Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 883: : Round 1, Ghost Tide

"Hahaha! The three true monarchs came here to visit our annual meeting of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect. There is no reason to refuse."

Suddenly, a distant voice came, like a ghost crying and howling a wolf, and the scalp was numb.

"Master Guijun is here!" The crowd of Ten Thousand Ghosts was overjoyed.

Guijun is also a true prince, and he has come out of Longchi. He is stronger than other true princes and has deterrent power, so he dare not let foreign enemies act rashly!

The ghost is a figure shrouded in the shadows. He can't see his appearance, but can only see a mass of black.

Upon seeing this, True Lord Wan Jian looked at each other with the other two true princes, and said with a smile: "Ha ha, the ghosts have all appeared, so let's visit together."

"Go, let's go in together." Xing Tianzhenjun smiled.

The three true monarchs walked into the door of space one after another.

The ghost had never watched the Zongmen Annual Meeting, but now it is a special situation that has to enter.

"Humph!" He snorted coldly and followed the three true monarchs into the door of space.

Then, other sects with a lot of background also entered one after another. Each sect only sent a representative figure who was not weak, totaling more than 100 onlookers, representing more than 100 sect families.

"Ten Thousand Ghost Sect disciples, all members enter!"

The real evil wind announced.

"Swish swish..."

Everyone filed in.

After everyone who was waiting entered, only a black robe elder guarded outside the door of space.

At this moment, he suddenly saw two more shadows coming in the distance. After getting closer, he found that they were flying over at an incredible speed, riding on a large black sword.

"Who?!" The black robe elder stood up and said sharply.

Lin Hao stopped, took the Demon Thunder Sword, and said, "Junior Lin Hao and Long You are attending the Zongmen Annual Meeting. They are a step late. Please let us in."

With that, Lin Hao and Long You took out disciple tokens and gave proof.

"Lin Hao?"

Hearing this, the black robe elder brightened his eyes, he had actually heard of Lin Hao.

"Well, this time you make an exception to let you in. Maybe it's too late. As for whether you can catch up with the first round, it's up to your luck." Elder Heipao said.


Lin Hao and Long You rushed into the door of space one after another.

"Hehe, Lin Hao from Spider Hall is here too. This is interesting." The black robe elder laughed strangely.


At this time, within the secret realm, the real evil wind had already announced the various issues of this Zongmen annual meeting and announced the latest issue of the ghost list.

Compared with the previous issue, the names of three people on the ghost list were missing. Jiuli, Ling Ying, and Ling Long were all killed by Lin Hao, but the others remained unchanged.

However, Lin Hao came to the tenth place.

"Spider Hall Lin Hao, turned out to be the tenth place!"

"Now, Spider Hall has the top ten!"

"It's a pity that it's still the bottom. The other branches have the top five geniuses, so what is Lin Hao."

The disciples from the five branches off the court whispered.

After Lin Hao appeared, he landed in a valley, still in the corner.

The number of people in the valley is very large, there are tens of thousands of people, and Lin Haolong's appearance is not noticeable.

Lin Hao began to observe the surrounding environment and found that there were many inner disciples in front of him, and a group of people sitting cross-legged in the sky turned out to be onlookers.

When he saw those onlookers, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"True Majesty Tianhuang, True Majesty Xing Tian, ​​and...True Majesty Ten Thousand Swords?" Lin Hao was surprised.

In addition to these three people, he also found a lot of powerful forces, among them the Hai family had come, and it was Hai Lingtian, the head of the Hai family.

What the **** is this? The sect meeting of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, so many people came to watch it, could it be that something was going on.

Moreover, Lin Hao also found a person shrouded in the shadows, with an aura similar to that of the true monarch, he must be the ghost monarch of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect.

Seeing this group of people look bad one by one, I'm afraid it will be against the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect.

Lin Hao ignored him, he only cared about his own interests.

"In the first round, a wave of ghosts! Next, there will be an endless wave of ghosts appearing at the edge of the valley. After you kill, you can get soul crystals. You will be scored according to the number of soul crystals each person has obtained, and you will advance to the first thousand points. "

"Attention, when hunting ghosts, you can compete and snatch, but you must not sneak attack and plot against others, otherwise you will be disqualified!"


With the evil wind in the sky, the real person announced.

At the end of the valley, a large number of illusory shadows emerged, shockingly ghosts.

"It started so soon, the rules are not clear!" Long You said in surprise.

"Nonsense, we are late and have missed a lot of information, so prepare to fight quickly!" Lin Hao cursed.

Mortal Xiefeng must have confessed a lot of things before, but Lin Hao didn't hear them.

But the last sentence is very clear. Killing ghosts can get soul crystals, and scores are based on the number of soul crystals.

Lin Hao knew what to do.

Ghosts appeared one after another, layered on top of each other, boundlessly, making a breathtaking roar.

In the next moment, all the ghosts rushed crazy from the edge of the valley towards this side.

These ghosts must be created by the special methods of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect, and they can be produced continuously.



Suddenly a war broke out in the valley.

After the ghost army rushed up, most of the people gathered in groups of three or five, planning to fight together, so as to facilitate mutual support and improve the efficiency of hunting ghosts.

There are also a small number of art masters who are bold, rushing directly into the tide of ghosts, killing and hunting soul crystals.

Among them, almost all of the top 20 people on the ghost list rushed forward, completely treating ghosts as nothing.

"Long You, let's go too!"

Lin Hao and Long You also rushed into the ghost army.

The fighting power of these ghosts is roughly equivalent to that of a real person in the Second Tribulation, and the outer disciples can be solved as long as they are a little careful, let alone them.

However, the ghosts are also mixed with powerful people, such as a red ghost, whose strength has reached the Three Tribulations real person, and after hunting, you can get ten soul crystals!

Just a few breaths, Lin Hao got a lot of soul crystals.


A black hole appeared in Long You's palm, and after holding a ghost, he sucked it in.

Even the soul crystal that burst out was swallowed by Long You.

"Huh!" Long You said in surprise: "Lin Hao, after I found this soul crystal swallowed, it seems to be able to increase the soul power?"

"What did you say?" Lin Hao asked strangely.

"Really, if you don't believe me, try it!" Long You shouted.

Lin Hao was curious, so he tried to swallow a soul crystal in.

But nothing happens.

This situation is simply impossible. If it is useful, other people have tried it a long time ago. Where can I get him?

But Long You didn't seem to be lying, it might be the peculiarity of devouring will.

"Lin Hao, you are here!"

Suddenly, there was an exclamation in the distance.

I saw Ling Jian looking at him from a distance and yelling at Lin Hao.

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