Rebirth of the Strongest Monster Beast

Chapter 971: : Going to be beaten in the face

Lin Hao's refining method is completely different from Ye Jia's concept of making complex and simple. It can be said to be quite complex and requires extremely high soul power.

If they follow this method, their alchemy grade will drop!

For example, an alchemist who could originally refine the seven calamity pills, according to this method, may only be able to refine the five calamity pills, or even the four calamity pills.

Pill Saint will also become an ordinary Pill Emperor!

Ye Xianglong touched his beard and pondered: "This set of concepts was eliminated by the Ye family as early as 200,000 years ago. Who knows he moved out again!"

At this moment, Ye Xianglong's eyes flashed with light that had not been seen for a long time.

Back then, when the Ye family abandoned this concept, he opposed it, but he was the only one who opposed it, and even the patriarch Ye Huan supported it. In the end, he could only obey the majority and changed to a more rapid improvement method.

So that later, the Ye family members have developed a deep-rooted concept in their hearts-just know the basics, don't go too far.

Now, he is like meeting a soulmate, because what he pays most is the foundation!

"Teacher, according to this method, I can't even refine the pill for a catastrophe, is this wrong?" Ye Qinger said bitterly.

"I am only responsible for teaching. It is your own business to listen or not. According to your past methods, you may be able to refine high-grade pill, but your foundation is not strong, and you will not be able to become the top alchemist in the mainland for a lifetime." Lin Haoleng Hummed.

Give up the advanced content you have learned now and learn the basics that were lost before!

This is not something everyone can afford.

The choice lies with them, and Lin Hao has no obligation to teach more.

Everyone fell into silence.

Lin Hao's path was to lay a solid foundation, step by step steadily, and it was too difficult, and the progress was slow enough to make many of them daunted.

"Hehe, I heard that a lecturer came to the clan, so I came over to listen with curiosity, but I didn't expect it to be a trash to mislead people."

At this moment, a harsh sound came from outside the courtyard.

Lin Hao looked up and saw a middle-aged man in purple clothes who jumped in from outside the courtyard wall, with an arrogant expression, always in a high posture.

"Kongming Pill Saint, Ye Kongming!" Ye Family Patriarch's expression changed slightly.

This is the famous Nine Tribulations Pill Saint in the Ye clan. He has countless disciples under his command, and Ye Wulei was taught by him.

Ye Kongming's master, but the famous Xianglong ancestor, one of the pillars of the Ye family, almost no one dared to provoke.

"See Kongming Dansheng!"

Many people from the Ye family knew this person, and they all bowed to the ground.

"Kongming is here too?"

Ye Xianglong was hidden in the crowd, his eyebrows raised.

Ye Kongming stared at Lin Hao and said with a sneer: "Lin Hao, right? Give you a chance to get out of the Ye family and don't make mistakes!"

"I'll point the students, where will you get your fingertips?" Lin Hao coldly snorts.

"Haha! Based on your theory, it's also called pointing? The students I teach can become a pill alchemist in 50 years, a pill emperor for a hundred years, and a pill sage for five hundred years, such as Ye Wulei, Only eight hundred years old, he is already the Nine Tribulations Pill Saint!"

Ye Kongming sneered and said: "According to your method, even if you practice for three thousand years, you may not be able to become a catastrophe alchemist, and your talents of the Ye clan are wasted!"

Lin Hao suddenly smiled and said, "Then let me ask, what is the rank of the first person in your Ye family's alchemy?"

"Of course it is our patriarch Ye Huan, the peak of Ten Tribulations Pill Saint!" Ye Kongming said.

"Then I would like to ask, can he refine the Nine Tribulations Pill in just one day?" Lin Hao asked.

"Nonsense! It will take at least a week to refine a Nine Tribulations Pill, even for his old man, it will take five days to do it, one day is impossible!" Ye Kongming coldly snorted.

"Then I will ask again, can he refine three Eight Tribulations Pills in one day?" Lin Hao continued to ask.

Ye Kongming continued to shout: "Three a day? Do you think the Eight Tribulations Pills are Chinese cabbage? No one can change it, at most one a day!"

"Then he can refine ten Seven Tribulations Pills in one day?" Lin Hao continued to ask.

When asked about this, Ye Kongming suddenly stopped talking.

He squinted his eyes and said, "What do you mean?"

Lin Hao set off a sneer and said, "He can't do it, but I can!"

The whole yard suddenly became quiet.

Ye Kongming's eyes widened, looking incredible.

After a long pause, he laughed wildly.

"Hahaha! I have never seen you, who knows how high the earth is, refine one Nine Tribulations Pill and three Eight Tribulations Pill a day, are you kidding me?"

Ye Kongming seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and he kept laughing.

But then, his smile froze.

Because Lin Hao has already started to act.

Lin Hao sat down and took out an alchemy furnace, which was the Purple Thunder Ding!

In the palm of his palm, a purple thunder dragon appeared, it was the Thunder Fire, which penetrated into the purple thunder cauldron and turned into nine thunder dragons!

"Three flowers gather on top!" Lin Hao shouted, three flowers gathered on top of his head, his spirits soaring.

Then Lin Hao quickly threw various medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace.

At this moment, Lin Hao's alchemy flame completely turned into thunder!

Refining pills with thunder!

Unheard of, unseen!

For Lin Hao, his thunder and lightning foundation is much better than flame! Yu Lei is his best method of alchemy!

The whole yard was terribly quiet, and everyone was staring with breathless eyes.

This time, Lin Hao refined the Seven Tribulations Pill, Qilin Powder.

The medicinal materials are naturally provided by the Ye family.

after one day--

Lin Hao slapped the alchemy furnace, and ten unicorns appeared at once and filled ten bottles.

Lin Hao did not rest and continued to refine his alchemy.

One day later, three Eight Tribulations Pills were released.

Lin Hao adjusted his breath for a while, asked the ancestor of the Ye family for a batch of medicinal materials, and started the final round of refining.

Ye Kongming swallowed and couldn't sit still.

However, with inner curiosity, he insisted on watching.

The last day passed.

Under everyone's shocked gaze, Lin Hao only took another day-Nine Tribulations Pill, Minglei Pill came out!

The audience was in an uproar!

Everyone stared, not knowing how to express their feelings at the moment.

Lin Hao shocked them again, even more exaggerated than the previous few times!

"This... how is it possible?" Ye Kongming's heart set off a stormy sea, already dumbfounded.

Even the patriarch Ye Huan couldn't do it, Lin Hao did it!

Ye Kongming couldn't think of any adjectives.

He was here to find an excuse to teach Lin Hao a lesson, who knows, he was beaten in the face just at the beginning!

Lin Hao stood up and said coldly: "He can't do it, but I can do it, do you know why?"

"Because your so-called first person in the Ye family has a poor foundation!"

(End of this chapter)

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