Rebirth Of The Super God Hacker

Chapter 205 Grab Credit

Chapter 205

"Sister Yuhua, what's the matter with you?" The door was locked and Tang Feng couldn't get in at all.

Then I heard the sound of getting out of bed. After a while, the door opened. Chen Yuhua's face was very ugly. He burned his forehead very badly. This time he really had a fever and there was no medicine at home. Tang Feng really Someone was anxious, and hurriedly ran into the bathroom with a basin of cold water and applied it on Chen Yuhua's forehead.

"Sister Yuhua, shall we go to the hospital?" Tang Feng took the quilt next to her and covered her, but didn't even want to observe her exquisite body.

"I'm fine, maybe just sleep." Chen Yuhua said very weakly. Tang Feng checked the time and found that it was more than 2 o'clock in the middle of the night. Now even if he goes to the hospital, he is still a nurse on duty, not to mention that there may not be a car on the road, and the air outside is relatively cold. It would be bad if it gets worse.

"Sister Yuhua, let's go to bed first. Just get a little sweat after sleep." In this way, Tang Feng changed Chen Yuhua's towel every 10 minutes until she fell asleep deeply.

Early in the morning, Chen Yuhua slowly opened his eyes, his head was still a little confused. Originally, he wanted to go to the toilet and found Tang Feng lying next to the bed. Only then did he remember the scene last night, and he was indeed very moved. "Tang Feng , Tang Feng, Tang Feng..."

"Uh, Sister Yuhua..." Tang Feng cleverly jumped directly from the ground.

"Go to bed and lie down for a while, it's cold on the ground." Chen Yuhua got out of bed as he said and walked directly outside, not caring that he was wearing only pajamas.

When Chen Yuhua came back, he found that Tang Feng was already lying on his sofa, and his expression became gentle, "Thank you."

Tang Feng was a little surprised. Is this the Chen Yuhua he knew? When he woke up, she had already returned to the bedroom.

After Tang Feng's overnight care, Chen Yuhua was much better, but she still had a fever. After the two got up, they went to the hospital at Tang Feng's request for a comprehensive examination. The doctor prescribed some anti-fever medicines, and Tang Feng was relieved. .(Read more @

This morning I originally planned to discuss financing with Sequoia Capital. Tang Feng directly postponed it until the afternoon because of Chen Yuhua. As for what the people at Sequoia Capital think, it is not his business.

By noon, Chen Yuhua's fever was almost gone. Tang Feng wanted to let her stay at home and rest, but she insisted on coming to work, so the two came to the Beijing branch almost at 1 o'clock.

"Director Tang, Director Chen..." Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua just walked downstairs to the company and ran into Xiao Yang who was downstairs. Xiao Yang is a salesman in the Beijing branch and was about to go out to do business. He didn't expect to encounter these two great gods, and his face was a bit ugly at the time.

"Xiao Yang, what's the matter?" Tang Feng seemed to see that Xiao Yang seemed to have something to say.

"Director Tang, Director Chen, Manager Yang and Manager Kang are receiving people from Sequoia Capital, and they seem to be talking about financing." Xiao Yang thought for a while, and finally said it again.

Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua fainted when they heard it. What is going on? Didn’t it mean two o’clock in the afternoon? Thinking about Kang Lifeng’s personality, Tang Feng seemed to understand, "Xiao Yang, go, there is nothing you do here."

"Sister Yuhua, it seems that someone wants to fight for merit. Let's go and see the excitement." Tang Feng smiled at Chen Yuhua.

Chen Yuhua is different from Tang Feng. She has always been stern. She understands the meaning of Tang Feng’s words best. Financing, and negotiation. It’s not Tang Feng alone who has the final say. It’s useless if anyone says it. He must make a decision.

Kang Lifeng contacted about financing. It was originally scheduled for this morning. I didn't expect to receive a call from Tang Feng before 8 o'clock, saying that the negotiation was postponed to the afternoon. Kang Lifeng originally wanted to contact the other party. When he picked up the phone, his brain flashed. Isn't this just his opportunity? If you can talk about the financing this time, then your own status, not to mention you a director, even the president should look at me high.

With this feeling, Kang Lifeng did not convey Tang Feng's words to the other party. When it was 9 o'clock, the three people from Sequoia Capital arrived at the meeting room of the Beijing branch on time.

When Yang Chunxiu saw Sequoia Capital, she was also a little surprised. She was also a little anxious about Tang Feng and Chen Yuhua not coming. She also called Chen Yuhua specifically. Only then did she know that she had a fever in the hospital, but she did not send Sequoia. People from the capital came to tell Chen Yuhua.

When Yang Chunxiu arrived in the meeting room, Kang Lifeng was already sitting opposite the people of Sequoia Capital, and she didn't even bother her arrival. She was a little embarrassed and sat down.

"Mr. Zheng, I will talk to you about cooperation today. I believe you are no stranger to me. I also hope that we can achieve a pleasant cooperation."

Zheng Zihe first glanced at Yang Chunxiu, then turned his gaze to Kang Lifeng, "Manager Kang, if I am not wrong, you are just a manager of the Beijing branch of Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd., and the lady next to you is at the same level. It doesn’t represent the company, and I don’t know where your sincerity lies."

"Mr. Zheng, it seems that you are really well prepared. Not only did you investigate Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd., but also about me personally. I am really just a manager of the branch, but I can ask the head office. Report, as long as you give preferential terms, I am afraid that the head office will not agree?" Kang Lifeng is very confident of himself.

Zheng Zihe smiled, "Manager Kang, I don't know what kind of conditions are called preferential? And what kind of conditions can you provide us with Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd.?"

"Mr. Zheng, you have seen the future of our Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd., otherwise you won't be sitting here today, don't you?" Kang Lifeng still has a hand in handing over the initiative to himself for negotiation. Hands.

"Manager Kang, this is just your side word. If this is the case, why did the previous SoftBank and Defengjie both give up?"

"Mr. Zheng, you don't know this. It's not that the other party gave up, but our Director Tang gave up."

Zheng Zihe was a little surprised when he heard this. He only knew that the people of Softbank and Defengjie had contacted Yade Information Technology Co., Ltd. He did not know the specific content of the negotiations. It seems that today’s situation is a little different, so he took a look. Andrew, who was on the Internet, whispered a few words, did not know what to say, and then looked at Kang Lifeng, "Manager Kang, our Mr. Andrew has something to deal with today, let's talk about it today!"

Zheng Zihe stood up first after speaking, and then Andrew and Alice also stood up one after another, leaving Kang Lifeng and Yang Chunxiu with blank faces.

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