Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

Chapter 1413 Create the history of the Asian financial industry

April 1.

This is April Fool's Day in Western culture.

But Xia Yu didn't think about it.

On this day, the wealthy bosses in Xiangjiang would not think that Xia Yu, the stock god, would make a joke.

Early in the morning, all the bigwigs went to the Peninsula Hotel with an invitation letter.

Outside the Peninsula Hotel, Aegis Security has already done a comprehensive security inspection.

Except for a large number of reporters carrying long guns and short cannons who entered the inner circle, everyone else was outside the cordon.

At the beginning, many of the people present were not necessarily recognized by the reporters, even if they were billionaires.

After all, the rich people who have received invitations are not only from Hong Kong and Aomen, but also from Taiwan Province and Southeast Asian countries.

And as time went on, the bigwigs present became more and more important, and the cheers became stronger and stronger. The reporters didn't want money for the film, and they kept pressing the shutter.

"Wow, it's a goddess here, snap shots, snap shots, it's rare to get a shot of him once a year, and he really attended!"


When Xia Yu's team arrived and he got out of the car, the entire outfield became restless, and the staff of Aegis Security was also on the verge of an enemy, 200% vigilant, and their eyes were swept around like radar.

"Stock God, take me to make a fortune!"

"Boss, what is the threshold for the fund, are you the one to manage it?"


The melon eaters in the outer periphery were also excited by Xia Yu's appearance, and many people even shouted at Xia Yu.

Xia Yu, who was walking in the middle of the red carpet, suddenly stopped, beckoned to the side, and immediately someone came over with a microphone.

This scene made the adrenaline of everyone present surge.

"The purpose of Kylin Capital's establishment is to serve all customers who have no energy to invest or do not understand investment but want to make money. For the specific situation, you can watch the news of Global Satellite TV's financial channel in the past few days, as well as the financial newspapers on the market. "

"thanks for your support!"

"Thank you boss!"

"Okay, I'll definitely see..."

"Clap clap clap..."

In a burst of cheers and applause, Xia Yu waved his hand, walked in along the red carpet, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Xia Yu came very late, and Wang Qi was always maintaining the atmosphere at the scene.

However, when Xia Yu entered the arena, he instantly became the focus of the audience, and almost everyone subconsciously stepped up and wanted to surround Xia Yu.

But in the end, the distance from Xia Yu was determined by social status, and the weaker rich people could only stay away when they saw that those super bosses had already taken the lead.

"Mr. Xia, Gong Xi Fa Cai!"

"Mr. Xia, long time no see."

"A Yu, today we have to follow you to open our eyes again."

Lin Wenjing, Wang Dehui, Bao Yugang, one of the Indonesian forests, greeted Xia Yu one after another.

"Thank you all for your support. I was worried yesterday, don't send out invitations, half of them won't be able to come today." Xia Yu joked.

"How is this possible? If you don't come to the reception, what kind of business are you running?"

"Don't be humble, haha..."

"Mr. Bao is right, Mr. Xia, you personally organized the reception, and everyone rushed to come."

"As far as I know, some people have asked for two million Hong Kong dollars, but they still can't buy it!"

The others laughed and joined in, praising Xia Yu.

After chatting for a while, nearly a thousand people had gathered in the huge venue.

When he saw that it was almost time, Xia Yu pleaded guilty to the surrounding guests and walked towards Wang Qi's location.

After contacting Wang Qi again, I found that all the invitation letters sent were withdrawn, and none of them were absent from today's reception.

Exactly, it's almost nine o'clock in the morning.

Without saying a word, Xia Yu took steady steps and stepped onto the middle stage.

In an instant, the entire venue was quiet, everyone's eyes were focused on Xia Yu, and the cameras on both sides were also aimed at Xia Yu.

"Hello everyone, I'm Xia Yu. Thank you to all the old and new friends for taking part in today's reception during their busy schedules."

"I just looked at it, and all the 1018 invitations sent out have been withdrawn!"

"I think this should be the heaviest reception in the history of the entire Asian business community."

"It's my pleasure, thank you for your support!"

Xia Yu said in a loud voice, and bowed to the crowd with a smile.

With his current status, he also made such a move, which naturally won thunderous applause.

"thank you all!"

After the applause fell, Xia Yu smiled and thanked again, and continued to speak aloud.

"I know that everyone here has their own unique experience in investing, and many people have a better investment vision than me."

"Ha ha……"

As soon as this sentence came out, there was a burst of good-natured laughter off the court. Everyone only listened to the first half of this sentence, and the second half was just a joke.

If someone really wants to invest better than Xia Yu, it will not be the young and powerful Xia Yu who dominates the entire Southeast Asia and East Asia.

"However, I think that many of my friends focus most of their energy on running a business, and they lack time and energy for investment."

"That's why Kirin Capital came into being. Its appearance is to give everyone a choice to appreciate wealth."

"This company will be chaired by me, responsible for the company's strategic development direction."

"And the president of the company is Wang Qi. I believe that everyone is familiar with him."

"Then next, Wang Qi will introduce the details of our Kylin Capital Company to you."

As soon as Xia Yu finished speaking, Wang Qi came up from the side in a burst of warm applause, and Xia Yu took advantage of the situation and came to the reserved seat in the first row to sit down.

Wang Qi smiled, and after introducing himself calmly, he started talking.

"Hello everyone, I'm Wang Qi."

"I won't say any more polite words, let's go straight to the topic now."

"I believe everyone is curious, what is the development direction of Kylin Capital Company, and will it be the second Jiuding Securities Company."

"I can tell you clearly that Kirin Capital will not be the second Jiuding Securities Company, but after my research with Chairman Mr. Xia Yu, the goal of Kirin Capital is to become a financial company far exceeding that of Jiuding Securities. ."

"Its goal is to become the world's largest asset management company, with steady and long-term earnings that will run through the present and future of Kirin Capital!"

"You can safely hand over your money to us to help with investment management, and we will do our best to use all resources to make everyone's wealth appreciate."

"This time, we have launched three products, namely Kirin Bond No. 1 Fund, Kirin Hang Seng Index Fund, and Kirin Tianyi Hybrid No. 1 Fund!"


The following content, everyone listened attentively, after all, only after listening to understand, they can decide which fund to choose to invest in.

But what Wang Qi said made many people dumbfounded.

Kirin Bond No. 1 Fund is a passively managed fund, focusing on the bond market. The annual management fee of the fund is 1% of the fund's NAV, and the commission income is only 10%!

Kirin Hang Seng Index Fund is also a passively managed fund. It is the first index fund in Heungkong. The annual fund management fee is 1.2%, and the income commission is a fixed 12%!

Kirin Tianyi Hybrid No. 1 Fund, the only actively managed fund among the three funds, has a higher risk than Hang Seng Index Fund and Kirin Bond No. 1 Fund, but it is not the highest in Hong Kong.

The risk of hybrid funds is between growth and value funds. In terms of risk, they are not even ranked in the top ten among the funds under Jiuding Securities.

Of course, because the risk is higher than the Hang Seng Index Fund and Kirin Bond No. 1 Fund, the annual management fee is 2%, and the fixed income increase is 20%.

As far as the annual management fees and commission income of these three funds are concerned, they are definitely considered low-grade in the scope of Hong Kong and Southeast Asia today!

What's more, Qilin Capital is not without fame, behind it are two bigwigs, Xia Yu and Wang Qi.

The fund managers of the three funds are all Wang Qi!

This annual rate and income commission ratio should not appear here at all, this is completely a bonus!

Kirin Capital could charge more!

For example, the star fund of Jiuding Securities Co., Ltd., the Huijin and Huizhong series funds on which it started, is guaranteed to be 20% of the income, and the ladder can be up to 50%. This is still a lot of people breaking their heads and wanting to invest .

In contrast, Tianyi Hybrid No. 1 Fund, although the risk is lower, the fixed income ratio is also lower, which is the lowest line in the industry, but the investment imagination space is extremely high!

Of course, there are great temptations and great restrictions.

These three funds are all closed-end funds. The Kirin No. 1 Fund and the Kirin Hang Seng Index Fund have a five-year closed period.

The Kylin Tianyi Mixed No. 1 Fund has a three-year closed period.

There is no investment limit for the three funds, and there is no cap!

The issue of the closed period may have a big impact or a small impact. The key depends on the confidence of investors in the fund.

And speaking of confidence?


If you no longer have confidence in Xia Yu and Wang Qi, then Hong Kong and Macau, and the whole of Southeast Asia, can you still have confidence in that financial tycoon?

So after Wang Qi finished speaking, many people decided instantly that they had to vote!

As for investment shares and investment fund choices, they also thought about it for the first time.

But Bao Yugang and others saw something deeper.

He happened to be sitting next to Xia Yu, and he immediately turned his head over and whispered to Xia Yu: "A Yu, once your three funds are released, the entire financial market will be swept up in blood. Funds cannot escape the fate of being harvested by you."

"Congratulations in advance, Kylin Capital definitely has the potential to surpass Jiuding Securities."

"If you don't move, you will be earth-shattering at every turn!"

"I'm suddenly curious how many funds these three funds can raise this year!"

Xia Yu looked at Bao Yugang and said with a spring breeze, "Actually, I'm also curious."

After saying that, Xia Yu turned his head and glanced back, and the anticipation in his heart became more and more intense.

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