Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 118 Rescue The Hostages

Chapter 118

Ren Xueying studied rescue and anti-rescue when she was in college. She first checked her injuries, and took a breath of air-conditioning. Not to mention whether there were any fractures, there were as many as 10 bruises on her body. Fortunately, she was getting abrasions. When you throw it down, you don't hit the ground first.

Ren Xueying carefully leveled Jiang Xiaoling before looking for the clothes scattered on the side of the road. It took five or six minutes to find all the clothes. She reluctantly put on her and covered her private area. She just breathed a sigh of relief. A police car sounded from a distance.

Xiao Zhao, who was sitting at the forefront, saw Ren Xueying waving at them, stopped quickly, asked about the situation, and then left two people waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Ren Xueying originally wanted to chase after Xiao Zhao, but looking at the two big men who remained, she was a little worried, so she had to dispel this idea.

"Brother Wei, it's not OK, the tail behind is catching up again." Not long after Du Qiang was happy, he found that the black Mercedes behind was catching up again.

This time Yang Wei was also a little surprised, and finally opened his eyes, and asked in a hoarse voice: "How many people are in the other party's car?"

"Brother Wei, there seems to be someone, do you think we got out of the car and did him?" Du Qiang said fiercely.

It’s about to enter the village not far ahead. Yang Wei observed the situation first, and then said, “Slow down at the intersection ahead and let the hostages go down. Be careful not to hurt the hostages to avoid trouble.”

"Brother Wei, do we just forget it?" Du Qiang said unconvincedly.

"Du Qiang, shut up your mouth, believe it or not, I will throw it for you now?" Yang Wei shouted directly at Du Qiang, and then said: "Kun Sheng, wait for the hostages to be released and pay attention to the speed. Once you find the driver behind Get off the car and stop immediately. Du Qiang, you and I are going to contain the driver, Liu Zhi, you take a knife to blow the tire of the car behind and remove the key."(Read more @


Before Huang Zhishan understood what was going on, the red van in front stopped. Then the door opened and a woman was left behind.

Both cars were fast, and there was a sudden brake in front. Huang Zhishan followed very closely. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would definitely hit the van in front.

After the red van dropped the person out of the car, he moved forward again. Huang Zhishan saw that the woman who was dropped was Bai Yaqing. Without even thinking about it, he opened the door and rushed towards Bai Yaqing. Did not notice why the other party did not close the car door after dropping the person.

As soon as Huang Zhishan ran to Bai Yaqing's body, the red van in front stopped, and three men wearing black sunglasses jumped from above to outflank Huang Zhishan.

The distance between the two parties is too close. A distance of 10 meters, a few seconds before him, Huang Zhishan also stood up from the ground at this time, facing the three fierce men with knives, he was also a little scared, try to keep himself Calmly, he took out a small iron rod from his waist, and it became half a meter long with a strong swipe.

The swinging stick is derived from the short stick, or in other words, the swinging stick is a kind of short stick, but it also has some characteristics of its own. Throwing batons, the full name of tactical telescopic batons, are collectively referred to as telescopic batons, and are commonly used in law enforcement agencies and personal defenses around the world.

Because most of the way of sticking out is to throw out forcefully, the common name of throwing stick is named after it. The history of the baton can be traced back to Germany during World War II. It is because of his particularity that he is very popular among drivers, and he can better protect himself once something goes wrong.

Huang Zhishan followed Zhao Deqiang all the year round, which would have offended some people. For safety, he carried a swinging stick on his body for a long time. It came in handy today. Yang Wei was taken aback when he saw Huang Zhishan actually had a weapon in his hand, and then wrinkled. He frowned because he heard the sound of police sirens from far and near.

"Hands." Under Yang Wei's order, Du Qiang immediately cooperated with him to outflank Huang Zhishan. Liu Zhi directly bypassed Huang Zhishan and went to the Mercedes-Benz behind him. Huang Zhishan also discovered Liu Zhi's intentions and was about to turn around. Pursuing them, they found that the two people who rushed towards him were not targeting themselves, but Bai Yaqing lying on the ground.

Transportation is very important, and people are more important. He had to turn around and wield a swinging stick. Yang Wei didn’t want to fight Huang Zhishan head-on, so he signaled Du Qiang to retreat. Then he heard the sound of a Mercedes Benz extinguishing fire. Liu Zhi got out of the car. After pulling out the key, Huang Zhishan was about to turn around and fight, Yang Wei and Du Qiang once again attacked Bai Yaqing who was lying on the ground, and the few people were in a stalemate like this.

The sound of the police siren is getting closer and closer, and you have already seen the shadow of the police car. Yang Wei also has cold sweat on his forehead, "Speed, ready to retreat." He just heard two loud noises after he finished speaking, the original good Mercedes-Benz Both front tires of the car burst.

At this time, Huang Zhishan also saw the police car speeding up. Before he was happy, the red van reversed towards him and hit Bai Yaqing. Without thinking about it, he half-supported Bai Yaqing and jumped into the gully next to him. About 1 minute or so, the police car arrived in front of you, and the red van had already galloped away.

Yang Wei had already figured out his strategy and used Bai Yaqing as a bait to solve Huang Zhishan and his Mercedes-Benz behind him. The reason he chose to just cross the intersection was because the roads in the countryside were very narrow. Once a car was in the middle of the road, Other cars can’t get there at all. This road is the only road leading to the next village. Once the Mercedes-Benz tyre blows in the middle of the road, it blocks the only route for chasing. Even if the police car catches up, they can’t help it. I can only watch them go away.

His strategy can be said to be seamless. The only thing that is not counted is that Huang Zhishan carried a weapon with him, which caused him to lose the hostage Bai Yaqing.

The one who came to support was from the nearby police station. They arrived first and looked at the Mercedes-Benz in front of them. They also shook their heads helplessly. They watched the red van disappear in front of them after a few minutes. The three police cars led by Xiao Zhao also arrived, looking at the scene in front of them, they looked like crying without tears.

"Attention No. 2 and No. 3, you quickly detour to encircle, and be sure to catch up with each other before dark, Director Jiang, you cooperate with No. 2 and No. 3 operations." Things have reached this point, Xiao Zhao has already Don't hold any hope, but what should be done is still to be done.

After Xiao Zhao gave the order, arranged personnel to carry Bai Yaqing into the car, and ordered a police officer to stay and guard the Mercedes-Benz, waiting for rescue. Huang Zhishan went back with the police car and sent Bai Yaqing to the hospital for first aid.

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