Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon

Chapter 662 The face is green

Although a series of auctions of Chinese cultural relics were relatively deserted, the flaws did not hide the good, and the entire auction was in a hot atmosphere most of the time.

After all, this auction is a big summer auction held by Sotheby's. There are only four auctions of this level a year, and it is aimed at the whole of the United Kingdom. Even because there are good things, there will be people in other countries in Europe and the United States. to bid.

"The following lot, I believe most people will be interested, consists of two 1945 Romanee-Conti wines from the French Romanee-Conti winery."

The auctioneer explained with a smile that he opened the lid and placed it on the table, and placed the white wooden box facing the venue at an angle, and the two wines inside were lying there quietly.

Sure enough, many people at the scene were interested, and some people who were good at wine even pursed their lips, as if the wine had been poured before their eyes.

Looking at Xia Yu who was looking at the album with interest, Wu Hongyi smiled and said, "Xia Yu, have you seen these two bottles of wine?"

Xia Yu nodded calmly and said with a smile: "Well, since there is a game here, I can't leave empty-handed for the sake of face, just as you treat me tonight, I will bring these two bottles of wine to taste the world's only hundreds of bottles of wine. smell."

Listening to Xia Yu's tone, although the auctioneer has not announced the official bidding, these two bottles of wine are already in his pocket.

In fact, for Xia Yu's net worth, he was determined to take pictures of these two bottles, but no one could stop him!

For foreign wines, most ordinary people only know Lafite.

Located in Bordeaux, France, Chateau Lafite belonging to the famous Rosier family is one of the top five wineries in the world.

If Lafite is the LV of the wine world, then Romanée Conti is the Hermes of the wine world, synonymous with the rarest and noblest wines in the world.

Romanee-Conti Winery can be traced back to more than 900 years BC. It is one of the oldest wine estates in France. The output is very small. The average annual output is about 6,000 bottles, which is less than one-fifth of the Lafite estate. On average, only three wines can produce one bottle of red wine.

With such a sparse production, part of it has to be used for storage, so Romanee-Conti wines on the market are very rare, and they are all the mouths of the rich.

And the 1945 Romanée-Conti is even rarer, with only one-tenth of the usual production.

In the spring of 1945, due to hailstorms and the impact of the Second World War, the old vines in the vineyard suffered heavy casualties, resulting in a massive reduction in grape production and the situation was extremely bleak. As a result, the original output of Romanee-Conti was very small, and the output in 1945 was only for 608 bottles.

After the 1945 harvest season, the winery pulled out the old vines with the original roots left before the phylloxera disease in the Romanee-Conti vineyard. Although new saplings were introduced from the neighboring Latahi vineyard, the winery maintained the wine. quality, and no Romanée-Conti was produced for the next 6 years.

That is to say, from 1946 to 1951, there was not a new Romanée-Conti wine on the market.

Therefore, 1945 has a very special meaning for Château Romanée-Conti.

According to Romanee Conti winery estimates, including the wine they have stored, there are no more than 200 1945 wines left in the world today.

I still remember that in a previous life, Sotheby’s auction house sold three bottles of 1869 Lafite at a wine auction in 2010, each priced at $233,000, and the total price of the three bottles was about RMB 5 million. Lafite became the most expensive wine in the world.

But in 2018, at a wine auction held by Sotheby's, a bottle of 1945 Romanee-Conti sold for $558,000, breaking the 23.3 that the 1869 Lafite had held. million dollar world record.

And this is just the price of one, and the year is 76 years less than the Lafite auctioned!

And then there were people who wanted to buy a bottle of Romanée-Conti 1945 at this price to try,

But no one ever took it out to sell, there is no market for price!

In the previous life, Xia Yu was not qualified to taste this kind of wine. After all, a sip of this kind of wine was equivalent to drinking a toilet in a second-tier city.

Now that the opportunity is in front of him, and he is not short of money, he naturally wants to buy it and taste it.

"I announce below that the reserve price is 25,000 pounds, and each increase shall not be less than 1,000 pounds, and the auction starts!"


The hammer fell, and people kept bidding on the field.

Twenty-six thousand pounds!

Twenty-seven thousand pounds!


Fifty-eight thousand pounds!

In less than a minute, the price soared to nearly £60,000.

Of course, there are fewer and fewer bidders, and only four are still following up.

The Romanee Conti in 1945 was only 34 years ago, which is not a long time.

Now go to Bordeaux, France, spend 30,000 pounds, and you can definitely buy a hundred-year-old wine.

In the eyes of many people, the two wines in front of them are of great significance. In fact, the taste is not as good as other wines of 70 to 80 years or even 100 years old, so there is no need to spend this money.

After another half a minute, the price soared to 78,000 pounds, and the only competitor left was a middle-aged man who had been raising prices fiercely.

Xia Yu didn't wait any longer, just when the middle-aged man just smiled, he raised the sign and spit out two words: "Add 10,000 pounds!"

He was too lazy to pay 1,000 pounds with others, and directly increased the price by 10,000 pounds, showing his inevitable attitude and letting the other party retreat.

Sure enough, as soon as Xia Yu's price came out, the smile on the face of the middle-aged man who had been increasing the price froze, hesitating again and again, and finally he didn't raise his placard.

After three readings, there were no bids, and two 1945 Romanée-Conti wines were bought by Xia Yu for £88,000.

"Eighty-eight, this number is auspicious. It seems that I have to drink more tonight to soak up your wealth!"

Wu Hongyi said to Xia Yu with a smile.

"Haha, this is what you said, you won't go home if you don't get drunk!"

Xia Yu said with a smile.

Next, Xia Yu did not participate in the auction any more, but Wu Hongyi paid 100,000 pounds to auction an oil painting.

According to him, it is not good to return empty-handed, so he simply buys a painting and hangs it in the office to add an exotic color to his collection.

Xia Yu didn't do it himself, it doesn't mean that the people he arranged didn't do it.

During the four-day summer auction, all the Chinese cultural relics were photographed by five people arranged by him. The prices were high and low. A total of 48 high-quality cultural relics were auctioned for a total of 1.7 million pounds.

Just waited until the end of the summer auction and when the money was to be delivered, none of the five people showed up, and all refused to pay.

Over time, the folks at Sotheby's and Giuseppe Eskenazi knew something was wrong.

The general manager of the London branch of Sotheby's auction house jumped in a hurry and refused to pay for forty-eight lots. This was the first time in more than a hundred years that he could not afford this responsibility!

And the provider of all the lots, Giuseppe Eskenazi, was not much better. In the reception room of Sotheby's auction house, he looked at the general manager of Sotheby's in front of him with an ugly face, and was extremely annoyed.

He was fucked!

Generally speaking, it is normal for a lot to fail at auction. The auction house can negotiate with the seller and then sell it privately.

But now the situation is completely different.

All the Chinese cultural relics were provided by him, and the buyer refused to pay after the auction. According to the agreement signed between him and Sotheby's auction house, he also had to pay a 25% commission to Sotheby's auction house.

"Mr. Giuseppe, I'm really sorry that this unexpected situation has occurred now, but we are not strict."

"I wonder if this is possible? Let's contact the second buyer who made the previous bid and make a deal with their bid?"

To minimize the impact, Sotheby's general manager took a deep breath and suggested to Giuseppe Eskenazi.

This is a common method of auction houses after the buyer refuses to pay. After negotiating with the seller, contact the second buyer to sell the lot.

It's just that this time is completely different. Hearing the words of the general manager of Sotheby's, Giuseppe Eskenazi's face suddenly turned green.

Because of these forty-eight lots, the second-highest bidder was the one arranged by him!

Is this asking him to spend 16.7 million pounds to buy back all the lots he provided?

In addition, there is also a 25% commission for the seller and a 10% commission for the buyer, totaling 35% of the gold and more than 500,000 pounds!

He was busy with his own work, not to mention the hype plan of Huaxia Cultural Relics, and he would lose more than 500,000 pounds in time and effort!

How does this work?

Unless he is out of his mind, he will agree!

PS: Before I knew it, I wrote that it was more than four o’clock, and I had to get up and go to work after seven o’clock in the morning. Oh my god, it’s terrible o(╥﹏╥)o


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