Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 882: :3 Great Monarchs Qizhi

If the time array is not stable enough, this secret room will be blown up.

"What a mighty power!" Lin Hao was surprised.

Ben Lei Sword has changed.

Finally, the fluctuations gradually stabilized, and the sword soul inside also tended to be quiet.

Lin Hao tried to control it, and found that he could control it freely, and this sword didn't have any feeling of rejection to him.

This made him secretly relieved, he was really worried that the addition of Devil Sword would make Ben Lei Jian deny the master.

After a brief probe, Lin Hao said in surprise: "Four Star Sword Soul in the late stage, comparable to the Four Tribulations real person!"

He couldn't think that just the strength of this sword reached such a level, you know, the top ten peerless geniuses on the ghost list are just rivals to the real person of the Four Tribulations.

"Xiao Lei, are you still there?"

Lin Hao tried to shout.

There was no response from the other party, but Lin Hao carefully probed and found that the nature of the sword soul had changed, and it was no longer the same as Xiaolei.

Xiao Lei merged into the sword soul of the Demon Sword, and the two sword souls seemed to merge into one in a peculiar way, becoming a new sword soul.

Looking at the Ben Lei Sword whose appearance and sword soul had changed drastically, Lin Hao thought in his heart that it could no longer be called the Ben Lei Sword, and should be named.

"The darkness is like ink, and the magic thunder blends together, so why not just call it, the magic thunder sword!"

Lin Hao thought for a while, and decided on this name.

"Devil Thunder Sword, can you hear me?"

Lin Hao shouted, a four-star late-stage sword soul, how to say it is wise.

"I can hear it." A faint voice came.

The voice was very strange, a bit like Xiao Lei, and a bit like a magic sword, which made Lin Hao confused.


Lin Hao let out a low cry, and the Demon Thunder Sword was put into the scabbard.

In any case, this sword was refined by him, connected to his soul, and under his control, that was enough.

Losing the Demon Sword and Xiao Lei, and adding another Demon Thunder Sword, I don't know if it is good or bad.

"By the way, today is the Zongmen Annual Meeting, I will miss it!"

Lin Hao suddenly remembered, and hurriedly broke out.

Sitting at the door, Long You immediately stood up when he saw Lin Hao leaving the gate.

"Lin Hao, hurry up, they called the assembly two hours ago, let's go quickly, or we will miss it!" Long You shouted anxiously.

"it is good!"

The two hurried to the square in the center of Spider Hall.

Unfortunately, when they arrived, people had already gone to the building, and there was nothing left, only a handyman disciple and a few people who quit halfway.

"My God, it's late!" Long You's face paled.

"Lin Hao!" A disciple recognized Lin Hao.

"Excuse me, where is the Zongmen Nianhui going?" Lin Hao asked quickly.

"Zhongzhou, a secret territory 20,000 miles south of Centipede Hall. It is too late now. The evening will officially start. It is useless if you go." said the person.

At the speed of the inner disciple, it would take half a day to get out of the ghost and crying forest. Even if you took the interstate teleportation array, it would take a day before and after it was too late.

"Thank you!"

Lin Hao arched his hand, then grabbed Long You, and ran towards the outside of the spider hall.

Looking at the two Lin Hao who were burning with anger, the disciple sighed: "I didn't worry about it before, but what's the use of being anxious now? It's too late."

After Lin Hao left the spider hall, he shouted: "Sword out!"

"call out!"

The Devil's Thunder Sword came out of its sheath and hovered in mid-air, then its volume expanded to five meters in length.

Lin Hao and Long You sat on Jian.

"Lin Hao, when did you start flying the sword again? This speed is not as fast as our own!"

Long You asked strangely.

At their level, human speed is often much faster than sword.

But as soon as his voice fell, he felt that the seated Demon Thunder Sword disappeared in place with a "swish" sound. With one breath, it could move a large distance, almost the same speed as the elder!

"My God! What speed is this!?" Long You was shocked.

The speed of the Demon Thunder Sword is faster than that of the Four Tribulations Real People. It takes half a day for them to leave the ghost and crying forest, but the Demon Thunder Sword only takes an hour.

An hour later, Lin Hao took the Demon Thunder Sword to Baizong City and came to the interstate teleportation formation.

Long You was shocked, when did Lin Hao build such a powerful flying sword?

After paying the spirit stone, there was a flash of light, and when the two appeared again, they had already arrived in a certain city in Zhongzhou.

"Go to the Centipede Hall!"

Lin Hao controlled the Demon Thunder Sword and continued to fly south towards the direction of the Centipede Hall.

To the south of Centipede Hall, there is an empty plain.

There are tens of thousands of all the participating disciples from the five major branch halls and law enforcement elders gathered here.

The law enforcement elders of each Zongmen Annual Meeting are held by the elders of the penalty divisions of the five major sects. Therefore, Liu Hu and Lei Xiao have the honor to join them.

"Hmph! Lin Hao didn't come this time, otherwise, we must die in our hands." Liu Hu gritted his teeth.

"It's a pity, Jiu Lei's revenge can only be reported another day." Lei Xiao said with some regret.

The hall masters of the five major branches gathered together, and the five people pressed their palms on the ground, only to see an illusory space door rising from the ground.

Within this space is the secret realm leading to the Zongmen Annual Meeting.

"Enter the Secret Realm!" the master of the Centipede Hall, the real evil wind shouted loudly.


Everyone filed towards the door of space.


A group of huge black shadows appeared in the distance, getting closer and closer, but arrived here in an instant.

Mortal Xiefeng looked up, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"True Majesty Tianhuang, True Majesty Xing Tian, ​​plus True Majesty Ten Thousand Swords, Three True Majesty, and masters of various sects!"

Everyone in the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect all gasped.

So many peerless powerhouses, what are you doing here?

"Ten thousand ghosts, long time no see!"

Zhenjun Wanjian smiled slightly.

As the master of the Centipede Hall, the real person Xiefeng had the highest status this time. He took the initiative to step forward and said, "I wonder if you guys come here.

"It's no big deal. I heard that the real bones came from your Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, so I specially came to have a look, visit your Zongmen Annual Meeting, and see what kind of sects can give birth to the evil demon like the real bones. Wan Jian Zhenjun said with a smile.

The disciple of Zhenjun Wanjian was killed by the real man of white bones. The last time he was auctioned, he was put up again, and he was already resentful. This time, I am afraid that it is not just a visit.

Everyone in Wan Guizong's face suddenly sank, naturally they knew that the situation was not good.

"Haha, don't be upset, I'm just waiting for a friendly visit. I don't mean anything else, I shouldn't refuse!" Xing Tianzhenjun also laughed.

The disappearance of his son Xing Lei was inexplicable, and the men and horses under his command died in the realm of emptiness, so the hatred was transferred to the real bones.

The Bone Realm couldn't catch it, so they met and came to Ten Thousand Ghost Sect to try it out.

Friendly visit? Ghosts believe!

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