Penalty department, spider hall prison.

Speaking of which, Lin Hao has been imprisoned, not once or twice.

The wild beast sect, the snake-man tribe, and the spider hall...this is the third time.

"Haha, I have a destiny with prison." Lin Hao smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

The prison of the Spider Hall is a black tower. Its appearance looks similar to the soul tower. It has only three floors. It is said that the first floor is more dangerous than the first.

After Elder Lei brought Lin Hao over, a fat elder from the penalty department walked out.

This fat man has a face full of flesh and red eyes, which is not a good thing at first sight.

After the two whispered a few words, they didn't know what they said, both of them frequently cast vicious eyes, as if Lin Hao killed their own mother.

"Hmph! You are not afraid of ruining the same sect in the soul tower, so I will shut you into the third floor and reflect on it."

The fat man twisted Lin Hao up and brought it into the soul tower.

Inside the soul tower, there are many prisoners held, all looking sickly.

The first floor, the second floor, the same is true, not to mention that hundreds of people were imprisoned.

When Lin Hao arrived on the third floor, he was surprised to find that there were only five cells on the third floor. Two of them were already occupied. Judging from their robes, they were all inner disciples of the Spider Hall.

The fat man opened a cage, pushed Lin Hao in, and then closed the door.

As soon as he entered, Lin Hao felt as if a crimson air current burrowed into the sea of ​​his knowledge, causing his body and soul to feel an incomparable tingling sensation, as if burning.

He knew that this red air current was almost the same type as that in the soul tower, but after the formation was changed, it became lethal rather than tempered.

Being locked up in this cell, suffering all the time.

"Be honest! If you dare to act rashly, I will make you better than death!" The fat man took a sentence and turned and left.

Lin Hao sat cross-legged in the cage. He looked at the other two people. A painful expression flashed between the eyebrows of these two people. They should be resisting the crimson air current.


"Newcomer, say a few words less, concentrate on suppressing it, otherwise the more uncomfortable you will get behind!"

Just as Lin Hao was about to speak, he was interrupted by one of them. Without opening his eyes, Lin Hao said to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao had no choice but to ignore it.


Outside the prison tower, Elder Lei and Elder Fatty sat side by side.

"You said, imprisoning a real person in the third floor, will he be tortured to death?" Fat elder said.

"Humph! It's good if I didn't kill him! I even suspect that this person's token is forged!"

Elder Lei said coldly: "What's more, our penal department is backed by real bones, so afraid?"

The Ten Thousand Ghost Sects totaled 108 ghost generals. The real thousand spider was only one of the stronger ghost generals, and he became the hall master of the spider hall, and the real bone bone was the penalty elder of the penalty department, and he should not be underestimated.

The matter was as the inner disciple said, Lin Hao got up and came in first, but felt a slight burning pain. The more he got behind, the more intense the pain.

However, this fell within Lin Hao's tolerance, at least with his soul power, there was nothing serious in a short time.

However, after an hour has passed.

Lin Hao felt the burning sensation getting stronger and stronger, and it was almost reaching the limit of his endurance. If he continued, he would have to do his utmost to suppress and endure the torment like the two of them.

"The same red air current, why does the soul tower have a tempering effect, and the prison is only lethal?"

Lin Hao pondered for a moment, suspecting that this was caused by the formation.

He pressed his palm to the ground and began to detect the formation structure here.

Lin Hao analyzed this place for an hour, but unfortunately there was no progress. The people of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect were also powerful in formation, and the formation was not something that Lin Hao could crack in a while.

"Three flowers gather on top!"

Lin Hao gave a low cry, took out the black dragon picture, and started the three-flower gathering state.

In the state of gathering the three flowers, Lin Hao's comprehension reached its limit. Under such circumstances, he understood the obscure moment before, and many things he didn't understand suddenly realized.

"It turns out that this is the blood of the Dream Soul Beast, and the formation should be like this!" Lin Hao's eyes were bright.

Originally, he was still wondering if this was the blood of the Dream Soul Beast, but now that he analyzed it, it was 100% the blood of the Dream Soul Beast. This effect was only achieved after changes.

With his current strength, he couldn't silently change the formation in the soul tower, and that would cause vigilance.

However, he can arrange a small formation to transform this lethal red air current into a tempering one again.

Lin Hao immediately sprinkled the top-grade spirit stones and arranged them in this cell.

This kind of formation reached a level of about five calamities. With Lin Hao's strength, it would take at least ten days and a half a month, but with the three flowers gathered at the top, the speed of the formation soared at least a hundred times.

It only took half a day to complete the formation.

This is a mini array The coverage is only the size of one person.

I only saw that a blue light mask appeared around Lin Hao's body. As long as the dark red airflow entered the light mask, it was transformed into light red.

These air currents are all the blood of the dream soul beast in an atomized state, which has the effect of tempering the body and soul, and is invaluable.

"Hahaha! God helped me too!" Lin Hao laughed.

Originally, the red air current in this prison was used to torture him, but now it has become a tool to help him temper.

Lin Hao immediately seized the time and began to absorb these red air currents.

According to his estimation, the red air current here is a bit stronger than the second layer of the soul tower, and is similar to the third layer of the soul tower.

Suddenly, the day passed.

At this moment, Lin Hao's cultivation base had already reached its limit, his body was full of true essence, and he could break through the second calamity cultivation base at any time.

"If that's the case, I will cross the robbery in this prison tower!" Lin Hao made up his mind.

He took a deep breath, took out a jar of dragon blood, and jumped in.

The second calamity of the flesh body calamity, as long as you have passed through it, you can be reborn with your arm severed, and your power control is perfect, without spilling anything! It's just that the price is very high, it may take the body to disintegrate countless times, and it requires extremely large blood energy!

This dragon blood is the most suitable material for him!

"Du Jie, start!"

Lin Hao let out a low drink.

In an instant, in the sky outside the prison tower, dark clouds were densely covered with thunder and lightning, forming a vast thundercloud that hovered over Lin Hao's head.

A muffled voice came from the thundercloud.

Upon seeing this, the fat elder at the gate of the prison tower was puzzled.

"It's strange, this is Thunder Jieyun, how can it appear on the prison tower?"

He is very strange, is this someone crossing the robbery?

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