Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

Chapter 661: A Different Scene

On August 10, the day of Sotheby's summer auction, Xia Yu and Wu Hongyi left together.

At the auction site, Xia Yu also saw a lot of British bigwigs. Of course, Xia Yu also saw a lot of Chinese, but in the entire venue, there were very few Chinese with black hair and yellow skin.

Xia Yu and Wu Hongyi sat together, and it happened that they could chat occasionally.

Watching one lot after another on the auction table being presented and taken away, Xia Yu remained indifferent.

Wu Hongyi turned his head to the side and whispered, "Xia Yu, have you seen a few of this auction house?"

Xia Yu glanced at the auction album on the table in front of him, and smiled lightly: "Just one or two. It hasn't arrived yet. According to the current speed, there are still forty or fifty minutes."

"Hongyi, I'm sorry, I'm restricting you this time."

Wu Hongyi said nonchalantly: "Why do you see the outside world like this? I don't want to see others lying on our Chinese cultural relics to suck blood."

Seeing Wu Hongyi say this, Xia Yu smiled and didn't say more.

In fact, these days, Xia Yu has also participated in the daily affairs of the Huashang Consortium, and said hello to all the Chinese bosses of the Huashang Consortium.

That is, in the current Sotheby's summer auction, it does not participate in the auction of Chinese cultural relics and artworks.

Although Xia Yu didn't explain why, everyone agreed with respect.

After all, buying antiques is not limited to Sotheby’s auctions, and not everyone has a hobby or spare money to collect antiques.

If Xia Yu wants these antiques, then give him face!

Not only that, in order to show affection to Xia Yu, many people spontaneously persuaded their powerful friends to give up bidding.

Although Chinese cultural relics were once sought after by the upper class in the West, most of them are for the purpose of investment and profit.

Most of them are overseas Chinese who really know how to appreciate and collect them sincerely.

However, when all powerful Chinese in the UK did not participate in the auction of Chinese cultural relics, the Sotheby's auction presented an embarrassing scene.

Within half a minute of the auctioneer's announcement of the start of the auction, there were very few bidders for the first piece of Song Dynasty blue-and-white porcelain that was put up for auction.

Rao, an experienced old auctioneer with white hair on the stage, couldn't help feeling embarrassed. He quickly turned on the tout mode, trying to warm up the atmosphere.

Xia Yu crossed Erlang's legs and ate the grapes fed by Li Qian, looking forward to the development of things with great interest.

At the auction site, Giuseppe Eskenazi also came, and because of his close cooperation with Sotheby's auction house, he also made it to the VIP seat.

It's just that the totally different atmosphere on the scene made the always confident Giuseppe Eskenazi frown. This scene completely exceeded his expectations.

You must know that in order to heat up the price of Chinese cultural relics, the Chinese cultural relics he provided this time are all valuable products. In his expectation, this Song blue and white porcelain would have to be sold for more than 25,000 pounds.

But now the price is less than half of the psychological expectation, and it has stagnated, and he observed it and found that none of the bidders just now were Chinese!

Giuseppe Eskenazy didn't think maliciously at first, just comforted himself that this Song blue and white porcelain might not be popular.

But this Song blue-and-white porcelain is the first Chinese cultural relic after all. If the transaction price is too low, it will inevitably cause a series of adverse effects, making the price of the Chinese cultural relics participating in the auction later unable to rise.

Thinking of this, he turned his eyes and nodded slightly.

This seems to be a signal.

Just as the auctioneer said 11,500 pounds for the first time, someone immediately raised a placard to increase the price by 500 pounds.

"No. 235 offered £12,000!"

The auctioneer, who had been scanning the venue, immediately saw the sign raised by the loneliness, and immediately said loudly.

Originally the man added another five hundred pounds.

Xia Yu kept watching with a smile,

The focus was on the blond middle-aged No. 235 who suddenly appeared.

Xia Yu, who had been watching Giuseppe Eskenazi, of course noticed his abrupt two nods, and immediately made an offer on the 235th, and kept biting on it.

However, No. 235 is not the one that I particularly want, but it is only increased bit by bit at the lowest price.

There is no doubt that No. 235 is a caretaker arranged by Giuseppe Eskenazi.

When No. 235 raised the price again, bringing the price up to 17,000 pounds, the atmosphere cooled down again, and no one raised the price!

Seeing this, Xia Yu knew that it was time for him to do it.

He will let people take pictures of all the Chinese cultural relics on this auction house, otherwise how can he let his strategy release his influence perfectly?

He reached out, his left index finger straightened, and tapped lightly on the table.

Two seconds later, a middle-aged white man with curly hair with a hook nose at No. 333 raised the sign in his hand.

A thousand pounds more!

"The price of No. 333 has increased by 1,000 pounds, and the current price of Song blue and white porcelain is 18,000 pounds! Is there any higher price?"

The auctioneer said, and looked at the middle-aged blond at No. 235.

This time, Giuseppe Eskenazy showed a smile on the corner of his mouth. No. 333 was not the one he arranged. It seems that the real buyer has appeared, and he directly increased the price by a thousand pounds. The desire to buy it is stronger.

The torrent he arranged was experienced and didn't need him to be on time again, and the 235 good toro immediately followed up.

Eighteen thousand five hundred pounds!

Nineteen thousand five hundred pounds!


Twenty-six thousand five hundred pounds!

When No. 333 raised the price again to 26,500 pounds, No. 235 realized that No. 333 might have reached its limit, and this price also exceeded the estimated transaction price of the owner Giuseppe Eskenazi. He can already complete the task.

Therefore, no matter what the auctioneer thinks, No. 235 will not increase the price.


"... 26,500 pounds for the third time, congratulations to Mr. 333 for taking this Song blue and white porcelain!"

After the Song blue and white porcelain, there were several European and American cultural relics and works of art, and the atmosphere of the venue became warm again.

I just didn't expect the atmosphere to cool down again when the second Chinese cultural relic was presented.

This is an ancient painting, but none of the Chinese stood up to bid, only five or six white people were bidding, and the bidding price rose very slowly.

As a last resort, Giuseppe Eskenazzi used the No. 235 support again.

A similar scene happened again, and finally No. 333 shot and bought the painting for £35,000.

Once, twice, three times... five times!

After the fifth auction of Chinese cultural relics, the auction atmosphere cooled down again, and Giuseppe Eskenazi had to use another bracket, No. 268, to raise the price.

The last fifth Chinese cultural relic was photographed by a British man in No. 388.

But at this time, many people at the scene had already noticed that something was wrong, especially the auctioneer on the stage.

And if Giuseppe Eskenazzi in the VIP seat hasn't reacted, he's really a pig!

Five Chinese cultural relics, ranging from porcelain to bronzes to paintings and calligraphy, but none of the Chinese participated in the auction, no matter how you look at it, it is wrong.

It's not that the Chinese at the scene didn't shoot, but the goal of the shot was other things, except that they didn't touch Chinese cultural relics.

"Fortunately, every piece was taken away in the end. Although the price is not too high, it is not too low."

Thinking of this, Giuseppe Eskenazi subconsciously looked at the two white British men number 333 and 388.

It's just that Giuseppe Eskenazi also made up his mind. After the auction, he must investigate the problem.

After all, the big buyers of Chinese cultural relics are Chinese. If the Chinese don't buy Chinese cultural relics, then his plan will be in vain!

PS: Ask for tickets, thank you!


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