him and loses both ends, then he will lose a lot.

"Humph!" Xing Tianzheng snorted, then sat back.

True Monarch Tianhuang looked at the crowd looking at each other, and smiled: "The banquet continues, but the wedding banquet is changed to a birthday banquet, no problem."

"no problem!"

"It's okay to change to a birthday banquet!"

Many guests quickly agreed with a smile.

Even Zhenjun Xing Tian dare not say anything, how can they dare to fart? Can only nod and agree, anyway, the nature is similar.

It's just that Zhentian Xing Tian is afraid that he will be mad, and it is a shame to be played like this.

But there is no way, Xing Tian and Qin Tianhuang fought, and they were suppressed. It would be impossible to please the fight.

"Brother Xingtian, my disciple just doesn't want to marry for the time being. It doesn't mean that I don't want to in the future. Come, let's drink one."

Qin Tianhuang squinted his wine glass.

Xing Tian gritted his teeth fiercely, and could only take a sip of the wine glass.

So the banquet continued.

Everyone started to eat food, and the dishes in the City Lord’s Mansion are rare. A table like this is worth hundreds of thousands of superb spirit stones! There are also many dishes prepared by alchemists, and the effect is better than ordinary pill.

Lin Hao sat on the table and didn't move. Long You began to gobble up, grabbing a big pig's hoof and sending it to his mouth. This pig's hoof is said to be an alien animal with dragon blood, and it has many benefits.

What made people speechless was that Long You took one bite, then grabbed the second one.

After just a few breaths, all ten big trotters were swallowed by Long You.

This embarrassed the people at the table.

Upon seeing this, Hai Lingtian smiled and said, "Friend Lin, your servant really has a good appetite."

"Haha." Lin Hao laughed dryly, without explaining anything.

At the same time, he secretly transmitted to Long You: "Are you looking for death? Don't be ashamed of Laozi!"

Long You just said "um", eating and drinking as usual.

Lin Hao is really speechless, but in front of so many people, he is not easy to have a seizure, and can only be treated as if he hadn't seen it. Anyway, it’s not a big deal to eat more and earn more.

At this time, the Sect Master Yunxiao at the table in front stood up and walked over and said: "Sir Tianhuang, junior Bi Yunxiao, there is no birthday gift, this Shenlong blood drop is considered a trivial matter, please laugh!"

Bi Yunxiao offered a jade bottle with a drop of dragon blood in it.

"Haha! There is Sect Master Laobi." Qin Tianhuang laughed and waved his hand, sucking the jade bottle and putting it away.

With a leader, the other forces also walked over and presented birthday gifts.

When other people present their birthday gifts--

Lin Hao presented a strange scene on this table.

Originally, when the table was full of dishes, everyone just moved a few chopsticks and was swallowed by Long You wolf and swallowed it all.

Back and forth, in just two minutes, it's gone!

This makes everyone's faces a little ugly.

Where is the birthday feast? It's just to see Long You eat it, but if he ate it so fast, his stomach didn't swell, and it contained so much energy that he didn't digest it?

Seeing that Long You took the last dish as his own, immediately, some people couldn't hold their faces.

"Shut up to me!"

The calm young man flicked his fingers, and suddenly a wave of light shot out. Long You couldn't avoid it, and he was hit in the face on the spot, making a crisp sound.

At the birthday banquet of True Monarch Tianhuang, that person obviously didn't dare to make matters worse. This move only took a bit of effort, but it just bounced Long You away, otherwise, he would definitely have to be skinned.

"Are you looking for death?" Long You stood up and looked at him coldly.

Although he was not injured, his behavior just now was tantamount to a face slap!

"A slave should look like a slave, how old are you?" the cold young man said gloomily.

This person is Guo Yuntao, the young master of the Jade Water Lotus Sect, a large sect stationed in the coastal area. The power is much greater than that of the Hai Family. It is the first-line sect of the Nanfeng Region, second only to the superpower with a true monarch. .

Lin Hao narrowed his eyes. Although Long You didn't do it properly, when was it his turn to teach him?

The scene here immediately attracted the attention of a captain of the city lord’s mansion. He walked over and said: "What happened?"

Guo Yuntao didn't want to alarm the real monarch of so he said: "It's nothing, the food is finished."


Seeing this, the captain of the guard ordered the people in the City Lord's Mansion to put them on a table.

"I warn you, the birthday banquet of True Monarch Tianhuang is rude, otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

The captain of the guard gave a warning and turned to leave.

Guo Yuntao didn't feel wrong at all, looked at Lin Hao, and said coldly: "For the surnamed Lin, at the birthday banquet of True Monarch Tianhuang, let your dog be careful not to lose the face of Burning Heaven Temple."

Lin Hao was happy when he heard it, and sneered: "Oh? Youlong likes to eat, and if he has a good appetite, I will let him eat it. Do you have any comments?"

No matter how wrong Long You is, it's okay to eat. It's the nature of the race. Lin Hao is the one who wants to teach him, and it is the turn of others to slap him?

"Yo! Burning Heaven Temple, it's a big tone, I want to learn it." Guo Yuntao sneered.

This situation was unexpected to the rest of the table.

It's just that under this circumstance, no one dared to stand up and interject, after all, the forces behind Guo Yuntao were too powerful.

If you say that the Hai Family is just a small spot on the coast, the Jade Water Lotus Sect is a super monster, the difference between an empire and a country!

As far as strength is concerned, the true monarch does not need to be afraid of anyone. Only a super large sect like Ten Thousand Ghost Sect can overwhelm them. Even the true monarch of Tianhuang must sell Bishuizong a thin noodle.

Guo Yuntao can be regarded as the person with the deepest background in this table!

"How do you want to learn? Rely on your lips?" Lin Hao mocked.


Guo Yuntao stood up, facing the true monarch of Tianhuang on the high platform, and said, "Master Tianhuang, this birthday feast is too boring. In my opinion, it is better to have a few exchanges between the juniors to help them. How about ?"

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