"You, you...you dare to step on me?"

Qing Yunzi was frightened and angry. He looked at Lin Hao and saw that Lin Hao had also dropped his second foot.

"Lin Hao, dare you!" Qing Yunzi roared.


Lin Hao stamped his foot and Qing Yunzi's other arm was also broken.

Qing Yunzi was completely stunned. He never expected that he would respond in Pill City, no one would dare to provoke a small Dan City overlord, someone would dare to step on his hand!

Then, Lin Hao kept doing it, smashing his left leg and right leg with two consecutive feet.


The screams resounded in the Ten Thousand Array Medicine Valley.

"You sent the killer before!" Lin Hao lowered his head and stared at Qing Yunzi, a cold voice came out.

Qing Yunzi's face changed wildly, but he still suppressed the shock in his heart, and said tremblingly: "I don't know what you said."

"I don't know?" Lin Hao burned the nightmare fire, burning Qing Yunzi's soul.

"Ah!!!" Qing Yunzi let out a scream like a pig, and nodded constantly: "Yes! I sent it, your excellency!"


Lin Hao increased the fire and burned Qingyunzi clean, even the soul was burned out, and nothing was left.

Qing Yunzi seems to be some kind of personal disciple of Mo Yun Dan Sheng, even during the pill meeting, no one dared to provoke him, otherwise after going out, Mo Yun Dan Sheng casually said a word, you can kill you!

But Lin Hao doesn't care about this, and if he dares to provoke him, there is no reason to let him go!

Killing Qingyunzi, Lin Hao's expression remained unchanged, no different from killing an ant.

He received the Sealing Demon Tablet, picked up Qingyunzi's package, and discovered that there were more than 100 medicinal plants stored inside, more than him!

This surprised Lin Hao. He had three bodies, searching day and night, plus his experience, only to collect a hundred plants.

This Qingyunzi definitely has special information, so it can be collected so quickly!

However, Lin Hao thought about it carefully. The three mysteries were themselves being maintained by Pill City, and Qing Yunzi seemed normal when he walked through the back door.

"Unfortunately, it made me cheaper in the end!" Lin Hao smiled slightly.

Lin Hao continued to search for medicinal materials in Wanzhen Medicine Valley.

It seemed that Xiao Wuya had a part in assassinating him, but Lin Hao did not find Xiao Wuya after looking for him for a day. Instead, he ran into a passerby.

The ending was natural. After a passerby was beaten up by Lin Hao, he honestly handed over the medicinal materials.

Lin Hao seemed to have become the overlord of Ten Thousand Array Medicine Valley.


Beyond the Wanzhen Medicine Valley.

Murong Hong had entered the Medicine Valley to search, and the two killers of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect were still hiding on the edge of the Medicine Valley, waiting for Lin Hao to come over.

"What's the matter, it's almost the last day, why can't it still come?"

"Ten Thousand Array Medicine Valley is the only place to be promoted, it is impossible for Lin Hao not to appear!"

The two were anxious, like ants on a hot pot.

"You said, would you have already entered?" one of them asked.

"How is it possible? The Little Poison King has been guarding here and didn't find Lin Hao!" Another person argued.

They didn't know what was going on, so they could only continue to wait in place, hoping that Lin Hao would show up on the last day.


The time came to the last day.

Lin Hao relied on the "cheating" method of the world inside his body, and the speed of collection was second to none, and he had already found 500 kinds of medicinal materials.

These medicinal materials can be used to refine five kinds of seven-tribulation pill, two kinds of eight-tribulation pill, and many more messy medicinal materials.

That's enough!

As long as there is no accident, the first place is basically locked by Lin Hao.

"Almost, this Dan will harvest quite richly."

Lin Hao thought for a while, took a part of the medicinal materials out of the body world, put it in the package he carried with him, filled it with a bag, and carried it on his back.

It seemed that this package was bigger than his person, as if carrying a small mountain on his back, sealed by Lin Hao with his true essence.

"It's almost coming soon. I will go out after searching for an hour at the end." Lin Hao thought to himself.

At this time, he came to an empty space, like the universe!

In the sky, there are shining stars piercing the sky, leaving a long string of dazzling tails, very gorgeous!

Lin Hao could see the Big Dipper, all kinds of stars, surrounding the distant horizon.

"The medicinal materials here must be the meteors." Lin Hao secretly said.

As long as he collects the meteor into the body world, he can complete the task.

He could see that occasionally there would be meteors coming over. If he was hit, he would die or be disabled.

Lin Hao waited quietly, arranged a trapping formation, and stood there waiting for the rabbits.

I do not know how long it has been.


A meteor in the shape of a flame flew over, and you could feel the terrifying heat from far away.

Lin Hao immediately urged the formation, and saw a large net of nothingness shrouded in the past, covering the flame meteor.

Unfortunately, the power of this flame meteor seemed to surpass Lin Hao's imagination. It broke through the trapped formation and smashed towards Lin Hao.

Lin Hao has never encountered such a situation!

"It's so powerful, can it be said that this is a medicinal plant of the Nine Tribulations?"

Lin Hao's pupils shrank ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He felt a slight threat from this star!

"call out!"

Lin Hao took out the Demon Sealing Tablet and used it like lightning to suppress it.


The stars fell, and the flames on the surface gradually dimmed.

Lin Hao breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could walk over, he saw another black miniature meteorite slamming towards him.

"and also?"

Lin Hao was taken aback for a moment, and when he turned over, he slashed out with a sword and pierced the black meteorite.

He had enough medicinal materials, and he didn't need such one, so Lin Hao planned to destroy it directly!

"Huh? You found me?"

Suddenly, the black meteorite actually spoke!


The black meteorite erupted with terrifying black glow, rippling out layer by layer, and affected Lin Hao's sword.


Lin Hao was directly shocked, and the meteorite retreated several kilometers, fell into the distance, and finally turned into a human form.


Lin Hao said coldly.

He just wanted to destroy the medicinal materials, but he did not expect that this meteorite was not a medicinal material, but a person changed it!

Fortunately, he reacted witty, otherwise he might be overcast.

At this time, the person's appearance was revealed, his figure was thin and his appearance was somewhat familiar.

Lin Hao couldn't help but stunned.

He thought that it was the killer of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect who met him by chance. Unexpectedly, it was Ye Mo, the young man from the Ye Family he had met.

"Lin Hao, right? Some strength!" Ye Mo smiled.

Lin Hao glanced at him and found that behind Ye Mo, he was also carrying a large mountain-like package with more than 300 medicinal plants inside.

Lin Hao's package contains more than two hundred, carefully selected by him, and more than half of it is inside the body.

"Why, do you want to deal with me?" Lin Hao said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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