Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 857: : Helper who suddenly appeared

The prisoners in the prison tower are not as good as death, and there is no time to resist the torture.

The fat elder couldn't understand.


Suddenly, a thunderbolt fell from a high altitude, and the thunderbolt directly penetrated the void, from outside the prison tower, directly into the tower.

Then, there was a roar, and the entire prison tower was faintly shaking.

"Really someone crossing the robbery?" The fat elder was shocked and rushed into the prison tower.

At this moment, the prisoners in the tower were also surprised.

On the third floor, the two disciples who were still resisting the red air current, all opened their eyes after seeing Lin Hao crossing the catastrophe, and looked over in shock.

"If this is the case, can you survive the catastrophe?"

"Isn't he afraid of death? He was attacked by the red air current when he crossed the Tribulation, ten deaths and no life!" The two discussed in shock.

When crossing the robbery, the most taboo thing is to be interrupted. In the prison tower, you are tortured all the time. How can you resist the red current?

As inner disciples, these two people deeply understand this, which is simply unrealistic.

But under the surprised eyes of the two, Lin Hao didn't seem to be affected. Despite the red air flowing into his body, he could only see the void above his head. Thunder appeared constantly, penetrating the prison tower, and bombarding Lin Hao. Overhead.


Lin Hao's body shattered, but in the big tank he was in, dragon blood flooded out, repairing Lin Hao's broken body.

This tank of dragon blood, which was originally obtained from Panlongzong, is now a big help to him.

Time flies, and only one thunderbolt is seen, Lin Hao's body is constantly being shattered and reorganized, and the power of thunder gradually becomes stronger, and even a thunder can beat Lin Hao to bones.

As soon as those dragon blood washed by, Lin Hao had grown a good torso, which was countless times harder than before the reorganization.

"What kind of blood is that, it can actually reorganize the body intact!" one of the bald men said strangely.

This tank of dragon blood was concealed by Lin Hao's formation, and no coercion was felt outside, but the two of them could see the extraordinary part of this blood just by looking at it.

"I don't know, I am a little interested in this red airflow."

Another blue-eyed man stared at Lin Hao for a long time, and suddenly a blue light radiated from his eyes and penetrated into Lin Hao's cell.

After a while, the blue light dissipated, and the blue-eyed man smiled bitterly: "Hehe, you and I have missed you. This child is so talented that he has arranged a formation that can resist the red air current."

"You can see this?" Another bald man asked in surprise.


Just as the two were discussing, the fat elder guarding the tower suddenly appeared on the third floor.

His sinister gaze suddenly turned to Lin Hao, and he saw thunder blasting above Lin Hao's head, constantly blasting into the prison.

This shocked him. He took a closer look, and the red air current seemed to have no effect on Lin Hao?

"Bold! How do you dare to get through the robbery in the prison and disrupt the order? Wake me up!"

The fat elder was furious, although he didn't understand why Lin Hao was not affected by the airflow, but for now, he had to wake him up first.


Raising his hand, he slapped Lin Hao in the air, and the heavy pressure fell, and the cage Lin Hao was in was instantly shattered.

"This fat man, what a vicious person!"

"Shooting while people are crossing the robbery, isn't this killing people?"

The blue-eyed man and the bald head said fiercely.

Suddenly, when the fat elder was about to drop his palm, he was stopped.

As if hitting an invisible wall for a flash, he bounced him back.

Then, a frivolous female voice appeared in the prison.

"Elder Liu Hu, it seems that there is no rule that you can't survive the robbery in the prison."

Liu Hu turned his head and looked, and directly at the third floor of the prison, a cold woman appeared, with a graceful posture, with a touch of charm in the cold, as cold as frost.

"Elder Leng, why are you here?" Liu Hu asked strangely.

"I happened to pass by the prison tower and came in to see the prisoners, can't I?" Leng Rushuang laughed.

"Then why are you intervening in my punishment?" Liu Hu said coldly.

"Whatever I want, can you control it?" Leng Rushuang still smiled, but his eyes grew colder.

"You..." Liu Hu was angry.

Leng Rushuang is in the spider hall, but she is famous for her quirky temper, moody, and often does some inexplicable things, no one knows what she is thinking.

But this person is extraordinary in strength, and it is said that he is one of 108 ghost generals, no one dares to provoke him.

Leng Rushuang took out a soft chair and sat down here, with Erlang's legs tilted, showing his perfectly straight long legs, and lying lazily on the chair, it seemed that he didn't plan to leave.

Liu Hu really didn't understand what the woman was thinking, so he sat here angrily.

In this way, the two stayed on the third floor.

Lin Hao in the cell naturally noticed the outside At this moment, he was sprinting with all his strength and ignored the outside.

In this way, time passed by minute by minute.

Lin Hao's physical body collapsed, reorganized, collapsed, reorganized... 10,000 times, and it was not over yet.

It has been a whole day since he began to cross the robbery.

And Lin Hao's tank of dragon blood had already consumed one third.

"What exactly is this tank of blood?" Liu Hu was surprised, always feeling that this blood was no small thing.

He closed his eyes and probed towards Lin Hao's cage.


Suddenly, his divine sense hit an invisible wall, and it was a cold and frost condensed soul barrier, blocking his divine sense.

"Elder Leng, are you deliberately having trouble with me?" Liu Hu stood up and said.

"Liu Hu, don't get me wrong, you and I have no grievances and no grudges, how can I have trouble with you?" Leng Rushuang smiled, raising a smile.

Liu Hu was itchy with anger, but he had no choice but to give up with this Leng Rushuang.

During this period, he kept testing Leng Rushuang's bottom line, but in any case, he couldn't detect the divine sense and didn't know the scene in Lin Hao's cell.

When it comes to soul power, he is not as cold as frost, and can only be as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

In this way, under the observation of the two, three days passed.

On this day, Lin Hao's tank of dragon blood was completely exhausted.

His physical body was disintegrated and reorganized, and he had done it 30,000 times. When he changed to another person, 10,000 times was the limit, but Lin Hao had done it 30,000 times.

Even Liu Hu and Leng Rushuang felt a little weird.

"Break it for me!"

Lin Hao gave a low cry, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth surged crazily. He took out the best spirit stones and swallowed them one by one, sprinting towards the final stage of the second calamity.

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