"Everyone, we Xuanming Dao Sect first go to explore the wind." Xuanming Dao Sect sent a group of disciples into it.

"Thousand Ghost Sect everyone gets it and punishes them, and our Nine Sun Sword Sect also does our part."

"My Promise Sect hates Madam White Bone, I will come too!"

Many sects scrambled to send their disciples in, intending to find them in the emptiness.

Outside, Zhenhuang Zhenjun and Zhentian Xing were sitting in the sky.

Zhentian Xing Tian was calm on the surface, and his heart was already anxious.

It stands to reason that Xing Lei should be back, but why there is no movement.

"Tianhuang, where is your apprentice?" Xing Tianzheng asked with a smile.

"Jing'er has returned to the City Lord's Mansion, are you okay?" Qin Tianhuang said calmly.

"It's okay, just care about it." Xing Tianzheng smiled without a smile.

He was already too anxious, and in two days, if Xing Lei had no news, he would look for it.

When the various sects surrounded the real bones, Lin Hao and Long You had already returned to the Nanfeng Region, passed through the Ghost Cry Forest, and returned to the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect Spider Hall.

The Spider Hall was as calm as usual, but the Zongmen Annual Meeting was approaching, and all the disciples were busy preparing.

Lin Hao arrived at the task handover point, found Leng Rushuang, and handed the task token up.

"Elder Leng, your mission has been completed!" Lin Hao said.

Leng Rushuang threw a storage ring directly to Lin Hao.

"There are 500,000 top-grade spirit stones in it, and in addition, you got 800,000 contribution points." Leng Rushuang said.

Although Lin Hao didn't know how Leng Rushuang confirmed it, he didn't ask much, took the storage ring and left.

"Lin Hao." Leng Rushuang shouted.

"Does Elder Leng have any more instructions?" Lin Hao turned around.

"Now that the clan convention is approaching, I suggest you go to the soul tower to practice for a period of time. Cultivation in there is twice the result with half the effort, and it is a place for the genius of the ten thousand ghosts." Leng Rushuang smiled.

Lin Hao doubted: "Isn't that only inner disciples can enter?"

Of course he knew where the soul tower was.

Soul Tower, located in the core area behind the Spider Hall, is the residence of core disciples and deacons, and only disciples above the inner sect are eligible to enter.

In the soul tower, you can temper the strength of the soul and temper the true essence, and practice twice with half the effort. It can be called the holy land of ten thousand ghosts! After Lin Hao heard about the soul tower, he always wanted to go in, but he didn't have a chance.

"I said you can." Leng Rushuang laughed.

Lin Hao was taken aback, did he still have privileges?

"Generally talented outer disciples will give privileges. Both you and Long You can enter, and Jun Xiaoya is also qualified." Leng Rushuang smiled.

Lin Hao suddenly said, "Farewell!"

Lin Hao returned with a full load of spirit stones.

Since Leng Rushuang told him that he could go to the Soul Tower, he couldn't wait.

That afternoon, he took Long You to the location of the Soul Tower.

This is the core area of ​​the Spider Hall. It is heavily guarded. For almost every 100 meters, Lin Hao can feel a secret whistle.

The disciples who came and went were all disciples of the inner sect, and many of them had faces and faces in the inner sect.

"The front is the soul tower."

Lin Hao looked up.

A ten-story black tower appeared in front of it, with a diameter of 100 meters and a height of thousands of feet, which can be called a pillar of the sky. It is like a high tower made of pure black iron, giving a visual shock from the bottom of my heart.

At the gate of the soul tower, disciples can be seen coming in and out, and an old man looks like an elder standing there, who should be an old man guarding the tower.

Lin Hao and two walked over, and after showing the token, the old man took a look and let him go.

"Remember, the higher the level, the stronger the pressure. With your strength, it is best to stay on the first floor." The tower guard old man said lightly.

"Understand!" Lin Hao arched his hand and walked into the soul tower.

On the first floor, there are a total of twenty rooms, presenting a circular layout all around. At the moment, nineteen rooms are full of people, only one room is empty.

"Long You, go to that room, I'll take a look upstairs." Lin Hao said.

"it is good!"

Long You walked over and entered the room.

Lin Hao went directly to the stairs and went up to the second floor of the soul tower.

What left him speechless was that there were only fifteen rooms on the second floor.

At this time, all fifteen rooms were full.

There are also five Inner Sect disciples sitting in the hall waiting, as long as someone comes out, they will go in.

After Lin Hao appeared, someone immediately cast his gaze.

"Outer disciple?"

One of the grim youths raised his eyebrows, revealing a hint of sarcasm.

"Hehe, there are some geniuses in the outer door. They are given special treatment and can naturally enter the soul tower." Another yellow-haired young man sneered, his eyes very disdainful.

These five people were dressed in exactly the same purple robes, with the word "Thunder" written on the jade pendant on their chests, they turned out to be members of the Lei Gang!

The Thunder Gang is also a gang of the Inner Sect, which is similar in nature to the White Gang and the Sirius Gang, except that the Thunder Gang is very powerful enough to rank in the top three.

Just because the leader of the Lei Gang was backed by the penalty elders, almost no one dared to provoke ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This second level, there were no other monks, and it was obviously occupied by the Lei Gang.

"Boy, you are not supposed to come to the second level. It is better to persuade you to go down."

The yellow-haired youth sneered.

"Is there a rule in the sect that only you can come up on the second floor?" Lin Hao smiled.

The yellow-haired young man was taken aback, stood up and rubbed his fists.

"Interesting, in that case, I have to reluctantly throw you out."

Just when he was going to make a move.

At this moment, the door of a room next to Lin Hao opened with a "creak".

A pale disciple walked out of the room.

"Go in!"

In an instant, the five disciples of the Thunder Gang in the hall rushed towards the door beside Lin Hao, bound to go in and occupy this room.

Of course Lin Hao knew that each room could only be occupied by one person, and it was common to fight for a room in the soul tower. The argument that came first, came first did not exist in the soul tower.

Lin Hao was so close, the first flash entered the gate.

"An outer disciple also wants to enter the second floor, looking for death!"

Immediately, the five Lei Gang inner disciples outside, without hesitation, shot directly at Lin Hao, displayed five different types of spirit abilities, and whizzed towards Lin Hao.

Within the soul tower, fighting is to be avoided, so as not to cause damage to the soul tower, but there is an unwritten rule that you can use soul skills to conduct secret calculations.

Because soul skills are soul power, they have minimal impact on the soul tower, so naturally nobody cares about it.

"Soul Bell!"

Lin Hao let out a low cry, and used the soul defensive trick.

"Dang!" "Dang!" "Dang!"...

The spirit ability came, hitting the soul-suppressing bell, and there was a buzzing sound, which was completely blocked by Lin Hao.

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