Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 969: : Breakthrough 4 Tribulation

"I said, I only point to one hour a day, don't talk about any extra time, let's go!" Lin Hao waved his hand and issued an order to leave.

Ye Qinger had to pick up the stones on the ground and left the yard.

After Ye Qing'er left, the ancestor of the Ye family flew in and said, "Friend Lin, what can you do with me?"

Lin Hao took out a prescription full of medicinal materials, and handed it over.

"How many medicinal materials does the Ye family have in total?" Lin Hao asked.

The ancestors of the Ye family couldn't help frowning when they scanned these medicinal materials.

"Peiyuanhua, marrow-washing grass, Tianlingbaoguo..."

These medicinal materials are all Five Tribulations medicinal materials, not too advanced, but very rare.

Among them, there are two of them in the Ye Family.

"Friend Lin, this recipe, our Ye family can only make up two pieces, mainly because there are too few Sky Spirit Fruits, only two." Ye family ancestor said.

"Bring them all to me." Lin Hao said lightly.

"Yes!" The Ye Family ancestor retreated.

Today, Lin Hao's cultivation base is flawed, his cultivation base is too weak, many methods cannot be used, and he must improve as soon as possible.

Peizhen Baodan is currently the best pill for improving cultivation base, which can quickly accumulate real yuan and reach the peak. It's just that the medicinal materials for refining this pill are too rare, and the Ye Family can only make up two pieces.

The only side effect of this pill is that the progress is too fast, which may cause the martial arts and exercises to fail to keep up with the progress of the cultivation base.

But this is negligible for Lin Hao, his martial arts has long been in his mind, and he doesn't need time to practice.

One day later, the ancestors of the Ye family brought two pieces of Peizhen Baodan medicinal materials.

Lin Hao sent his clone to Pill City and collected another Heavenly Spirit Fruit. In this way, he had enough three medicinal materials.


Lin Hao took out the purple thunder cauldron, sacrificed the underworld fire that had just been refined, and began to refine alchemy.

Peizhen Baodan is only a medicine for the Five Tribulations. Overnight, Lin Hao used a piece of medicinal materials to refine seven Peizhen Baodan at one time, filling a full bottle.

On the second day, Lin Hao continued to explain the course.

Everyone who came to attend the class yesterday came, but Ye Mo had the best understanding, and even extracted a small amount of earth-yellow true essence from a stone.

None of the others succeeded.

"The stone comes from the earth. This is the true essence of the earth attribute. It will even be used when refining the Xuanhuang Pill, remember!" Lin Hao said.


Everyone was convinced.

An hour passed.

After sending these people away, Lin Hao continued to refine alchemy.

Classes are taught during the day and alchemy at night.

It took three days before and after, Lin Hao ran out of three medicinal materials and refined a total of 20 Peizhen Baodan!

On the same day, he swallowed one, frantically devouring the true essence inside.

In this way, Lin Hao set aside one hour a day to give lectures, and spent the rest of the time devouring the Peizhen Baodan to improve his cultivation.

What surprised Lin Hao was that after half a month, Long You was one step ahead of him, the first to break through the bottleneck, and he could overcome the catastrophe at any time.

Lin Hao felt incredible at such a breakthrough speed.

After a day of preparation, Long You was on the Yejia Square and began to cross the catastrophe.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

Only seeing the sky, Thunder Jie's bombardment came down, smashing Long You's body into pieces, and constantly regrouping.

Long You is an immortal body, and his talent plus the magical powers of the split beads make him safe and worry-free.

The fourth calamity is the spiritual calamity. After the robbery, you can lock the opponent with the Qi machine, which is a small ability.

On the whole, the first four calamities were not dangerous to Lin Hao and the others, but the improvement in strength was also very limited.

It wasn't until the fifth robbery that the qualitative change began.

The Fifth Tribulation is the True Element Tribulation. After the Tribulation, you can rely on the burning of the True Element. The strength increases tenfold in a short time, and it is almost impossible to be defeated by a leap.

In the ten calamities of the transition period, the first to four calamities are a stage, the five, six and seven calamities are another stage, and the eighth calamity is the biggest threshold.

The further behind, the greater the difference in strength between each crossing.

Three days later, Longyou completed the Tribulation and officially became the real person of the Four Tribulations.


Unconsciously, it has been a month since Lin Hao stayed in Ye's house.

This month, Lin Hao had eaten up the Pill of Peizhen, full of vitality, and finally took the last step.

Lin Hao didn't hesitate, and set up a formation on the Ye Family Square the next day, planning to use the Ye Family's guardian array to fight against the catastrophe.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

On this day, the Yejia Square was thundered continuously, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the purple-black thunder kept smashing Lin Hao in the square.

The onlookers of the Ye family all stayed quietly beside them, watching their teacher cross the robbery quietly.

For Lin Hao, they are completely convinced. This month's explanation is equivalent to opening the door to a new world for them——

It turns out that alchemy can be the same!

The Ye family even felt that the alchemy techniques handed down by the Ye clan were not as unpredictable as Lin Hao explained.

Days pass by.

The sky is still thundering.

At first they were not worried, but when the time passed for a week, everyone's hearts were raised.

It stands to reason The Fourth Tribulation is not so troublesome! It's just three days for Long You to cross the robbery. Why hasn't Lin Hao been over a week?

At this time, the thunder in the sky completely turned black, and the guards trembled.

A thunder of this scale, even the Five Tribulations real person could not hold it.

"Form, teacher will be fine," Ye Qinger said worriedly.

"Don't worry, even if I get chopped to death, Brother Lin will not die." Ye Mo smiled.

Finally, after three days of such a day, Lei Jie finally ended.

Lin Hao can be considered as a surprise, taking the last step!

Lin Hao took a deep breath, feeling the aura several times stronger in his body, and couldn't help smiling.

Today he is not what he used to be, even the Five Tribulations Real Person is no longer his opponent!

Lin Hao stood up, looked at the Ye family members who were quietly waiting around the square, and smiled loudly: "It took ten days to cross the catastrophe. Today, I will explain to you three days and three nights as compensation.

"Oh! Great!"

"Haha! Thank you teacher!"

"Long live the teacher!"

The many disciples of the Ye family cheered and saluted Lin Hao with excitement.

Lin Hao smiled calmly and flew towards his yard.

In the distance, the Patriarch of the Ye Family, Ye Zhentian asked worriedly: "Old Patriarch, Lin Hao will explain it like this. I admire him for his alchemy, but after all, he is still young, and his experience may not be as profound. What should I do if I have a child?"

"Hehe, don't worry! Lin Hao is the most talented person I have ever met, and his explanations are helpful to me, let alone those juniors." Ye family ancestor smiled.

"Is it helpful to you?" Ye Zhentian was shocked.

"Haha! I won't tell you more, I'm going to class!"

The ancestor of the Ye family jumped and followed Lin Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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