Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 203 Talk About Bonds

Chapter 203

Cooking the old hen was very time-consuming. About two hours later, Lao Han came up with a pot of fragrant chicken. Before he walked into the house, the two of them smelled the scent, which instantly increased the appetite.

"Sister Yu Han, come and taste Lao Han's secret old hen. I promise you will want to eat it next time after eating this time." After a long conversation between two people, an agreement was reached. Tang Feng called Leng Yuhan to outsiders. Sister, it's not known whether it's a'fuck sister' or not.

"Girl, today is the lucky one of you two. The last few days have been on holiday and there are relatively few staff. This old hen has just been transported from the country. It is said that it has been more than three years." Lao Han put down the porcelain casserole and said to him. Walking outside, he just walked to the door and added Tang Feng's praise.

"Tang Feng, this cost a lot of money, right?" Leng Yuhan regretted it just after she finished speaking. She also regarded Tang Feng as a big boy, forgetting that he is also a director of, so the money will not be too much. difference. But she didn't know that he was just a named director and had no salary at all. Besides, Tang Feng also had a lot of money.

"As long as you like it." Tang Feng didn't explain, he just picked a chicken leg and put it in Leng Yuhan's bowl. Leng Yuhan just took a peek at him, "Thank you."

Sometimes Leng Yuhan wondered, if Tang Feng was a few years older, what would happen if he didn't meet Zheng Zihe, would he really fall in love with him? This big boy must be very considerate and domineering, and...

Leng Yuhan lowered his head and ate the chicken drumsticks in the bowl. I didn’t know what to say. The two of them were so cold. It took a full 5 minutes before Tang Feng said: "Sister Yu Han, about the issue of bonds, you I really want to help me."

"Tang Feng, this matter is a bit difficult, will you let me think about it?" Leng Yuhan started to get serious when it came to work.

"Sister Yu Han, I know your worries, so don't worry, I'm the one who cheats someone, and I won't cheat myself."

Leng Yuhan blushed when Tang Feng said that he was his woman, "Tang Feng, if you say anything more, I will leave."

Tang Feng realized that he had said the wrong thing at this time, and he blamed himself for spoofing. He quickly explained: “Mistaken mouth, wrong mouth, it will definitely not happen next time.” In fact, Tang Feng said in his heart, “Leng Yuhan, You are my woman, and no one can snatch you away from me."(Read more @

"Tang Feng, how much do you want to raise funds?" Leng Yuhan thought for a while, if it's not too much, maybe he can really help him.

"Three hundred million!" Tang Feng roughly calculated it, and then reported a number.

"Tang Feng, are you crazy? Three hundred million is not a small amount." Leng Yuhan doesn't understand the operation of YY at all, but she thinks she shouldn't need so much. What Tang Feng wants to do, she simply I can't guess.

"Sister Yu Han, don’t worry, I am going to issue three types of bonds. The first interest rate is 10% for one year, the second interest rate is 20% for two years, and the third interest rate is 30% for three years. In 2015, each bond was 100 million yuan."

Leng Yuhan was really shocked after hearing what Tang Feng said. The annual interest rate is 30%, that is, 100 million yuan in borrowing, and 190 million yuan will be repaid in three years, which is nearly doubled. 10% she can understand, but 30% she really can’t understand. She doesn’t know where Tang Feng’s courage comes from.

"Tang Feng, are you sure you are not joking?" Leng Yuhan asked cautiously.

"Sister Yu Han, do you think I'm whimsical? Do you think I can't pay by then?" Leng Yuhan didn't say a word, Tang Feng could see the answer from her expression.

"Leng Yuhan, since you don’t believe me, we don’t have to talk about it anymore." Tang Feng closed his mouth after speaking, not talking. He also understood Leng Yuhan’s difficulties. The two must be just dewy mandarin ducks. She was still just a stranger in her heart, and it seemed that she had overestimated herself.

Leng Yuhan was taken aback when Tang Feng called her name directly. She was suddenly a little disappointed, and found that the distance between the two people was a little far away. She wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't open her mouth.

Perhaps the atmosphere was too depressing, and Leng Yuhan finally couldn't sit still. "Tang Feng, this is 300 million, not 3 million. Do you know what the interest rate will be after 3 years?"

"140 million." Tang Feng said it without even thinking about it.

"It’s not that I don’t believe you. Even if YY makes a profit, it’s difficult to earn 140 million yuan in three years, right? What’s more, YY is still developing, and it is impossible to make a profit in a short period of time. How will you explain to you? Ever? This will ruin you completely."

Tang Feng just listened quietly without interrupting until Leng Yuhan finished speaking, looked at the ceiling, and then looked at Leng Yuhan, "Sister Yu Han, thank you for your concern, I understand what you mean. But you don’t understand YY, and you’re right. YY really can’t make a profit in a short period of time. Three years are enough. You burn money in the first year and reach a balance of payments in the second year. Use the bond payments in the second year to repay The principal and interest rates in the first year will reach real profits in the third year. Not to mention 300 million, or 1 billion, I can also repay them."

Tang Feng's words are very domineering, but they are not very practical in Leng Yuhan's eyes. It is a few hundred million yuan, not a vegetable market. As a bank's vice president, she knows financial risks best, and she shook her head when she looked at Tang Feng. "Tang Feng, I know your ideas are good, but the society is very realistic. If you want to start a business, I am very supportive, and I can even unconditionally support you for several million, but that is several hundred million. That is not a trifling matter."

It is said that Leng Yuhan is a little arrogant about Tang Feng's assessment, and Tang Feng also understands, who can only have a child's face? She smiled bitterly, "Sister Yu Han, you just don't believe me anymore. In your eyes, I am an older child. What if Boss Liu uses Jingdong Mall as a guarantee?"

Tang Feng's words were shocking again. He really had no choice. Leng Yuhan was a very rational person. He had to use his last killer. After hearing this, Leng Yuhan was silent, and after a while he looked up at Tang Feng, "Are you sure that boss Liu of Jingdong Mall will guarantee you?"

Tang Feng nodded, "You don't need to worry about this, I naturally have a way to convince Boss Liu, I just want to know if it will work?"

Leng Yuhan looked straight at Tang Feng. She couldn't understand it a bit. It seems that his age is not very old. What kind of boy is he, why is he so confident? A series of questions flipped over and over in the brain, and finally sighed, "If Boss Liu is willing to guarantee, I can help you contact some people in the industry."

Tang Feng is not very happy with this answer. The reason why he intends to issue bonds is that he doesn't like dealing with those black-hearted businessmen. Once the other party has a problem, he can't get rid of the relationship, nothing more than some bridge loans.

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