Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 970: : Lin Hao's alchemy philosophy

Ye Zhentian was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Ye Zhentian, you are the patriarch of this branch."

Ye Zhentian's heart trembled and turned back quickly.

I saw a middle-aged man with a crane hair and white beard standing behind him. Although his appearance was middle-aged, he was certainly not younger than the Ye family ancestor.

This popularity is Yuxuan, his eyes are like a blade, and there is a kingly aura between his brows, but it is well hidden by him.

A leaf is tattooed on his chest and robe, representing his identity.

"See Lord Clan!"

Ye Zhentian hurriedly bowed and clasped his fists, and said, "My lord is right! I am the patriarch of this branch. I don't know if the lord is..."

"I am an ancestor of the Ye clan. I have been in seclusion for many years. I was shocked by the bloodline of the gods a few days ago. It is normal if you don't know me." Qingshan middle-aged smiled.

Ye Zhentian was alarmed and quickly said: "Dare to ask the adults' names!"

"Ye Xianglong." The middle-aged Qingshan smiled.

Hearing these three words, Ye Zhentian's eyes suddenly protruded.

"Elder Xianglong!"

Ye Zhentian was stunned. Although he had never seen Ye Xianglong, he had heard of his name. He was one of the ancestors in the Ye family's top ranking, and his strength was unfathomable.

It is said that the ancestor Xianglong has reached the peak of the Tribulation Period, and few people are his opponents in the Hedao Realm! One of the leading figures in the Ye clan!

Moreover, the alchemy of the Xianglong ancestor ranked second in the Ye clan, second only to the contemporary patriarch Ye Huan.

"See the ancestor of Xianglong, how negligent, I hope to forgive!" Ye Zhentian knelt down quickly and bowed his head respectfully.

"No gift, I also came over suddenly and didn't say hello to you." Ye Xianglong smiled lightly.

"Don't dare!" Ye Zhentian Khan almost came out.

In front of him was the famous Xianglong ancestor. Even though the opponent had hidden his aura, the invisible pressure made him dare not to express himself.

"I'm here to inform you of something." Ye Xianglong said calmly.

Ye Zhentian took a deep breath and asked nervously, "What's the matter?"

"Nine years later, when the Longchi incident is over, your Ye family can return to the Ye clan!" Ye Xianglong smiled.

After hearing the news, Ye Zhentian seemed to be struck by thunder, and said in disbelief: "Really?"

"Haha! You have to thank Lin Hao. I have listened to his lectures. Some of his insights point to the point. Maybe they can bring us an innovation in Ye's alchemy." Ye Xianglong said.

Ye Zhentian was completely stunned, and was almost stunned by this shocking event.

Ye Xianglong went up and patted him on the shoulder, and solemnly said: "Lin Hao has a good relationship with you, so you must win him over at all costs and meet any of his requirements!"

"Yes!" Ye Zhentian nodded.


After Lin Hao passed the catastrophe, he announced that he would lecture for three days and three nights. The news made the whole Ye family happy.

Lin Hao's small yard was full of people. There were people sitting in the sky and underground, and even the roof was full of people.

All of them were alchemists from the Ye Family.

The content of Lin Hao's lectures, regardless of depth, can be learned by alchemists of all levels.

Even the ancestor of the Ye family sat on the roof and listened quietly.

They didn't know that a middle-aged man in a green shirt was mixed in the Ye family's crowd, his aura was hidden, he looked like an ordinary student, there was nothing strange about it.

Lin Hao vaguely sensed his existence, but he didn't break it.

Ye Qinger asked first: "Teacher, what are you talking about today?"

"Basics." Lin Hao said calmly.

"It's still basic!"

Disappointment flashed in Ye Qing'er's eyes, "My foundation is good enough! Can you teach me how to control fire, like your one that summons nine fire dragons?"

"Shut up! The teacher is teaching, do you want to interrupt?" Ye Mo scolded.

Ye Qing'er blushed and sat back.

Lin Hao looked around and said loudly: "The lecture content some time ago was all about the basics. I believe your basics have been greatly improved, but is that enough?"

"Today I want to tell you that the foundations of alchemy are endless. Even the top alchemist in the mainland, his foundation is not perfect! What I want to talk about today is the foundation!"

Lin Hao's words stunned everyone.

This also involves the mainland's top alchemists, are they qualified to touch it?

Before, someone would definitely say Lin Hao was arrogant and ignorant, but now, no one said anything.

"Take a simple example!"

Lin Hao threw a large amount of marrow washing grass in front of everyone, one for each.

"Now, you refine the marrow washing grass and extract the liquid medicine inside." Lin Hao said calmly.

This is a simple task, washing the marrow grass is just a common medicinal material, it can be said that there is no difficulty.

Everyone followed the instructions and began to refine.

In less than a minute, everyone had extracted a group of emerald green medicinal liquid, although the size was different, but it was almost 100% pure.

The liquid medicine was suspended in the palms of and they didn't understand what Lin Hao meant.

Lin Hao looked around and said coldly, "This is your foundation?"

"It's all 100% purified, isn't that enough!" Ye Qing'er pouted.

"Huh! Not enough!"

Lin Hao snorted coldly.

The whole audience was suspicious and did not understand.

Most of the alchemists here are pill emperors, and there are several pill sages. What tricks can there be to extract a single catastrophe medicinal material?

Lin Hao pointed to a middle-aged man in a green shirt in the field and said, "You haven't refined it yet, come and try it!"

The middle-aged Qingshan gave a wry smile.

"Hehe, this Lin Hao is really not a mortal."

The middle-aged Qingshan picked up the marrow grass on the ground, and a flame appeared in his palm.

In just a second, a large group of liquid medicine appeared.

The volume of the liquid medicine is five times larger than the others!


There was an uproar in the crowd.

The same scouring grass, they extracted the same weight, this person actually extracted five times the weight.

"A true alchemist can transcend the sacred foundation, and it is far from enough to refine 100%. The weight can reach twice, three times, or even five times. This is the mystery of more than one pill!" Lin Hao shouted.

The audience was silent.

They had never considered the issue of weight before, and only studied the purity. After all, a punch size is enough for ordinary medicinal materials, and the final pill is only a little bigger.

For the pill with big fingers, only a tiny bit of each liquid medicine is needed, and the excess is waste.

"Now, I will teach you a refining method for peeling the cocoon, including a set of basic alchemy ideas!" Lin Hao said.


Everyone was excited when they heard the teaching.

The teaching process was very fast, but everyone in the Ye family frowned after accepting it.

(End of this chapter)

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