Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 927: : Lin Hao VS Ye Mo

"Hehe, this flame shooting star has been my fancy, if you retreat, I can spare you!" Ye Mo smiled.

Lin Hao didn't say anything, and took the Demon Sealing Tablet in his hand.

The left hand seals the magic monument, the right hand the magic thunder sword.

The meaning is obvious.

"Toast and not eat fine wine!"

Ye Mo's eyes grew colder, and two flames appeared in his palms, one black and one white, intertwined in the middle, surrounding each other, faintly enough to produce a picture.

"Yin and Yang ghost fire?" Lin Hao was slightly taken aback.

"Unexpectedly, you even know Yin and Yang ghost fire!"

Ye Mo was surprised, and then he waved his hands suddenly, and the flames quickly condensed together, turning into a black and white Pisces pattern, just like a flame gossip picture!

"Gossip Fire Picture!"

Ye Mo yelled, the flame picture of gossip, quickly separated from the body, and covered Lin Hao.

At this moment, Lin Hao seemed to see the heaven and the earth hanging upside down, the yin and yang reversed chaos, and even time and space were distorted.

Yin and yang transform all things, yin and yang ghost fire, contains a trace of the law of yin and yang, the power far exceeds other flames.

Among the flames that Lin Hao has seen in this life, only the black phosphorous fire after the evolution of the white phosphorous fire can compare with the Yin and Yang ghost fire!

"Leaving the fire shield, the nine shields are one!"

Without hesitation, Lin Hao immediately displayed his strongest flame defense, the combination of nine shields!

I saw the nightmare fire turned into a nine-sided shield, and then merged together to form a giant flame shield, which firmly sealed the front.

The defensive effect this time is even stronger than when Lin Hao dealt with Xiao Wuya!

"Huh? Two times!"

Ye Mo's eyes lit up, and of course he could see that Lin Hao's move to control fire and defense was no weaker than his gossip fire picture.


Silent collision, the gossip picture of Yin and Yang ghost fire suddenly hit the nine shields, and the two flames twisted and merged together.

Immediately, Lin Hao discovered the yin and yang ghost fire, and he wanted to absorb the nightmare fire.

"Hahaha! Yin and Yang gossip map, inclusive of all things, your Lihuo Shield won't work!" Ye Mo laughed.

At this time, Lin Hao didn't change his face, his gesture suddenly changed, and Li Huo Shield also changed with it.

"Nine locks! Seal!" Lin Hao shouted.

"Swish swish..."

I saw the Lihuo Shield that was sucked in by the gossip fire diagram, split again in an instant, and turned into a nine-sided shield, and then the nine shields were chained together, and the middle gossip diagram was sealed!

At this moment, even the absorption effect of the gossip fire diagram was sealed.


Ye Mo's pupils shrank, he could not think that Lin Hao's fire control technique was so powerful!


The flame in the middle exploded, and both the gossip fire image and the shield disappeared without a trace.

Ye Mo was shocked, he underestimated Lin Hao!

"Feng Lei Shun!"

This was not over yet, Lin Hao had electricity under his feet, and the Demon Thunder Sword in his hand slashed across a sharp arc, slashing forward.


In Ye Mo's body, the ghost fire of Yin and Yang rushed up automatically, crashing with Lin Hao's sword light, and the flame was silently annihilated, but Lin Hao struck the air and missed it.

"Wildfire array!"

Ye Mo slapped his palms on the ground, and a black and white flame zone appeared around him, forming an array of hundreds of meters wide.

"Annihilate the storm!"

Lin Hao slashed up with his sword, and countless annihilation sword aura enveloped them, endlessly!

However, when Annihilation Sword Qi approached Ye Mo's ghost fire array, it was automatically transferred to another place and cut into the air.

After dozens of strokes, it didn't even hit a single sword!

The ghost fire formation, Ye Mo's skill at formation, can form a chaos space and unload the attack to other positions!

Lin Hao frowned. It was the first time he had encountered this kind of opponent, so why couldn't even annihilate the storm.

"The ghost is hot!"

Ye Mo's formation changed again, and countless black and white flame spheres flew away, exploding beside Lin Hao.

"Yutian Sword Formation!"

Lin Hao's sword light danced, and the sword light faintly outlined it into a sphere, blocking the explosive fireballs outside, which turned out to be a defensive sword formation!

When the flame disappeared, Lin Hao was also unscathed!

In just an instant, the two of them made a few hundred moves against each other, but no one had the patience to get any!

"It's a bit tricky!"

Lin Hao's eyes were solemn, he still underestimated Ye Mo's strength, and if this continues, he has to use the Sword of Silence!

But tomorrow is the second round of the Danhui, the sequelae of the Sword of Silence, it is absolutely difficult to recover in one day!

Both are the Four Tribulations real person, the gap is too big, Ye Mo's strength is stronger than any Four Tribulations real person Lin Hao has ever seen!

Lin Hao felt this way, and Ye Mo was even more shocked.

You know, Lin Hao is just a real person of the Second Tribulation, but he is a real person of the Fourth Tribulation, two levels behind, the two are tied!

He still has the advantage of the flame, if it weren't for the yin and yang ghost fire, he might still lose!

"Could you force me to use tricks?" Ye Mo thought for a while, but gave up. Tomorrow will be the second round of the Dan Club. It's not worth working hard here!

After pondering for a while, Ye Mo pulled away and left Lin Hao a great distance!

He glanced at the flame meteor flying in the thinking that it would take an hour to suppress the flame meteor, and Lin Hao looked at him, so forget it!

Ye Mo said coldly: "Lin Hao, yes, I remember you, two times! Hope the next two rounds, you don't let me down!"

Ye Mo glanced at the flame meteor, a pair of black and white flame wings appeared behind him, and quickly left here.

Lin Hao breathed a sigh of relief when Ye Mo left.

In fact, if Ye Mo didn't leave, he planned to leave. But Ye Mo took the lead in retreating, leaving the Flame Meteor here instead.

Lin Hao held the Demon Sealing Tablet and easily suppressed the flame meteor.

Immediately, he incorporated the meteor into the world of his body, and turned it into a bright flower burning with flames, which was spherical, like a stone, and it was the Nine Tribulations medicinal material, the meteor stone flower.

This is the main medicinal material for refining the Nine Tribulations Sacred Pill "Nirvana Pill"! Add a series of Eight Tribulations medicinal materials to match it!

"It's almost time, it's time to leave."

Lin Hao thought to himself, flying towards the sky, as long as he flew out of this illusion, he would leave the Valley of Medicine of Ten Thousand Arrays.


Outside the Ten Thousand Array Medicine Valley, the two killers of the Ten Thousand Ghost Sect were going crazy.

Now there is only one hour left before the end of the first round, Lin Hao hasn't appeared yet!

"He must be scared, he dare not come here!" said one of the killers.

"It must be so, this kid gave up the first round in order to save his life!"

"Really **** it, only wait for him to leave Pill City before starting."

The two waited for a long time before Lin Hao, so they could only sigh and plan to retreat.

At this time, people came out one after another in Wanzhen Medicine Valley.

Murong Hong, Xiao Wuya, Ye Mo and other favorites to win the championship, have appeared outside the Wanzhen Medicine Valley.

Slightly counted, there are probably more than a hundred people.

(End of this chapter)

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