Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 853: : Lei Bang, Gu Tiange

"The kid is a bit capable, he can even calm the soul clock!"

"Come on with me. How can an outside disciple be presumptuous in a place like this!"

Lei helped everyone to kill their eyes. Among them, the yellow-haired young man had already gathered a group of Thunder and Lightning True Yuan in his palm, planning to use martial arts.

Lin Hao narrowed his eyes, and the Soul Tower ruled that no fighting was allowed. This was too much of a play for rules.

"Annihilation Palm!"

Regardless of it, Lin Hao condensed a dark will to annihilate in his palm, and suddenly shot it, hitting the palm of the yellow-haired young man.

The palms crossed, there was no collision, only a scream.


The yellow-headed young man let out a howl, flew out, and hit the wall of a room with his head, only to see that his arm disappeared without any trace of flesh and blood.

Lei Gang was shocked and stopped halfway.

Even the pale youth who had just come out of the room showed a surprised expression.

Everyone knows that today is the day when the Thunder Gang dominates the second floor, and no one else will come over at this point uninterestingly. Who is this person? Death is impossible!

Seeing the yellow-haired young man stand up, the flesh and blood on his broken arm squirmed, but no matter what, he couldn't grow out, which shocked his heart.

"Little thief, you are in a big trouble. You dare to hurt people in the soul tower, and you don't care about the rules. I advise you to go to the penalty department to surrender, or you will die miserably."

The Thunder Gang threatened.

Lin Hao just glanced at them lightly.

"If your strength is not enough, you just rely on rules to suppress others, and your Thunder Gang is nothing but that." Lin Hao sneered and shook his head.

"You are looking for death!" The Lei Gang gritted their teeth.


After leaving two words, Lin Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense with this group of people, stepped straight into the room and closed the door.

Everyone looked at each other.

Crazy people, an outer disciple, injured their Lei Gang inner disciple, and entered a room. If this spreads out, how will they face?

"Should this matter be reported to the penalty elder?"

"No, a small character, there is no need to bother to punish the elders!"

"Wait, our Lei Gang's Gu Tiange is on the second floor. After he comes out, he will be at the door of this person. As long as he comes out, he will be dead."

The Lei Gang didn't go anywhere, so they guarded at the door of Lin Hao's room.


In the room, Lin Hao inserted the disciple token into a groove, and a string of characters was displayed on it.

"Eight two thousand three thousand."

This is Lin Hao's contribution point.

Cultivation in the room of the soul tower will deduct contribution points based on time. The further upstairs, the faster the contribution points will be deducted.

It is said that one day of this second level of cultivation will deduct 10,000 contribution points.

Now that it is three months away from the Zongmen Annual Meeting, Lin Hao's contribution points are only enough for more than two months of cultivation.

At this moment, the room was covered with a hazy red mist. In the red mist, Lin Hao felt that his spiritual consciousness seemed to be immersed in lava. Whether it was the body or the soul, there was a burning sensation.

This is the mist used to temper the soul.

Although the process is painful, the effect is very significant.

"Huh?" Lin Hao looked suspicious.

How does he feel that this mist is a bit like the blood of the Dream Soul Beast in the rumor?

The blood of the Dream Soul Beast has this effect.

Lin Hao had only seen the blood of the Dream Soul Beast at an auction in his previous life, and sold it at an astonishing price.

Lin Hao shook his head. He is not qualified to care about this kind of thing now, he only needs cultivation.

In this process, the true essence in Lin Hao's body became more and more vigorous.

"By the way, if I use the time array, what will be the effect?" Lin Hao narrowed his eyes.

Time array, ten times faster.

Then in this soul tower, will there be ten times the time?

Lin Hao thought for a while, and immediately took out the time array, put in the best spirit stone, and entered the cultivation state.

What surprised him was that under the influence of the time array, he also had a tenfold acceleration, and the deducted contribution points were counted as one day!

In other words, with his 10,000 contribution points, he can practice for ten days on the second floor, while others can only practice for one day.

"Hahaha! Make a lot of money, make a lot of money!" Lin Hao laughed.

Unexpectedly, this time array gave him a big deal.

Next, Lin Hao practiced quietly.

Outside the room

A figure in a green robe came out, holding a thunder sword in his hand, and his eyes were deeply cold.

"Brother Gu Tiange!" The crowd outside the door hurriedly greeted them and said what had happened before.

"Huh! A bunch of trash, can't even stop an outside disciple?"

Gu Tiange snorted coldly, his voice exploded, and immediately before the group of people flew out, blood spurted wildly.

Being wounded by Gu Tiange casually like this, everyone didn't even dare to let go, but sat trembling in the distance, bowing their heads silently.

Gu Tiange, one of the five masters of the Lei Gang, had once been ranked 99th on the ghost list, but was later removed.

Now that he has been training for half a year, many people think that Gu Tiange has the strength of the ghost list, but he lacks an opportunity to prove himself.

"Huh! I'm just waiting here When that person shows up, I personally killed him." Gu Tiange sat quietly at the door of Lin Hao's room, closing his eyes and rested.


Suddenly, three days passed.

There was no movement in the room where Lin Hao was.

This caused Gu Tiange's brows to frown slightly, the soul tower cultivation is nowhere else, as long as he wants to cultivate.

Let's not talk about the contribution points of 10,000 a day. Even if you have enough contribution points, the pressure inside is not something ordinary people can withstand. Ordinary inner disciples can endure three days as the limit.

This is related to the strength of the soul. The stronger the soul, the longer it will last.

Even his Gu Tiange can only endure ten days.

"Huh, it's interesting." Gu Tiange sat patiently at the door. The better his opponent's talent, the more fulfilling he would feel when dealing with it.

Suddenly, another week passed.

After ten days, Lin Hao still showed no signs.

Not only Gu Tiange, but many of the Lei Gang disciples waiting here behind him also showed shocked expressions.

"That kid wouldn't be dead!"

"How could it not come out for ten days."

The crowd made a sound of shock.

"Shut up for me!" Gu Tiange scolded.

Everyone stopped talking now.

"Humph! I want to see how long you can hold on." Gu Tiange said coldly.


In fact, Lin Hao persisted for more than ten days!

It's a hundred days!

In the ten days outside, Lin Hao had already passed a hundred days in the time array, but he did not feel the pressure that ordinary people should have. As for tempering the soul, the burning sensation is almost like tickle.

Others have improved from nothing, but Lin Hao is repairing the formerly damaged soul of the Immortal Venerable. Naturally, the two cannot be compared!

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