Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 204 Explanation

Chapter 204

"Sister Yu Han, if you contact those people, forget it." Tang Feng sighed helplessly. It seems that the issue of bond issuance can only be put aside for a while.

"Tang Feng, can you give me a period of time, let me think about it?" Leng Yuhan looked at Tang Feng's helpless expression and thought of himself, and finally softened his heart.

"Well, sister Yu Han, you should also know the current situation of YY. I don't have much time. If you can tell me as soon as possible, if not, then don't tell me." Tang Feng said, picking up the bowl. The chicken wings began to chew.

The meal was eaten for a long time for two people, and it took more than an hour to finish the meal. It was already past 9 o'clock when the two separated. Tang Feng wanted to send Leng Yuhan, but she refused, until the shadow of the taxi disappeared before his eyes.

Tang Feng didn't rush to leave. He just wandered around, feeling a little cold in the face of the night breeze, and shuddered. Then he stood there and waited for the taxi to come.

By the time Tang Feng returned to his rental house, it was already over 10 o'clock. He was stunned by a familiar figure curled up in front of the door, "Why are you here, Sister Yuhua?"

Murderous aura is definitely a murderous aura. The temperature dropped by 10 degrees in a cool day. Tang Feng shivered again and quickly helped Chen Yuhua, who was curled up on the ground, up.

"Where have you been? Why didn't you answer the phone?" Tang Feng remembered that he had muted the phone, and quickly took it out and looked at it. There were more than 10 missed calls and a few unread messages. The head is so big, how can I forget this matter?

Tang Feng thought that she was not here, she would find a hotel to stay in, so she was quiet, but she didn't expect that she had been waiting for herself, and then looked at her current situation somewhat guilty, and quickly opened the door. , Helped her in.

"Sister Yuhua, I went to talk about work, my phone was muted by me, I thought..."

"Do you think you think I can't find out if you go outside to find a woman? Are you worthy of Mr. Bai?"(Read more @

Tang Feng was dumbfounded at that time. Although she was going to talk about work, she was indeed a woman. Could she follow her? No, she is obviously here, how could she follow herself? Thinking of this, he bit the bullet and argued: "Sister Yuhua, I'm really going to talk about work."

"Talking about work, talking about work, can you talk about the smell of perfume?" Chen Yuhua was completely angry, and directly pushed Tang Feng onto the sofa. Tang Feng also understood thoroughly, it must be the smell of perfume on her body when she was in contact with Leng Yuhan.

"Sister Yuhua, I'm really going to talk about work. I'm talking about financing. The other party is a woman. It may be her taste, but the two of us are innocent. Think about what happens to the two of us. , Won’t be back tonight."

Listening to Tang Feng’s explanation, Chen Yuhua’s attitude eased a little, "Tang Feng, Sequoia Capital did not contact us at all, and Defengjie only has two men. Do you think I am a three-year-old child?"

"No, it's not these, it's the bank, the deputy governor of a bank." Tang Feng told the truth.

"Bank, Tang Feng, can you make a round point for this lie? Could the bank lend money to internet companies like us? You make up." Chen Yuhua sat opposite Tang Feng and gritted his teeth, wishing to take a bite of him.

"It's not a loan, it's a bond issuance."

"Issuing bonds?" Chen Yuhua immediately thought of a possibility, "Tang Feng are you crazy?" But soon became angry again, "Edit, you continue to edit."

Tang Feng wondered how to say the truth, no one would believe it? It seems that the explanation is not clear, so I picked up the phone and said, "If you don't believe me, I dialed the phone and asked."

Chen Yuhua originally wanted to stop it, what if it was true? But thinking of the fragrance of Tang Feng's body, I want to see how long he can act.

Tang Feng took the phone and dialed Leng Yuhan directly, turned on the speakerphone, and prayed in his heart, "Yu Han, don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense..." Soon it came out, "I'm sorry that the call you dialed is in a call, I'm sorry that the call you dialed is in a call..."

Tang Feng listened to the beautiful electronic harmonies and thrilled in his heart. God helped me, but Chen Yuhua didn’t plan to let him go, "Tang Feng, you can really do it. You came here to fool me. I really misunderstood you. ."

Tang Feng was helpless and had to continue calling. After 6 consecutive calls, the call was finally connected. At the moment of the call, there was a loud roar, "Zheng Zihe, I said I didn’t want to see you. Up."

Tang Feng was stunned, and Chen Yuhua was stunned. What's the situation? Tang Feng's face instantly became ugly. Chen Yuhua has been thinking about who this woman is? Why did you call Zheng Zihe? Isn't Zheng Zihe a representative of Sequoia Capital? The whole person is in chaos, what is the relationship?

"Snee!" Just when the two people were at a loss, Chen Yuhua's sneeze broke the calm. It may be that the outside temperature was too low and the indoor temperature was too high, and it was temporarily uncomfortable to catch a cold.

"Sister Yuhua, what's the matter with you?" Tang Feng ignored what was just now, and quickly walked over and touched Chen Yuhua's forehead. It was indeed a little hot, but it was not obvious.

"It's okay." Chen Yuhua walked to the bathroom after ignoring Tang Feng. Tang Feng saw that there was nothing serious about her and let her go. The mobile phone was flipped back and forth in his hand, wondering if the call was made and asked. Asked, looked at the bathroom for several times, and finally gave up.

After a short period of thought, I remembered that there were several unread text messages on the phone. There were 5 texts in total, 4 of them belonged to Bai Yaqing, and one of them belonged to Chen Yuyao. They were probably all greetings, so he ignored them. I just won't go back, if Chen Yuhua sees it, I don't know what she will go crazy again.

When Chen Yuhua came out of the bathroom, Tang Feng leaned on the sofa and fell asleep in a daze. Chen Yuhua just took a look and walked to the bedroom, closing the door very carefully, but still made a sound to wake Tang Feng.

Tang Feng glanced at Chen Yuhua, who closed the door, and walked to the bathroom. The shower poured on him and made him a little confused. What happened to him recently? Stroking the mark on the chest, there is a feeling of restlessness, sometimes I can't control it...

In the middle of the night, when Tang Feng was sleeping well, I heard someone calling him, "Tang Feng, Tang Feng..." I opened my eyes and listened carefully, only to realize that it was coming from the bedroom...instantly He woke up, put on a piece of clothing at random, and walked to the door.

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